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Defines the types of files used within the application.







  Name = 'A string with a value between 1 and 100 characters in length.'
  DesiredView = 'An optional string that can have one of the following values: "default", "useLess", "useHalf", "useMore", or "useMinimum".'
  desktop2:UseUrl = 'An optional boolean value.'
  desktop2:AllowSilentDefaultTakeOver = 'An optional boolean value.' 
  desktop5:ThumbnailTypeOverlay = 'A string with a value between 1 and 256 characters in length that ends with ".jpg", ".png", or ".jpeg" that cannot contain these characters: <, >, :, ", |, ?, or *. In this string, the / and \ characters cannot be the first or last characters. Also, the string can contain / or \ but not both.'
  Parameters = 'An optional string with a value between 1 and 32767 characters.'
  MultiSelectModel = 'An optional string that can have one of the following values: "Player", "Document", or "Single".' >

  <!-- Child elements -->
  & uap:Logo?
  & uap:InfoTip?
  & uap:EditFlags?
  & uap:SupportedFileTypes?
  & uap2:SupportedVerbs?
  & uap4:KindMap?
  & rescap3:MigrationProgIds?
  & desktop2:ThumbnailHandler?
  & desktop2:OleClass?
  & desktop2:DesktopPreviewHandler?
  & desktop2:DesktopPropertyHandler?
  & desktop3:PropertyLists?
  & desktop7:Logo?
  & desktop7:ProgId?
  & desktop10:IconHandler?



Attribute Description Data type Required Default value
Name The name of the file type association. You can use this name to organize and group file types. The name must be all lower case characters with no spaces. A string with a value between 1 and 100 characters in length. Yes
DesiredView The desired amount of screen space to use when the app launches. This view mode preference is a requested value only. The preferred size that you specify is not guaranteed to be honored by Windows, so you should not write code that relies on never getting into a size that is smaller than the preferred minimum size or larger than the preferred maximum size. An optional string that can have one of the following values: default, useLess, useHalf, useMore, or useMinimum. No
desktop2:UseUrl If set to true, specifies that the application can accept a URL, instead of a file name, on the command line. Applications that can open documents directly from the internet, like web browsers and media players, should use this value. When ShellExecuteEx starts an application and this value is set to false, the default behavior, ShellExecuteEx downloads the document to a local file and invokes the handler on the local copy. An optional boolean value. No
desktop2:AllowSilentDefaultTakeOver If set to true, the app will appear in an "Open With" list, but it won't be the default app for the file type. An optional boolean value. No
desktop5:ThumbnailTypeOverlay An image resource for a thumbnail overlay. A string with a value between 1 and 256 characters in length that ends with .jpg, .png, or .jpeg that cannot contain these characters: <, >, :, ", |, ?, or *. In this string, the / and \ characters cannot be the first or last characters. Also, the string can contain / or \ but not both. No
Parameters Specifies parameters to define the types of files used in the application. An optional string with a value between 1 and 32767 characters. No
MultiSelectModel Specifies the model used to define the types of files used in the application. An optional string that can have one of the following values: Player, Document, or Single. No

Child elements

Child element Description
uap:DisplayName A friendly name that can be displayed to users.
uap:EditFlags Specifies the type of info the user sees when opening a file associated to the extensibility point.
uap:InfoTip Defines a string that provides additional info to the user about the file type.
uap:Logo A path to a file that contains an image.
uap:SupportedFileTypes (type: CT_FTASupportedFileTypes) Defines the file types associated with the app. They are unique per package and are case sensitive.
uap2:SupportedVerbs Contains verbs for a file context menu.
uap4:KindMap Specifies what Kind is and how it's used.
rescap3:MigrationProgIds Contains programmatic identifier (ProgID) values that describe the application, component, and version of each desktop application from which you want to inherit file associations.
desktop2:ThumbnailHandler Enables a ThumbnailProvider for a file type association.
desktop2:OleClass Enables OLE to get the OLE class registered for a given file extension.
desktop2:DesktopPreviewHandler Enables declaration of a preview handler for a file type association.
desktop2:DesktopPropertyHandler Enables declaration of a property handler for a file type association.
desktop3:PropertyLists Contains a list of properties to show under the properties tab of a file.
desktop7:Logo A path to a file that contains an image. Adds support for .ico file extensions.
desktop7:ProgId A programmatic identifier (ProgID) that can be associated with a CLSID.
desktop10:IconHandler Enables an IconHandler for a file type association.

Parent elements

Parent element Description
uap3:Extension Sets parameters to define the protocol of the extensions.


Item Value
Namespace http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/3
Minimum OS Version Windows 10 version 1607 (Build 14393)