Create a hub virtual network appliance in Azure using Terraform

Terraform enables the definition, preview, and deployment of cloud infrastructure. Using Terraform, you create configuration files using HCL syntax. The HCL syntax allows you to specify the cloud provider - such as Azure - and the elements that make up your cloud infrastructure. After you create your configuration files, you create an execution plan that allows you to preview your infrastructure changes before they're deployed. Once you verify the changes, you apply the execution plan to deploy the infrastructure.

A VPN device is a device that provides external connectivity to an on-premises network. The VPN device may be a hardware device or a software solution. One example of a software solution is Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) in Windows Server 2012. For more information about VPN appliances, see About VPN devices for Site-to-Site VPN Gateway connections.

Azure supports a broad variety of network virtual appliances from which to select. For this article, an Ubuntu image is used. To learn more about the broad variety of device solutions supported in Azure, see the Network Appliances home page.

In this article, you learn how to:

  • Implement the Hub VNet in hub-spoke topology
  • Create Hub Network Virtual Machine which acts as appliance
  • Enable routes using CustomScript extensions
  • Create Hub and Spoke gateway route tables

1. Configure your environment

  • Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

2. Implement the Terraform code

  1. Make the example directory created in the first article of this series the current directory.

  2. Create a file named and insert the following code:

    locals {
        prefix-hub-nva         = "hub-nva"
        hub-nva-location       = "eastus"
        hub-nva-resource-group = "hub-nva-rg"
    resource "azurerm_resource_group" "hub-nva-rg" {
        name     = "${local.prefix-hub-nva}-rg"
        location = local.hub-nva-location
        tags = {
        environment = local.prefix-hub-nva
    resource "azurerm_network_interface" "hub-nva-nic" {
        name                 = "${local.prefix-hub-nva}-nic"
        location             = azurerm_resource_group.hub-nva-rg.location
        resource_group_name  =
        enable_ip_forwarding = true
        ip_configuration {
        name                          = local.prefix-hub-nva
        subnet_id                     =
        private_ip_address_allocation = "Static"
        private_ip_address            = ""
        tags = {
        environment = local.prefix-hub-nva
    resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "hub-nva-vm" {
        name                  = "${local.prefix-hub-nva}-vm"
        location              = azurerm_resource_group.hub-nva-rg.location
        resource_group_name   =
        network_interface_ids = []
        vm_size               = var.vmsize
        storage_image_reference {
        publisher = "Canonical"
        offer     = "UbuntuServer"
        sku       = "16.04-LTS"
        version   = "latest"
        storage_os_disk {
        name              = "myosdisk1"
        caching           = "ReadWrite"
        create_option     = "FromImage"
        managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS"
        os_profile {
        computer_name  = "${local.prefix-hub-nva}-vm"
        admin_username = var.username
        admin_password = var.password
        os_profile_linux_config {
        disable_password_authentication = false
        tags = {
        environment = local.prefix-hub-nva
    resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "enable-routes" {
        name                 = "enable-iptables-routes"
        virtual_machine_id   =
        publisher            = "Microsoft.Azure.Extensions"
        type                 = "CustomScript"
        type_handler_version = "2.0"
        settings = <<SETTINGS
            "fileUris": [
            "commandToExecute": "bash"
        tags = {
        environment = local.prefix-hub-nva
    resource "azurerm_route_table" "hub-gateway-rt" {
        name                          = "hub-gateway-rt"
        location                      = azurerm_resource_group.hub-nva-rg.location
        resource_group_name           =
        disable_bgp_route_propagation = false
        route {
        name           = "toHub"
        address_prefix = ""
        next_hop_type  = "VnetLocal"
        route {
        name                   = "toSpoke1"
        address_prefix         = ""
        next_hop_type          = "VirtualAppliance"
        next_hop_in_ip_address = ""
        route {
        name                   = "toSpoke2"
        address_prefix         = ""
        next_hop_type          = "VirtualAppliance"
        next_hop_in_ip_address = ""
        tags = {
        environment = local.prefix-hub-nva
    resource "azurerm_subnet_route_table_association" "hub-gateway-rt-hub-vnet-gateway-subnet" {
        subnet_id      =
        route_table_id =
        depends_on = [azurerm_subnet.hub-gateway-subnet]
    resource "azurerm_route_table" "spoke1-rt" {
        name                          = "spoke1-rt"
        location                      = azurerm_resource_group.hub-nva-rg.location
        resource_group_name           =
        disable_bgp_route_propagation = false
        route {
        name                   = "toSpoke2"
        address_prefix         = ""
        next_hop_type          = "VirtualAppliance"
        next_hop_in_ip_address = ""
        route {
        name           = "default"
        address_prefix = ""
        next_hop_type  = "vnetlocal"
        tags = {
        environment = local.prefix-hub-nva
    resource "azurerm_subnet_route_table_association" "spoke1-rt-spoke1-vnet-mgmt" {
        subnet_id      =
        route_table_id =
        depends_on = [azurerm_subnet.spoke1-mgmt]
    resource "azurerm_subnet_route_table_association" "spoke1-rt-spoke1-vnet-workload" {
        subnet_id      =
        route_table_id =
        depends_on = [azurerm_subnet.spoke1-workload]
    resource "azurerm_route_table" "spoke2-rt" {
        name                          = "spoke2-rt"
        location                      = azurerm_resource_group.hub-nva-rg.location
        resource_group_name           =
        disable_bgp_route_propagation = false
        route {
        name                   = "toSpoke1"
        address_prefix         = ""
        next_hop_in_ip_address = ""
        next_hop_type          = "VirtualAppliance"
        route {
        name           = "default"
        address_prefix = ""
        next_hop_type  = "vnetlocal"
        tags = {
        environment = local.prefix-hub-nva
    resource "azurerm_subnet_route_table_association" "spoke2-rt-spoke2-vnet-mgmt" {
        subnet_id      =
        route_table_id =
        depends_on = [azurerm_subnet.spoke2-mgmt]
    resource "azurerm_subnet_route_table_association" "spoke2-rt-spoke2-vnet-workload" {
        subnet_id      =
        route_table_id =
        depends_on = [azurerm_subnet.spoke2-workload]

Troubleshoot Terraform on Azure

Troubleshoot common problems when using Terraform on Azure

Next steps