

Congratulations! You've completed this Learn module, and you now know how to work with files and directories in Node.js.

In this module, you learned how to read files and directories, create files and directories, and write data to files. Your code is going to run in fictional production at the largest fake company on the internet!

A few things to keep in mind from this module:

  • Always use the promises namespace on the built-in modules. You can then use the async and await operators to make code synchronous without blocking program execution.
  • Whenever you're creating a directory, make sure that you wrap it in a try/catch. The default behavior in Node.js is to throw an error when you try to create a directory that already exists. If you just want to check if a directory exists or not, you can use the stat method. This method doesn't exist on the promises namespace, but on the main fs object.
  • If you need to parse other file types, check out the packages on For example, you can use the papaparse package for .csv files. You can use the fixy package for fixed-width files.