The RightsManagementLicenseData element specifies information about the rights management license for an item.
The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
RightsManagedMessageDecryptionStatus | RMSTemplateId | TemplateName | TemplateDescription | EditAllowed | ReplyAllowed | ReplyAllAllowed | ForwardAllowed | ModifyRecipientsAllowed | ExtractAllowed | PrintAllowed | ExportAllowed | ProgrammaticAccessAllowed | IsOwner | ContentOwner | ContentExpiryDate
Item | Message | MeetingMessage | MeetingRequest | MeetingResponse | MeetingCancellation | Task | PostItem | CalendarItem | Contact | DistributionList
This element was introduced in Exchange Server 2013.
The schema that describes this element is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts Exchange Web Services.
Element | Example |
Namespace |
http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/types |
Schema name |
Types schema |
Validation file |
Types.xsd |
Can be empty |