How to uninstall Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics GP if Manufacturing is installed accidentally
This article describes how to uninstall Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics GP if Manufacturing is installed accidentally. When you uninstall Manufacturing, the following components are uninstalled:
- Tables
- Data
- Stored procedures
Additionally, all references to Manufacturing are deleted.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number: 950742
To uninstall Manufacturing, follow these steps:
Insert Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 CD 1 into the CD drive.
In the What do you want to do list, select Change Existing Installation.
On the Program Maintenance page, select Add/Remove Features.
On the Select Features page, select Entire feature will not be available in the Manufacturing field.
Select Next.
On the Install Program page, select Install.
On the Installation Complete page, select Finish.
In the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities dialog box, type the password, and then select OK.
On the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities page, select Next.
On the Upgrade Microsoft Dynamics GP page, select Next.
On the Additional Tasks page, select Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP.
In the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities dialog box, type the password, and then select OK.
In the Company Login dialog box, select OK.
If you are prompted to include new code, select Yes.
Exit Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Delete the Manufacturing triggers from each company in which Manufacturing is installed. To do this, follow these steps:
Follow the appropriate step:
- If you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, start SQL Server Management Studio. To do this, select Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then select SQL Server Management Studio.
- If you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2000, start SQL Query Analyzer. To do this, select Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then select Query Analyzer.
- If you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (also known as MSDE 2000), start the Support Administrator Console. To do this, select Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Administrator Console, and then select Support Administrator Console.
Run the following statement against each company database in which Manufacturing is installed.
--BM010115 drop trigger [dbo].[ SCSU0030Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_BM010115_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_BM010115_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_BM010115_Update] --GL10000 drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_delete_GL10000_record] --ICJC1002 drop trigger [dbo].[ ICJC_DELETE_LINKS] --ICIV0323 drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_update_ICIV0323] --IS010001 drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IS010001_Update] --IV10001 drop trigger [dbo].[ICJC_IV_DELETE_LINKS] --IV00101 drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_update_location_update] drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_remove_orphaned_records] drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_add_matching_item_records] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00101_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00101_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00101_Update] --IV00102 drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_insert_IV00102_location] drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_delete_IV00102] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00102_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00102_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00102_Update] --IV00103 drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00103_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00103_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV00103_Update] --IV40700 drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_IV40700_Delete] --MOP1020 drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1020UpdateForScrap] drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1020UpdateLinks] drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1020UpdateROWID] --MOP1025 drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1025UpdateROWID] --MOP1027 drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1027UpdateROWID] --MOP1040 drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1040UpdateLinks] drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1040UpdateParent_Component_ID] --MOP1900 drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1410Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1410Update] drop trigger [dbo].[MOP1410Delete] --MP030000 drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_MP030000_InsertUpdateDelete] --MPSF1000 drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_BM010115_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_BM010115_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_BM010115_Update] --PK010033 drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_insert_PK010033_record] drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_delete_PK010033_record] drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_update_PK010033_record] drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_update_and_insert_PK010033_record] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_PK010033_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_PK010033_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_PK010033_Update] --POP10100 drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_POP10110_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_POP10110_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_POP10110_Update] --POP10500 drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_POP10500_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_POP10500_Update] --SC020230 drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SC020230_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SC020230_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SC020230_Update] --SOP10200 drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_delete_SOP10200_record] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SOP10200_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SOP10200_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SOP10200_Update] drop trigger [dbo].[ mfg_update_SOP10200_record] --SOP30200 drop trigger [dbo].[remove_cost_rollup_records] drop trigger [dbo].[remove_comp_price_records] --SOP10100 drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_delete_ICJC1002] --SOP10200 drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_update_SOP10200_record] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SOP10200_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SOP10200_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_SOP10200_Update] --WO010032 drop trigger [dbo].[DeleteSerialNumber] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_WO010032_Delete] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_WO010032_Insert] drop trigger [dbo].[ MRP_WO010032_Update] drop trigger [dbo].[ mfg_update_MO_status] drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_update_MO_status] --WO010302 drop trigger [dbo].[WO010302UpdateROWID] --WO010515 drop trigger [dbo].[WO010515UpdateROWID] --DYNAMICS.ACTIVITY USE [DYNAMICS] drop trigger [dbo].[mfg_delete_orphaned_MO_locks]
Manufacturing is deleted from the company databases when this statement finishes running.