
Deploying containerized apps faster and more reliably with Azure Red Hat OpenShift

Kubernetes is challenging for developers and operators alike. You need a container platform that lets you keep up with application scale and complexity requirements, allows your developers to quickly deploy apps on Kubernetes and help your entire DevOps team stay productive. Can you get these results without needing to learn (and maintain) Kubernetes? Absolutely. Azure Red Hat OpenShift is a fully managed service built on top of Kubernetes and includes everything developers need to easily manage and deploy their container platform. This includes standardized workflows, support for multiple environments, continuous integration, release management, automated maintenance and upgrades, integrated platform monitoring, and a support experience directly from the Azure support portal. In this session, we will give you a "hands-on" experience of Azure Red Hat OpenShift including creating projects, building containers from code, and running them on a jointly engineered and supported service by Microsoft and Red Hat.

Learn more about Linux on Azure: https://Azure.com/Linux

Learn more about Kubernetes on Azure: https://aka.ms/k8sonazure

Learn about Azure managed databases for your OSS workloads: https://aka.ms/azuredatabases

Learn more about Red Hat on Azure: https://Azure.com/RedHat

Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft Azure products and solutions with step-by-step guidance: Microsoft Learn

Azure Red Hat OpenShift