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Product page experiments


Product page experiments will be coming soon to developers and customers of Microsoft Store on Windows.

Icons and screenshots occupy up to 50% of the surface area on a Microsoft Store product page, making them the first things customers notice. To maximize your impact, consider conducting A/B testing with different product page variations and then choosing the version that performs best to showcase on Microsoft Store.

To conduct a product page experiment, start by signing in to Partner Center and selecting your app. This new overview page in Partner Center consolidates all app actions and information in one place. The console also contextually prioritizes information cards based on your app's status.


We are using the Goodnotes for Windows app in Microsoft Store as an example in the following images.

A screenshot showing how to create product page experiment for your app from the application overview page.

Step 1: From this view you can start your product page experiment to test app logo and screenshots across all languages.

Step 2: Now fill in the following details and save the draft.

  1. Experiment name: Choose a name of 40 characters or less for your experiment that reflects your test. This field is required.
  2. Variant name: Choose a name of 40 characters or less for your variant. This field is optional. Choose the attributes you want to test against your current Store product page. Either app logo or screenshots are required for the experiment. For best results, select a single asset at a time.
  3. Logo: The logo must be in PNG format and should be less than 50MB in size. The main logo must have dimensions of 300 x 300 pixels. For casual games, a poster image is supported: it must be either 720 x 1080 pixels or 1440 x 2160 pixels.
  4. Screenshots: Screenshots must be in PNG format and should be less than 50MB in size. A maximum of 10 screenshots or images are supported; 4 are recommended. Images must be in PNG format, and 1366 x 768 pixels or larger (4K images of 3840 x 2160 are supported). Images can be either landscape or portrait.

A screenshot showing how to configure product page experiment for your app.


You can delete your experiment in draft from your app overview page in Partner Center.

Step 3: When you are ready, submit the experiment. By default, all experiments run for up to a maximum length of 90 days. You can also stop the experiment manually from your app overview page.

A screenshot showing how to submit product page experiment for your app.

Step 4: Once submitted, your experiment will go through certification process. Your experiment will go live in Microsoft Store if it is compliant with Microsoft Store policies. Once approved, 50% of your customers on Microsoft Store will be taken to your new product page while the other 50% will view the original product page.

When your experiment is live, we recommend not changing logos or screenshots in your original listing via the update submission as that can invalidate the results of your experiment.

A screenshot showing a product page experiment in certification.

Step 5: To learn how your experiment is performing, you can go to Partner Center insights.

A screenshot how to check analytics of a live product page experiment.

Step 6: Compare the Search impressions, Page views, Installs and Conversion rates of both product pages. You can then update your page with the best performing app icons and screenshots and all customers will see them on the product page.

A screenshot showing analytics of a live product page experiment.