Customize a Language model with the Azure AI Video Indexer API


Due to the Azure Media Services retirement announcement, Azure AI Video Indexer announces Azure AI Video Indexer features adjustments. See Changes related to Azure Media Service (AMS) retirement to understand what this means for your Azure AI Video Indexer account. See the Preparing for AMS retirement: VI update and migration guide.

Azure AI Video Indexer lets you create custom Language models to customize speech recognition by uploading adaptation text, namely text from the domain whose vocabulary you'd like the engine to adapt to. Once you train your model, new words appearing in the adaptation text will be recognized.

For a detailed overview and best practices for custom Language models, see Customize a Language model with Azure AI Video Indexer.

You can use the Azure AI Video Indexer APIs to create and edit custom Language models in your account, as described in this article. You can also use the website, as described in Customize Language model using the Azure AI Video Indexer website.

Create a Language model

The create a language model API creates a new custom Language model in the specified account. You can upload files for the Language model in this call. Alternatively, you can create the Language model here and upload files for the model later by updating the Language model.


You must still train the model with its enabled files for the model to learn the contents of its files. Directions on training a language are in the next section.

To upload files to be added to the Language model, you must upload files in the body using FormData in addition to providing values for the required parameters above. There are two ways to do this task:

  • Key is the file name and value is the txt file.
  • Key is the file name and value is a URL to txt file.


The response provides metadata on the newly created Language model along with metadata on each of the model's files following the format of this example JSON output:

    "id": "dfae5745-6f1d-4edd-b224-42e1ab57a891",
    "name": "TestModel",
    "language": "En-US",
    "state": "None",
    "languageModelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "files": [
        "id": "25be7c0e-b6a6-4f48-b981-497e920a0bc9",
        "name": "hellofile",
        "enable": true,
        "creator": "John Doe",
        "creationTime": "2018-04-28T11:55:34.6733333"
        "id": "33025f5b-2354-485e-a50c-4e6b76345ca7",
        "name": "worldfile",
        "enable": true,
        "creator": "John Doe",
        "creationTime": "2018-04-28T11:55:34.86"

Train a Language model

The train a language model API trains a custom Language model in the specified account with the contents in the files that were uploaded to and enabled in the language model.


You must first create the Language model and upload its files. You can upload files when creating the Language model or by updating the Language model.


The response provides metadata on the newly trained Language model along with metadata on each of the model's files following the format of this example JSON output:

    "id": "41464adf-e432-42b1-8e09-f52905d7e29d",
    "name": "TestModel",
    "language": "En-US",
    "state": "Waiting",
    "languageModelId": "531e5745-681d-4e1d-b124-12e5ab57a891",
    "files": [
        "id": "84fcf1ac-1952-48f3-b372-18f768eedf83",
        "name": "RenamedFile",
        "enable": false,
        "creator": "John Doe",
        "creationTime": "2018-04-27T20:10:10.5233333"
        "id": "9ac35b4b-1381-49c4-9fe4-8234bfdd0f50",
        "name": "hellofile",
        "enable": true,
        "creator": "John Doe",
        "creationTime": "2018-04-27T20:10:10.68"

The returned id is a unique ID used to distinguish between language models, while languageModelId is used both for uploading a video to index and reindexing a video APIs (also known as linguisticModelId in Azure AI Video Indexer upload/reindex APIs).

Delete a Language model

The delete a language model API deletes a custom Language model from the specified account. Any video that was using the deleted Language model keeps the same index until you reindex the video. If you reindex the video, you can assign a new Language model to the video. Otherwise, Azure AI Video Indexer uses its default model to reindex the video.


There's no returned content when the Language model is deleted successfully.

Update a Language model

The update a Language model API updates a custom Language person model in the specified account.


You must have already created the Language model. You can use this call to enable or disable all files under the model, update the name of the Language model, and upload files to be added to the language model.

To upload files to be added to the Language model, you must upload files in the body using FormData in addition to providing values for the required parameters above. There are two ways to do this task:

  • Key is the file name and value is the txt file.
  • Key is the file name and value is a URL to txt file.


The response provides metadata on the newly trained Language model along with metadata on each of the model's files following the format of this example JSON output:

    "id": "41464adf-e432-42b1-8e09-f52905d7e29d",
    "name": "TestModel",
    "language": "En-US",
    "state": "Waiting",
    "languageModelId": "531e5745-681d-4e1d-b124-12e5ab57a891",
    "files": [
        "id": "84fcf1ac-1952-48f3-b372-18f768eedf83",
        "name": "RenamedFile",
        "enable": true,
        "creator": "John Doe",
        "creationTime": "2018-04-27T20:10:10.5233333"
        "id": "9ac35b4b-1381-49c4-9fe4-8234bfdd0f50",
        "name": "hellofile",
        "enable": true,
        "creator": "John Doe",
        "creationTime": "2018-04-27T20:10:10.68"

Use the id of the files returned in the response to download the contents of the file.

Update a file from a Language model

The update a file allows you to update the name and enable state of a file in a custom Language model in the specified account.


The response provides metadata on the file that you updated following the format of the example JSON output below.

  "id": "84fcf1ac-1952-48f3-b372-18f768eedf83",
  "name": "RenamedFile",
  "enable": false,
  "creator": "John Doe",
  "creationTime": "2018-04-27T20:10:10.5233333"

Use the id of the file returned in the response to download the contents of the file.

Get a specific Language model

The get API returns information on the specified Language model in the specified account such as language and the files that are in the Language model.


The response provides metadata on the specified Language model along with metadata on each of the model's files following the format of this example JSON output:

    "id": "dfae5745-6f1d-4edd-b224-42e1ab57a891",
    "name": "TestModel",
    "language": "En-US",
    "state": "None",
    "languageModelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "files": [
        "id": "25be7c0e-b6a6-4f48-b981-497e920a0bc9",
        "name": "hellofile",
        "enable": true,
        "creator": "John Doe",
        "creationTime": "2018-04-28T11:55:34.6733333"
        "id": "33025f5b-2354-485e-a50c-4e6b76345ca7",
        "name": "worldfile",
        "enable": true,
        "creator": "John Doe",
        "creationTime": "2018-04-28T11:55:34.86"

Use the id of the file returned in the response to download the contents of the file.

Get all the Language models

The get all API returns all of the custom Language models in the specified account in a list.


The response provides a list of all of the Language models in your account and each of their metadata and files following the format of this example JSON output:

        "id": "dfae5745-6f1d-4edd-b224-42e1ab57a891",
        "name": "TestModel",
        "language": "En-US",
        "state": "None",
        "languageModelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "files": [
            "id": "25be7c0e-b6a6-4f48-b981-497e920a0bc9",
            "name": "hellofile",
            "enable": true,
            "creator": "John Doe",
            "creationTime": "2018-04-28T11:55:34.6733333"
            "id": "33025f5b-2354-485e-a50c-4e6b76345ca7",
            "name": "worldfile",
            "enable": true,
            "creator": "John Doe",
            "creationTime": "2018-04-28T11:55:34.86"
        "id": "dfae5745-6f1d-4edd-b224-42e1ab57a892",
        "name": "AnotherTestModel",
        "language": "En-US",
        "state": "None",
        "languageModelId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
        "files": []

Delete a file from a Language model

The delete API deletes the specified file from the specified Language model in the specified account.


There's no returned content when the file is deleted from the Language model successfully.

Get metadata on a file from a Language model

The get metadata of a file API returns the contents of and metadata on the specified file from the chosen Language model in your account.


The response provides the contents and metadata of the file in JSON format, similar to this example:

    "content": "hello\r\nworld",
    "id": "84fcf1ac-1952-48f3-b372-18f768eedf83",
    "name": "Hello",
    "enable": true,
    "creator": "John Doe",
    "creationTime": "2018-04-27T20:10:10.5233333"


The contents of this example file are the words "hello" and world" in two separate lines.

Download a file from a Language model

The download a file API downloads a text file containing the contents of the specified file from the specified Language model in the specified account. This text file should match the contents of the text file that was originally uploaded.


The response is the download of a text file with the contents of the file in the JSON format.