Types of accessibility testing


Accessibility testing is classified into three main types: manual testing, automated testing, and user testing. Each type of testing has its own advantages and limitations, and they complement each other to provide a comprehensive assessment of accessibility.

Manual testing

Manual testing is the process of checking the accessibility of a product or service by manually inspecting its elements and features, using the keyboard, mouse, screen reader, or other assistive technologies.

This type of testing helps you identify issues that automated testing may miss, such as:

  • the logical order of content

  • the clarity of labels and instructions

  • the color contrast of text and images

  • the compatibility with different browsers and devices

How to perform manual testing

Manual testing is performed by following accessibility guidelines and standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which provide a set of criteria and techniques to make web content accessible.

One way to perform manual accessibility testing is to use the keyboard and assistive technology, such as screen readers, magnifiers, or voice access. By using only the keyboard, check if the content is operable without a mouse and if the focus order and navigation are logical and intuitive. Manual testing with the keyboard and assistive technology requires some familiarity with the tools and the accessibility guidelines, but it helps you discover issues that affect the user experience and satisfaction of your product or service.

Automated testing

Automated testing is the process of checking the accessibility of a product or service by using software tools that scan and analyze code and content and generate reports of accessibility issues and errors.

It helps you identify issues that manual testing may overlook, such as:

  • the presence and validity of HTML attributes

  • the structure and hierarchy of headings

  • the alternative text of images

  • compliance with accessibility standards and rules

How to perform automated testing

Automated testing is performed by using accessibility tools that help you detect and fix accessibility issues and provide guidance and resources to improve your accessibility knowledge and skills.

  • Accessibility Insights is an extension that’s installed on your browser and runs on any web page that helps you identify and fix accessibility issues on web pages and applications.
  • Accessibility Checker is a tool that’s natively available in Microsoft 365 to test document accessibility that generates a list of accessibility issues and tips on how to fix them.

User testing

User testing is the process of checking the accessibility of a product or service by involving real users with disabilities, who interact with it and provide feedback on their experience and satisfaction. User testing helps you identify issues that manual and automated testing may not capture, such as:

  • The usability, functionality, and accessibility of the product or service from the perspective of the target audience.

How to perform user testing

User testing is performed by recruiting and engaging users with disabilities, who represent a variety of needs, preferences, and abilities.