

Check Name Availability

Check the name availability in the target location.


Provisions the specified Analysis Services server based on the configuration specified in the request.


Deletes the specified Analysis Services server.

Dissociate Gateway

Dissociates a Unified Gateway associated with the server.

Get Details

Gets details about the specified Analysis Services server.


Lists all the Analysis Services servers for the given subscription.

List By Resource Group

Gets all the Analysis Services servers for the given resource group.

List Gateway Status

Return the gateway status of the specified Analysis Services server instance.

List Operation Results

List the result of the specified operation.

List Operation Statuses

List the status of operation.

List Skus For Existing

Lists eligible SKUs for an Analysis Services resource.

List Skus For New

Lists eligible SKUs for Analysis Services resource provider.


Resumes operation of the specified Analysis Services server instance.


Suspends operation of the specified Analysis Services server instance.


Updates the current state of the specified Analysis Services server.