Azure Cosmos DB Apache Spark 2 OLTP Connector for API for NoSQL: Release notes and resources


You can accelerate big data analytics by using the Azure Cosmos DB Apache Spark 2 OLTP Connector for NoSQL. The Spark Connector allows you to run Spark jobs on data stored in Azure Cosmos DB. Batch and stream processing are supported.

You can use the connector with Azure Databricks or Azure HDInsight, which provide managed Spark clusters on Azure. The following table shows supported versions:

Component Version
Apache Spark 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, and 2.1.x
Scala 2.11
Azure Databricks (runtime version) Later than 3.4


This connector supports the API for NoSQL of Azure Cosmos DB. For the Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB, use the MongoDB Connector for Spark. For the Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra, use the Cassandra Spark connector.


SDK download Download latest .jar, Maven
Contribute to the SDK Azure Cosmos DB Connector for Apache Spark on GitHub
Get started Accelerate big data analytics by using the Apache Spark to Azure Cosmos DB connector - Use Apache Spark Structured Streaming with Apache Kafka and Azure Cosmos DB