Authenticate a managed identity with Microsoft Entra ID to access Event Hubs Resources
Azure Event Hubs supports Microsoft Entra authentication with managed identities for Azure resources. Managed identities for Azure resources can authorize access to Event Hubs resources using Microsoft Entra credentials from applications running in Azure Virtual Machines (VMs), Function apps, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, and other services. By using managed identities for Azure resources together with Microsoft Entra authentication, you can avoid storing credentials with your applications that run in the cloud. This article shows how to authorize access to an event hub by using a managed identity from an Azure VM.
Enable managed identities on a VM
Before you use managed identities for Azure resources to access Event Hubs resources from your VM, you must first enable managed identities for Azure Resources on the VM. To learn how to enable managed identities for Azure resources, see Configure managed identities on Azure VMs.
Grant permissions to a managed identity in Microsoft Entra ID
To authorize a request to Event Hubs service from a managed identity in your application, first configure Azure role-based access control (RBAC) settings for that managed identity. Azure Event Hubs defines Azure roles that encompass permissions for sending events to and receiving events from Event Hubs. When an Azure role is assigned to a managed identity, the managed identity is granted access to Event Hubs data at the appropriate scope. For more information about assigning Azure roles, see Authenticate with Microsoft Entra ID for access to Event Hubs resources.
Sample application
The procedure in this section uses a simple application that runs under a managed identity and accesses Event Hubs resources.
Deploy the web app to Azure. See the following tabbed section for links to the sample web application on GitHub.
Ensure that the SendReceive.aspx is set as the default document for the web app.
Enable identity for the web app.
Assign this identity to the Event Hubs Data Owner role at the namespace level or event hub level.
Run the web application, enter the namespace name and event hub name, a message, and select Send. To receive the event, select Receive.
You can find the sample web application that sends and receives data from Event Hubs resources in the GitHub repo.
Install the latest package from NuGet, and start sending events to Event Hubs using EventHubProducerClient and receiving events using EventHubConsumerClient.
protectedasyncvoidbtnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
awaitusing (EventHubProducerClient producerClient = new EventHubProducerClient(txtNamespace.Text, txtEventHub.Text, new DefaultAzureCredential()))
// create a batchusing (EventDataBatch eventBatch = await producerClient.CreateBatchAsync())
// add events to the batch. only one in this case.
eventBatch.TryAdd(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txtData.Text)));
// send the batch to the event hubawait producerClient.SendAsync(eventBatch);
txtOutput.Text = $"{DateTime.Now} - SENT{Environment.NewLine}{txtOutput.Text}";
protectedasyncvoidbtnReceive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
awaitusing (var consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName, $"{txtNamespace.Text}", txtEventHub.Text, new DefaultAzureCredential()))
int eventsRead = 0;
using CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
awaitforeach (PartitionEvent partitionEvent in consumerClient.ReadEventsAsync(cancellationSource.Token))
txtOutput.Text = $"Event Read: { Encoding.UTF8.GetString(partitionEvent.Data.Body.ToArray()) }{ Environment.NewLine}" + txtOutput.Text;
catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
txtOutput.Text = $"Number of events read: {eventsRead}{ Environment.NewLine}" + txtOutput.Text;
If the source service or app doesn't restart after the access to the event hub is disabled by removing the source's managed identity from the Event Hubs RBAC role, the source app may continue to publish events to or receiev events from the event hub until the token expires (default token validity is 24 hours). This behavior is by design.
Therefore, after you remove the source's managed identity from the RBAC role, restart the source app or service to immediately expire the token and prevent it from sending events to or receiving events from the event hub.