How to get list of users have viewed the email and not viewed the email and recieved the mail with metrics using API in Azure email communication service

Gopi Vetrivel 5 Reputation points


We are currently utilizing Azure Email Service for our email campaigns and communications. To enhance our analytics and reporting capabilities, we urgently require an API to access detailed metrics on the emails sent through Azure Email Service. These metrics are crucial for our ongoing projects and business decisions.

Required Metrics

  1. Email Viewed Count:
    • The total number of emails that have been opened or viewed by the recipients.
    • This metric is essential for understanding the reach and engagement of our email campaigns.
  2. Link Clicked Count:
    • The total number of clicks on links embedded within the emails.
    • This will help us measure the effectiveness of our call-to-action links and content engagement.
  3. Not Viewed Count:
    • The number of emails that have not been opened or viewed by the recipients.
    • This information is critical to identify and target non-engaged users.
  4. List of Users:
    • A comprehensive list of users who have interacted with the emails, categorized by those who have viewed, clicked links, or have not viewed the emails.
    • This data is necessary for targeted follow-ups and personalized marketing efforts.

API Requirements:

We need an API that allows us to programmatically access these metrics. The API should support:

  • Retrieving the counts of viewed, clicked, and not viewed emails.
  • Fetching detailed lists of users based on their interaction status with the emails.
  • Providing real-time or near-real-time data to ensure up-to-date analytics.


These metrics are vital for our email marketing strategy, user engagement analysis, and overall communication effectiveness. The lack of these insights is impacting our ability to make informed decisions and optimize our email campaigns. Given the urgency of our ongoing projects, this request is of critical priority.

Additional Information:

We are using Azure Email Service integrated with our application. Any documentation or guidance on accessing these metrics via an API or Azure Portal would be highly appreciated. If additional configurations are needed on our end, please provide detailed instructions.

Expected Outcome:

  • Provision of the requested email metrics via an API.
  • Guidance on how to access these metrics through the API for future use.
  • Any necessary steps or configurations we need to implement to ensure continuous access to these metrics.
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