Exercise - Secure webhook payloads with a secret


In this exercise, you'll protect your webhook payload with a secret, and learn how to validate that payloads are actually from GitHub by using your Azure Function.

Get a key for your Azure Function

  1. In the Azure portal, return to the Function App that you created in the first exercise in the module.

  2. In the left menu pane, under Functions, select Functions. The Functions pane appears for your Function App.

  3. Select the HttpTrigger1 you created. The HtttpTrigger1 pane appears for your Function.

  4. In the left menu pane, under Developer, select Code + Test. The Code + Test pane appears for your Function.

  5. In your function's index.js JavaScript file, add a reference to the crypto-js library at the start of the file, above the module.exports statement.

    const Crypto = require('crypto');
  6. In the top menu bar, select Save. The Logs pane appears at the bottom of the pane.

  7. In the left menu pane, under Developer, select Function Keys. The Function Keys pane appears for your Function.

  8. Under the Value column, select the Show value link.

  9. Select the Copy to clipboard icon, and save this key for use in the next step.

  10. In the left menu pane, under Developer, select Code + Test. The Code + Test pane appears for your Function.

  11. In the code block, after the context.log statement, add the following code. Replace <default key> with the default key that you just copied to the clipboard:

    const hmac = Crypto.createHmac("sha1", "<default key>");
    const signature = hmac.update(JSON.stringify(req.body)).digest('hex');

    This code computes the hash of the key, using the same mechanism as GitHub.

  12. Add another const that prepends sha1= to the start of the key, so that it matches the format of x-hub-signature in the request header. Add the following code to your function.

    const shaSignature = `sha1=${signature}`;
  13. Add the following code to retrieve the GitHub signature from the request header:

    const gitHubSignature = req.headers['x-hub-signature'];
  14. Compare the two strings. If they match, process the request, as follows:

    if (!shaSignature.localeCompare(gitHubSignature)) {
        // Existing code
        if (req.body.pages[0].title) {
        else {
  15. If the strings don't match, return an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) response, with a message telling the sender that the signatures don't match.

    if (!shaSignature.localeCompare(gitHubSignature))
    else {
        context.res = {
            status: 401,
            body: "Signatures don't match"

    The completed function should look like this:

    const Crypto = require('crypto');
    module.exports = async function (context, req) {
        context.log('JavaScript HTTP trigger function processed a request.');
        const hmac = Crypto.createHmac("sha1", "<default key>");
        const signature = hmac.update(JSON.stringify(req.body)).digest('hex');
        const shaSignature =  `sha1=${signature}`;
        const gitHubSignature = req.headers['x-hub-signature'];
        if (!shaSignature.localeCompare(gitHubSignature)) {
            if (req.body.pages[0].title) {
                context.res = {
                    body: "Page is " + req.body.pages[0].title + ", Action is " + req.body.pages[0].action + ", Event Type is " + req.headers['x-github-event']
            else {
                context.res = {
                    status: 400,
                    body: ("Invalid payload for Wiki event")
        else {
            context.res = {
                status: 401,
                body: "Signatures don't match"
  16. In the top menu bar, select Save. The Logs pane appears with a Connected! statement.

Update the webhook secret

  1. Switch to your GitHub account in the GitHub portal.

  2. Select your repository.

  3. In the top menu bar, select Settings. The Settings pane appears.

  4. In the sidebar, select Webhooks. The Webhooks pane appears.

  5. Select Edit next to your webhook.

  6. In the Secret text box, enter the default key from your function that you previously saved in this exercise.

  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and select Update webhook. The Webhooks/Manage webhooks pane appears.

Test the webhook and the Azure Function

  1. Select the Recent Deliveries tab.

  2. Select the latest (top) delivery entry by selecting the ellipsis (...) button.

  3. Select Redeliver. In the Redeliver payload? dialog box that appears, select Yes, redeliver this payload.

    This action simulates you editing your Wiki page again.

  4. Select the latest (top) delivery entry by selecting the ellipsis (...) button.

  5. In the Headers section, you'll see the x-hub-signature. You'll also see that the response code is 200, indicating that the request was processed successfully.

    Request URL: https://testwh123456.azurewebsites.net/api/HttpTrigger1?code=aUjXIpqdJ0ZHPQuB0SzFegxGJu0nAXmsQBnmkCpJ6RYxleRaoxJ8cQ%3D%3D
    Request method: POST
    content-type: application/json
    User-Agent: GitHub-Hookshot/16496cb
    X-GitHub-Delivery: ce122460-6aae-11e9-99d4-de6a298a424a
    X-GitHub-Event: gollum
    X-Hub-Signature: sha1=<hash of default key>

Test an invalid signature

  1. In the GitHub portal, on the webhooks page, select the Settings tab.

  2. In the Secret test box, select Change Secret.

  3. Enter a random string, scroll down, and then select Update webhook.

    The key used by the webhook should no longer match that expected by the Azure function.

  4. Select the Recent Deliveries tab.

  5. Select the latest (top) delivery entry by selecting the ellipsis (...) button.

  6. Select Redeliver, and in the Redeliver payload dialog box that appears, select Yes, redeliver this payload.

  7. This time, you'll see that the response code is 401, indicating that the request was not authorized.

  8. Select the latest (top) delivery entry (redelivery) by selecting its ellipsis button (...).

  9. Select the Response tab, and in the Body section, verify that the message "Signatures don't match" appears.