Obsolete. Starting with Windows 7, use REG_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION_V1, the V1 version of this structure instead.
The REG_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains information that a driver's RegistryCallback routine can use when a registry key that is being created.
PVOID RootObject;
PVOID ObjectType;
ULONG CreateOptions;
PVOID SecurityDescriptor;
PVOID SecurityQualityOfService;
ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess;
ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;
PULONG Disposition;
PVOID *ResultObject;
PVOID CallContext;
PVOID RootObjectContext;
PVOID Transaction;
PVOID Reserved;
A pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that contains the path of the new registry key. The path can be absolute or relative. If the path is absolute, this structure contains a fully qualified path that starts with the "\" character. For an absolute path, the RootObject member specifies the \REGISTRY key, which is the root directory of the registry tree. If the path is relative, the path starts with a character other than "\", and is relative to the key that is specified by the RootObject member.
Pointer to the registry key object that serves as the root for the path specified by the CompleteName member.
The ObjectType member is reserved for internal use. Drivers must not access this member.
A bitwise OR of flags. For more information about these flags, see the CreateOptions parameter of the ZwCreateKey routine.
A pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that identifies the key's object class. For more information about this member, see the Class parameter of the ZwCreateKey routine.
A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that contains security information for the key object.
A pointer to a SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE structure, which is defined in Winnt.h.
The access mask that was specified by the thread that is attempting to create the registry key.
An access mask that indicates the access rights that have been granted to the thread that is attempting to create the registry key. For more information about this member, see Remarks.
A value that indicates whether the registry key was created. For more information about this member, see the Disposition parameter of the ZwCreateKey routine and the following Remarks section.
A pointer to a location that receives the address of the key object that represents the created registry key. For more information about this member, see Remarks.
Optional driver-defined context information that the driver's RegistryCallback routine can supply.
A pointer to a driver-defined context information that the driver has associated with the root of the path for the registry object by calling CmSetCallbackObjectContext.
A pointer to a transaction object that the operation is attempted on. If this member is NULL, the operation is being performed in non-transactional context.
If this member is 1, then it is safe to cast this structure to type REG_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION_V1, which contains additional parameters.
The configuration manager passes this structure to the RegistryCallback routine every time a thread attempts to create a key—for example, when a user-mode thread calls RegCreateKey or RegCreateKeyEx or when a driver calls ZwCreateKey.
If the driver's RegistryCallback routine returns STATUS_CALLBACK_BYPASS for a RegNtPreCreateKeyEx notification, the driver must supply the GrantedAccess, Disposition, and ResultObject values.
For more information about registry filtering operations, see Filtering Registry Calls.
Requirement | Value |
Header | wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h) |