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Configure professional service offer listing details

The information you provide on the Offer listing page of Partner Center will be displayed in the Microsoft commercial marketplace online stores. This includes your offer name, description, media, and other marketing assets.


If you'll deliver your service in a language other than English, the offer listing can be in that language, but the description must begin or end with the English phrase "This service is available in <language of your offer content>". You can also provide supporting documents in a language that's different from the one used in the offer listing details.

Offer details

  1. The Name box is pre-filled with the name you entered earlier in the New offer dialog box, but you can change it at any time. This name will appear as the title of your offer listing on the online store.

  2. In the Search results summary box, describe the purpose or goal of your offer in 200 characters or less.

  3. In the Description field, describe your professional service offer. You can use HTML tags to format your description. You can enter up to 5,000 characters of text in this box, including HTML tags and spaces. For information about HTML formatting, see HTML tags supported in the offer descriptions.

  4. You have the option to enter up to three search keywords. These keywords will help customers find your offer in the online store. You don't need to include the offer name and description.


Today, transactable Professional Service listings are not searchable by customers on our storefronts. You can still choose to include a Search results summary and search keywords for future use when public discoverability becomes available.

Contact information

Enter the name, email address, and phone number of two people in your company (you can be one of them). Microsoft will use this information to communicate with you about your offer. This information isn't shown to customers but might be provided to Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partners.


In the phone number field, dashes (-) and other special characters aren't permitted. The phone number should only contain numbers and spaces.

Supporting documents

Add at least one and up to three PDF documents to support your offer listing. After you've uploaded each file, provide a name for the document. This name will be displayed in your offer listing.

Marketplace media

When creating media for your offer, make sure that the assets you create are welcoming and inclusive for all. To learn more about how to create accessible media, see Create accessible media.


If you have an issue uploading files, make sure your local network does not block the service used by Partner Center.

Add logos

Under Logos, upload a Large logo in PNG format between 216x216 and 350x350 pixels in size. Partner Center will automatically create a Small (48x48 pixels) logo, which you can replace later.

The two logo sizes are used in different places in the online stores:

  • The Large logo appears on your offer listing page.
  • The Small logo appears on search result pages.

Add promotional images

Add at least one and up to five images that highlight your service's value proposition, differentiation, and customer success. This could include snapshots from a slide deck, fact sheet, case study, or marketing one-pager summarizing your service. All images must be 1280x720 pixels in size and in PNG format.

  1. Under Promotional images, drag and drop your PNG file onto the Image box.
  2. Next to Add image caption, select the Edit icon.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter a caption.
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to add additional images.

Add videos (optional)

You can add links to YouTube or Vimeo videos that demonstrate your offer. These videos are shown to customers along with your offer. You must enter a thumbnail image of the video, sized to 1280x720 pixels in size and in PNG format. Add a maximum of four videos per offer.

  1. Under Videos, select the Add video link.
  2. In the boxes that appear, enter the name and link for your video.
  3. Drag and drop a PNG file (1280x720 pixels) onto the gray Thumbnail box.
  4. To add another video, repeat steps 1 through 3.


Below is the right URL format for videos on YouTube and Vimeo:

  • YouTube URL format:[VIDEO_ID]
  • Vimeo URL format:[VIDEO_ID]

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