Calendars.Read |
delegated |
Read reminders for events |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Calendars.ReadWrite |
application |
Create a meeting overview and interact with meetings. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Calls.InitiateGroupCall.All |
application |
Starting a call from the application. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Calls.JoinGroupCall.All |
application |
Joining a call from the application. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Chat.ReadWrite |
delegated |
Send messages to other users within the app. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
ChatMember.Read.Chat |
application |
Remove users from a Teams chats that leave the Team |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Group.ReadWrite.All |
delegated |
List all teams for users, create groups. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
GroupMember.Read.All |
application |
List all team members. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
GroupMember.ReadWrite.All |
delegated |
List all team members, their team rooms and create new groups. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
OnlineMeetings.Read.All |
application |
Get details for current meetings to display within the app. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite |
delegated |
Read meeting data to display in the app and create new meetings from the app. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Presence.Read.All |
delegated |
Read presence information of a user to display in the app |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Presence.ReadWrite |
delegated |
Set users status via the app. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Presence.ReadWrite.All |
application |
Display presence information for all users in the teams and set new presences based on user interaction. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Team.Create |
delegated |
Create a team through the app. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Team.ReadBasic.All |
delegated |
Display group image in the app. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
TeamMember.Read.All |
application |
Display all members of a team in their team rooms. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
TeamMember.ReadWrite.All |
delegated |
Add or remove members from team rooms. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
Teams.Create |
delegated |
Create new teams for new team rooms. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
TeamsActivity.Send |
application |
Notify users on team members app interactions. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForUser |
delegated |
Keep the app up to date. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
User.Read.All |
application |
Get live updates for users. |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
User.Read.All |
delegated |
Read user information of team members within the app |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
User.ReadBasic.All |
delegated |
Read basic profiles of users |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |
User.ReadWrite |
delegated |
Read and update the users data from the app |
5d655b39-963c-465a-89ab-bdad7ab7af7f |