Enabling Microsoft Edge (Chromium) for OAuth authentication in Power BI Desktop
If you're using OAuth authentication to connect to your data, the OAuth dialog in Power Query uses the Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 embedded control browser. However, certain web services, such as QuickBooks Online, Salesforce Reports, and Salesforce Objects no longer support Internet Explorer 11.
As of October of 2021, Power BI Desktop now uses Microsoft Edge WebView2, by default, for OAuth authentication for all connectors. However, you can change the default behavior using environment variables.
To disable the use of WebView2 for specific connectors, set PQ_ExtendEdgeChromiumOAuthDenyList with the name(s) of the connector(s) you want to disable. Multiple connectors are separated by semicolons.
All other connectors will use Internet Explorer 11 by default unless the settings are overridden using environment variables.
To enable WebView2 for all connectors, set PQ_EdgeChromiumOAuthAllowListAll to true:
setx PQ_EdgeChromiumOAuthAllowListAll true
To enable WebView2 for specific connectors, set PQ_ExtendEdgeChromiumOAuthAllowList with the name(s) of the connector(s) you want to enable. Multiple connectors are separated by semicolons.
Demonstrate methods and best practices that align with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Microsoft Power BI.
How to select credentials for a connector in Power Query Desktop to authenticate a connection with a data source, how to select the authentication level, and how to edit or delete credentials for specific connectors and sites.