Improved site map in model-driven apps


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Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jun 30, 2021 - Oct 7, 2021

Business value

Makers can create a more streamlined app by using the improved model-driven app site map through collapsing groups and the option to hide Home, Recent, and Pinned items.

Feature details

Now users can more quickly get to items further down in the site map with less scrolling through collapsible groups. The user choice to collapse or expand per group is kept local in the browser.

All groups collapsed

First group expanded

In addition, makers can toggle the visibility of the Home, Pin, and Recent items to have them hidden to remove the fixed items at the top of the site map.

Home, Pinned, and Recent buttons hidden from the site map

Makers can enable this behavior through the new modern app designer.

Configuring the site map in Power Apps Studio

The improved site map is also supported on mobile devices.

See also

Navigation pane options (docs)