Image element

Provides the URL of an image file that is used as an icon.

Add-in type: Task pane, Mail

Valid only in these VersionOverrides schemas:

  • Task pane 1.0
  • Mail 1.0
  • Mail 1.1

For more information, see Version overrides in the add-in only manifest.


You must use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for all URLs in the <Image> element and any child <Override> elements.

Each icon must have three <Image> elements, one for each of the three mandatory sizes:

  • 16x16
  • 32x32
  • 80x80

The following additional sizes are also supported, but not required.

  • 20x20
  • 24x24
  • 40x40
  • 48x48
  • 64x64

The following image file formats are supported.

  • BMP
  • EXIF
  • GIF
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • TIFF


  • If the image is your add-in's representative icon, see Create effective listings in AppSource and within Office for size and other requirements.
  • Office Add-ins require the ability to cache image resources for performance purposes. For this reason, the server hosting an image resource must not add any CACHE-CONTROL directives to the response header. These directives result in Office automatically substituting a generic or default image. To force the use of new icons on your development computer, Clear the Office cache. To force the use of new icons on your end-user's computers, you must give the new icons different URLs from the old ones.

Child elements

Element Type Description
Override image Provides a way to override the URL depending on a specified locale.


        <bt:Image id="icon1_16x16" DefaultValue="">
          <bt:Override Locale="ja-jp" Value="" />
        <bt:Image id="icon1_32x32" DefaultValue="">
          <bt:Override Locale="ja-jp" Value="" />
        <bt:Image id="icon1_80x80" DefaultValue="">
          <bt:Override Locale="ja-jp" Value="" />
        <bt:Url id="residDesktopFuncUrl" DefaultValue="">
          <bt:Override Locale="ja-jp" Value="" />
        <bt:String id="residLabel" DefaultValue="GetData">
          <bt:Override Locale="ja-jp" Value="JA-JP-GetData" />
        <bt:String id="residToolTip" DefaultValue="Get data for your document.">
          <bt:Override Locale="ja-jp" Value="JA-JP - Get data for your document." />