

Imagine you've joined a company that has been moving to the cloud. This movement happened organically across different departments, and resulted in a lack of awareness of what's already been created and where everything is. There's no ability to easily determine who owns which resources. There's no enforcement of standards for things like resource names, resource sizes, and geographic locations. There's also been several instances where critical resources were inadvertently deleted, causing business-critical outages.

Your manager has asked you to head up an effort to put some order to the chaos, but you're new to Azure and aren't entirely sure what you can do to make this better.

Azure Resource Manager has a number of features that you can use to organize resources, enforce standards, and protect critical Azure resources from accidental deletion. You'll take a tour through these features, and learn how you can use them to your advantage.

Learning objectives

In this module, you'll:

  • Use resource groups to organize Azure resources.
  • Use tags to organize resources.
  • Apply policies to enforce standards in your Azure environments.
  • Use resource locks to protect critical Azure resources from accidental deletion.


For this module, you'll need to use your own subscription to follow along. You'll be working with resources that have no cost associated with them, so a trial subscription or a subscription to which you already have access will work to follow along with these exercises.