AccessKeyManager.EnterDisplayMode(XamlRoot) Method


Specifies that keytips for currently valid access keys should be displayed and the access keys enabled.

public static void EnterDisplayMode(XamlRoot XamlRoot);



The XamlRoot for the currently focused element. Cannot be null.



Calling this method has no effect if the scope is already in display mode. If another scope is in display mode, it will be exited.

After calling this method, the IsDisplayModeEnabled property will be true.

Call ExitDisplayMode to disable display mode.


An access key is a combination of the Alt key and one or more alphanumeric keys used to activate an associated control in an app that supports access keys (such as Word).

Key tips are badges displayed next to controls that support access keys when the user presses the Alt key. Each key tip contains the alphanumeric keys that activate the associated control.

The following image shows the Home tab of Word with access keys activated (note the support for both numbers and multiple keystrokes).

Keytip badges for access keys in Microsoft Word.

Keytip badges for access keys in Microsoft Word

See Access keys guidelines for more details.

Applies to

Product Versions
Windows App SDK 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

See also