ID3D12Fence interface (d3d12.h)
Represents a fence, an object used for synchronization of the CPU and one or more GPUs.
The ID3D12Fence interface inherits from ID3D12Pageable. ID3D12Fence also has these types of members:
The ID3D12Fence interface has these methods.
ID3D12Fence::GetCompletedValue Gets the current value of the fence. (ID3D12Fence.GetCompletedValue) |
ID3D12Fence::SetEventOnCompletion Specifies an event that should be fired when the fence reaches a certain value. (ID3D12Fence.SetEventOnCompletion) |
ID3D12Fence::Signal Sets the fence to the specified value. |
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | d3d12.h |