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Introductory training modules for Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory provides many training modules to help you learn the basics, and more in-depth modules to give you proficiency over some of the deeper capabilities of the service. Below we provide links and descriptions of our introductory modules to get you started fast! You can also view the entire catalog of available data factory training, including more advanced modules.

Introduction to Azure Data Factory

This article is the best place to start if you're new to the product. Visit this module now.

Screenshot showing the Introduction to Azure Data Factory module start page.

Integrate data with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipeline

This module helps you understand the basic functionality of the service and learn how to use the integration runtime to access on-premises resources within your own network. Visit this module now.

Screenshot showing the Integrate data with Azure Data Factory module start page.

Petabyte scale ingestion with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipeline

This module introduces you to the details of Azure Data Factory's ingestion methods and demonstrates how you can ingest large volumes of data even at petabyte scale using the service. Visit this module now.

Screenshot showing the Petabyte-scale ingestion with Azure Data Factory module start page.