Promoted action groups and action references


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value

Up until now, it has been possible to promote actions by setting a property in the action that pointed to predefined promoted action categories. This was not flexible, and the personalization story wasn't optimal. In this release we are adding a new promoted action model to address these shortcomings, while retaining the old model for compatibility.

Feature details

Pages and page extensions can now contain a new action group for promoted actions. These groups can contain references to existing actions. It's possible to add to already existing groups or add new groups in page extensions. Users can personalize their experience by promoting actions themselves. The platform and client will stay backward-compatible by keeping the existing promoted actions property, but a page or page extension must be consistent in using either the old or the new model. There will be a code action to convert from the old model to the new.

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See also

Promoted Actions (docs)