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SAP security audit log is used to keep records of important user transactions and system events within an SAP system. This table stores information such as who accessed the system, which transactions were executed, and when. It provides a useful tool for monitoring activity and detecting potential security breaches.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types -
Categories Security
Solutions SecurityInsights
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation No
Sample Queries Yes


Column Type Description
AbapProgramName string The AbapProgramName is a four-character alphanumeric code that is used identify a specific program within the SAP system.
AgentId string Unique agent or integration suite identifier.
AlertSeverity real The AlertSeverity is a number between 0 and 255; the larger the number, the greater the severity.
AlertSeverityText string The AlertSeverityText refers to the text description associated with a specific alert or notification severity level. It provides a detailed explanation of the severity level and is used in various SAP transactions and reports.
AlertValue real The AlertValue represents the importance of the message of a log attribute, characterized by color and severity.
AuditClassId real The AuditClassId is a numeric identifier used to classify different types of audit events in SAP. It helps group similar events together and is used in various transactions and reports to provide information about audit events and to help with auditing and compliance requirements.
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
ClientId string The ClientId is a three-digit number that identifies a specific client within an SAP system. The ClientId is used in various SAP transactions and configuration settings to identify the client and ensure that the correct client is being accessed or configured.
Computer string The Computer refers to the name or IP address of the user's machine. It is used to identify the machine from which a specific activity or event was performed.
Email string The Email refers to the email address associated with a specific user. It is used to identify the user via email within the SAP system.
Host string The Host refers to the name of the computer or server on which the SAP system is running. It is used to identify and locate the SAP system within a network.
Instance string The Instance refers to a specific installation of an SAP system on a server. An SAP system can have multiple instances running on the same server, each with its own set of processes and resources. The Instance is identified by a unique name that is set during the installation of the SAP system, following syntax: <HOST><SYSID><SYSNR>.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
MessageClass string The MessageClass is a grouping or category for specific messages or log entries used to organize and classify messages and log entries within an SAP system.
MessageContainerId string The MessageContainerId is a unique identifier for a specific message container, which is a logical grouping of related messages or log entries within an SAP system.
MessageId string The MessageId is a unique identifier for a specific message or log entry used to identify and track messages and log entries within an SAP system.
MessageText string The MessageText is the text of a specific message or log entry. It provides information about the event or issue that is being logged and is used in various SAP transactions and reports to provide context and details about specific messages or log entries.
MonitoringObjectName string The MonitoringObjectName is the name of the object being monitored by a specific monitoring activity. It is used in various SAP monitoring tools and reports to provide information about the status and performance of the monitored object.
MonitorShortName string The MonitorShortName is the short name of the MTE(Monitoring Tree Element) in which the alert occurred.
RemoteIpCountry string The country of the TerminalIpV6 according to the GEO information at the time of the record ingestion.
RemoteIpLatitude real The Latitude of the TerminalIpV6 according to the GEO information at the time of the record ingestion.
RemoteIpLongitude real The Longitude of the TerminalIpV6 according to the GEO information at the time of the record ingestion.
SalDateChar8 string The SalDateChar8 is the date the event occured in char8 format (yyyyMMdd) eg: 20190101.
SalIpAddress string The SALIpAddress refers to the IP address associated with a specific user or system that generated a specific log entry.
SalTimeChar6 string The SalTimeChar6 is the time the event occured in char6 format (hhMMss) eg: 110804.
SapProcessType string The SapProcessType refers to the type of process that is being executed within the SAP system. This can include various types of processes such as background jobs, dialog processes, or update processes.
SapWorkProcessName string The SapWorkProcessName refers to the name of a specific work process within the SAP system used to identify and monitor specific work processes. It is typically a unique alphanumeric code.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
SystemId string The SystemId is a unique identifier for a specific SAP system. It is a three-character alphanumeric code that is used to distinguish between different SAP systems.
SystemNumber string The SystemNumber is a two-digit number that identifies a specific SAP system. It is set during the installation of an SAP system and cannot be changed afterwards. The SystemNumber is used in various SAP transactions and configuration settings to identify the system and ensure that the correct system is being accessed or configured.
SystemRole string The SAP system's role.
SystemUniqueId string Unique system identifier.
TenantId string The Log Analytics workspace ID
TerminalIpV6 string The TerminalIPv6 refers to the IPv6 address associated with the user's terminal or device. It is used to identify the location and origin of specific activities or events performed by the user within the SAP system.
TimeGenerated datetime Date and time when the record was generated
TransactionCode string the TransactionCode is a unique identifier for a specific SAP transaction used to identify and execute a specific transaction within the SAP system. It is typically a four-character alphanumeric code and can be used in various SAP transactions and reports.
Type string The name of the table
UpdatedOn datetime The date and time of the event occured in the SAP system in UTC format.
User string The User who performed the a specific event or activity.
Variable1 string The Variable1 used by the SAP system for additional information regarding the event or activity that was performed.
Variable2 string The Variable2 used by the SAP system for additional information regarding the event or activity that was performed.
Variable3 string The Variable3 used by the SAP system for additional information regarding the event or activity that was performed.
Variable4 string The Variable4 used by the SAP system for additional information regarding the event or activity that was performed.