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Purchase Azure reservations

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

To purchase an Azure reservation for a customer by using the Partner Center API, you must have an existing Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscription or Azure plan for that customer.

Azure reservations are not available in the following markets:

Unavailable markets Unavailable markets (continued) Unavailable markets (continued)
Åland Islands Greenland Papua New Guinea
American Samoa Grenada Pitcairn Islands
Andorra Guadeloupe Reunion
Anguilla Guam Russian Federation
Antarctica Guernsey Saba
Antigua and Barbuda Guinea Saint Barthélemy
Aruba Guinea-Bissau Saint Lucia
Benin Guyana Saint Martin
Bhutan Haiti Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Bonaire Heard Island and McDonald Islands Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Bouvet Island Isle of Man Samoa
Brazil Jan Mayen San Marino
British Indian Ocean Territory Jersey São Tomé and Príncipe
British Virgin Islands Kiribati Seychelles
Burkina Faso Kosovo Sierra Leone
Burundi Laos Sint Eustatius
Cambodia Lesotho Sint Maarten
Central African Republic Liberia Solomon Islands
Chad Madagascar Somalia
China Malawi South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
Christmas Island Maldives South Sudan
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Mali St Helena, Ascension, Tristan da Cunha
Comoros Marshall Islands Suriname
Congo Martinique Svalbard
Congo (DRC) Mauritania Swaziland
Cook Islands Mayotte Timor-Leste
Djibouti Micronesia Togo
Dominica Montserrat Tokelau
Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Tonga
Eritrea Myanmar Turks and Caicos Islands
Falkland Islands Nauru Tuvalu
French Guiana New Caledonia U.S. Outlying Islands
French Polynesia Niger Vanuatu
French Southern Territories Niue Vatican City
Gabon Norfolk Island Wallis and Futuna
Gambia Northern Mariana Islands Yemen
Gibraltar Palau  


  • Credentials as described in Partner Center authentication. This scenario supports authentication with both standalone App and App+User credentials.

  • A customer ID (customer-tenant-id). If you don't know the customer's ID, you can look it up in Partner Center by selecting the Customers workspace, selecting the customer from the customer list, and then selecting Account. On the customer's Account page, look for Microsoft ID in the Customer Account Info section. The Microsoft ID is the same as the customer ID (customer-tenant-id).

  • A subscription ID for an active Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Azure subscription or an Azure plan.

Purchase a reservation

After you identify the active CSP Azure subscription that you want to add an Azure reservation to, use the following steps to purchase it:

  1. Set up enablement: Register an active CSP Azure subscription to enable it for purchasing Azure reservations.

  2. Initiate discovery: Find and select the Azure reservation products and stock-keeping units (SKUs) that you want to purchase, and check their availability.

  3. Submit an order: Create a shopping cart with the items in your order and submit it.

  4. Get order details: Review the details of an order, view all the orders for a customer, or view orders by billing cycle type.

After you purchase Azure reservations, the following scenarios show you how to manage their life cycle by getting information about your Azure reservation entitlements, and how to retrieve balance statements, invoices, and invoice summaries:

Set up enablement

Enablement means associating an existing Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscription with a reserved instance (through Azure Reserved VM Instances) by registering the subscription so that it's enabled for Azure reservations. Registration is a prerequisite to purchase reserved instances.

A subscription is required to support the following tasks:

  • To check if the customer is eligible to deploy resources and purchase reserved instances in a region.

  • To provide capacity priority for deployments on a subscription. This task is applicable only to single-scope reserved instances with the capacity priority option selected.

After you identify the active subscription that you want to add the Azure reservation to, you must register the subscription so that it's enabled for Azure reservations. To register an existing subscription resource so that it's enabled for ordering Azure reservations, see Register a subscription.

After you register a subscription, you should confirm that the registration process is completed by checking the registration status. See Get subscription registration status.


When you're purchasing an Azure reservation for a customer by using an Azure plan, you must register the Azure plan first. Similar to a Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscription, an Azure plan is represented by a Partner Center subscription resource. You can use the same Register a subscription method to register an Azure plan.

Initiate discovery

After the subscription is enabled for purchasing Azure reservations, you're ready to select products and SKUs and check their availability by using the following Partner Center API models:

  • Product: A grouping construct for purchasable goods or services. A product by itself isn't a purchasable item.
  • SKU: A purchasable SKU under a product. SKUs represent the varieties of the product.​​
  • Availability: A configuration in which a SKU is available for purchase (such as country/region, currency, and industry segment).

Before you purchase an Azure reservation, complete the following steps:

  1. Identify and retrieve the product and SKU that you want to purchase. You can list the products and SKUs first. Or if you already know the IDs of the product and SKU, select them.

  2. Check the inventory for a SKU​. This step is necessary only for SKUs that are tagged with an InventoryCheck prerequisite​.

  3. Retrieve the availability for the SKU. You need the CatalogItemId value of the availability when placing the order​. To get this value, use one of the following APIs:


Each Azure reservation product has different availabilities for Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscriptions and Azure plans. To get a list of products (by country/region), or get a list of SKUs for a product (by country/region), or get a list of availabilities for a SKU (by country/region) that are applicable to Azure plans only, specify the reservationScope=AzurePlan parameter.

Submit an order

To submit your Azure reservation order:

  1. Create a cart to hold the collection of catalog items that you intend to buy. When you create a cart, the cart line items are automatically grouped based on what can be purchased together in the same order.

  2. Check out the cart. Checking out a cart results in the creation of an order.

Get order details

After you create your Azure reservation order, you can retrieve the details of an individual order by using the order ID. Or you can get a list of orders for a customer. There's a delay of up to 15 minutes between the time that an order is submitted and when it appears in a list of a customer's orders.​

Manage the reservation life cycle

As part of managing the life cycle of your Azure reservations in Partner Center, you can retrieve information about your Azure reservation entitlements and get reservation details by using the reservation order ID. For examples of how to do this task, see Get entitlements. ​

Manage invoices and reconciliation

The following scenarios show you how to programmatically view your customer's invoices and get your account balances and summaries (including one-time charges for Azure reservations).

Balance and payment​

To get the current account balance in your default currency type--that is, a balance of ​both recurring and one-time (Azure reservation) charges--see Get the partner's current account balance.

Multiple-currency balance and payment

To get your current account balance and a collection of invoice summaries that contains an invoice summary with both recurring and one-time charges for each of your customer's currency types, see Get invoice summaries.

Collection of invoices​

To get a collection of invoices that show both recurring and one-time charges, see Get a collection of invoices. ​

Single invoice​

To retrieve a specific invoice by using the invoice ID, see Get an invoice by ID. ​


To get a collection of invoice line-item details (reconciliation line items) for a specific invoice ID, see Get invoice line items. ​

Downloading an invoice as a PDF

To retrieve an invoice statement in PDF form by using an invoice ID, see Get an invoice statement.