Exercise - Set up the project


In this unit, you create your resources for the Contoso Video website. Make sure you have all the prerequisites listed in the introduction to this module.

Set up the project

  1. Fork the sample repository to your GitHub account. You don't have write permissions to the original sample repository, so you need to fork the repository to create your own GitHub Actions pipeline.

  2. Sign in to Azure Cloud Shell with the Azure subscription you want to deploy resources to. When Cloud Shell opens, make sure Bash is selected as the shell to run.

  3. To clone your forked repository, run the following command in Cloud Shell, changing the <GitHub username> placeholder to your GitHub username:

    git clone https://github.com/<GitHub username>/mslearn-aks-deployment-pipeline-github-actions
  4. Go to the new cloned mslearn-aks-deployment-pipeline-github-actions directory by running the following command:

    cd mslearn-aks-deployment-pipeline-github-actions
  5. Run the following command to execute the init.sh file located in the root of the project:

    bash init.sh

    The init.sh file does the following tasks:

    • Creates a new Azure resource group.
    • Creates a new AKS cluster and sets up Kubectl to access it.
    • Creates a new Container Registry repository and links it to your AKS cluster.
    • Sets up the environment variables AKS_NAME, DNS_NAME, RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, and ACR_NAME.
  6. When the script finishes running, it outputs a list of variables. Copy and store the variable values to use in future exercises.

    • Resource Group Name
    • ACR Name
    • ACR Login Username
    • ACR Password
    • AKS DNS Zone Name

Check the results

Confirm that the init.sh script created all the resources.

  1. Run the following Azure CLI command to check whether the resource group shown in the script output is listed.

    az group list -o table
  2. Run the following command to check whether the Container Registry instance shown in the script output is listed.

    az acr list -o table

Now that your Azure resources are created, proceed to the next unit to learn about tagged application images.