Keyboard shortcuts for pipelines in Data Factory for Microsoft Fabric

Keyboard shortcuts provide a quick way to navigate and allow users to work more efficiently. For users with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than using the touchscreen, and are an essential alternative to using the mouse. The table in this article lists all the shortcuts available for pipelines in Data Factory for Microsoft Fabric.

When editing a Fabric pipeline, you can right-click in the canvas to view the list of keyboard shortcuts.


These shortcuts have been tested with Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome on Windows OS. While we try to provide support for all browsers, other browsers can make or implement their own shortcuts. Because we can't control how other browsers behave, we can't guarantee that all the shortcuts in this list will work on all browsers.


Action Windows keyboard shortcut
Toggle full screen mode Ctrl + Shift + F

Pipeline editor

Action Windows keyboard shortcut
Select all Ctrl + A
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Past Ctrl + V
Delete Delete
Zoom in I
Zoom out O
Zoom to fit F
Toggle nested activities N
Auto-align A
Select node in drawing mode/Insert from connector Enter
Cancel drawing mode/Return to previous canvas Backspace
Select the next node in direction Arrow key
Nudge canvas in direction Shift + Arrow
Select the next button in direction Ctrl + Arrow
Select the next connector in direction Alt + Arrow

Resource list

Action Windows keyboard shortcut
Multi-select Ctrl + Click
Range select Ctrl + Shift + Click

Quickstart: Create your first pipeline to copy data