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Profile Preferences Account Default Page

The Profile Preferences Account default page lets shoppers modify their personal preferences and offers the following functionality:

  • Displays the shopper's e-mail address

  • Displays the shopper's first name

  • Displays the shopper's last name

  • Displays the preferred shipping method

  • Displays advertisements

  • Lets the shopper edit first name

  • Lets the shopper edit last name

  • Lets the shopper select a preferred shipping method

  • Provides a Save and a Cancel button

User Controls

There are no custom user controls required for this page.

Web Parts

The following Web Parts are used to create the Profile Preferences Account default page.

Web Part


Discount Ad Web Part

Provides advertisements.

My Profile Web Part

Provides shopper information management functions.

The Discount Ad Web Part is used to provide advertisements.

The My Profile Web Part is responsible for viewing or modifying shopper preferences. It provides the following functionality:

  • Lets the shopper edit their first name

  • Lets the shopper edit their last name

  • Lets the shopper edit their e-mail address

  • Lets the shopper select a preferred shipping method

  • Lets the shopper cancel the process

See Also

Other Resources

Working With the Default Site

Default Profile Administration Pages

Working With the Discount Ad Web Part

Working With the My Profile Web Part

Discount Ad Web Part

My Profile Web Part