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Local development configuration

Choose an Orleans version

For a working sample application that targets Orleans 7.0, see Orleans: Hello World. The sample hosts the client and the silo in .NET console applications that work in different platforms, while the grains and interfaces target .NET Standard 2.0.


For older versions of Orleans, please see Orleans sample projects.

Silo configuration

It's recommended to use the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting NuGet package to configure and run the silo. Also, when developing an Orleans silo you need the Microsoft.Orleans.Server NuGet package. For local Orleans silo development, you configure localhost clustering, which is configured to use the loopback address. To use localhost clustering, call the UseLocalhostClustering extension method. Consider this example Program.cs file of the silo host:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .UseOrleans(siloBuilder =>

The preceding code:

  • Creates a default host builder.
  • Calls the UseOrleans extension method to configure the silo.
  • Calls the UseLocalhostClustering extension method on the given ISiloBuilder to configure the silo to use localhost clustering.
  • Chains the RunConsoleAsync method to run the silo as a console application.

For local development, refer to the below example of how to configure a silo for that case. It configures and starts a silo listening on the loopback address, 11111 and 30000 as silo and gateway ports respectively.

Add the Microsoft.Orleans.Server NuGet meta-package to the project.

dotnet add package Microsoft.Orleans.Server

You need to configure ClusterOptions via ISiloBuilder Configure method, specify that you want LocalhostClustering as your clustering choice with this silo being the primary, and then configure silo endpoints.

The ConfigureApplicationParts call explicitly adds the assembly with grain classes to the application setup. It also adds any referenced assembly due to the WithReferences extension. After these steps are completed, the silo host gets built and the silo gets started.

You can create an empty console application project targeting .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher for hosting a silo, and a .NET console application.

Here's an example of how a local silo can be started:

    var host = await BuildAndStartSiloAsync();

    Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to terminate...");

    await host.StopAsync();
catch (Exception ex)

static async Task<ISiloHost> BuildAndStartSiloAsync()
    var host = new HostBuilder()
      .UseOrleans(builder =>
              .Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
                  options.ClusterId = "dev";
                  options.ServiceId = "MyAwesomeService";
                  options => options.AdvertisedIPAddress = IPAddress.Loopback)
              .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddConsole());

    await host.StartAsync();

    return host;

Client configuration

It's recommended to use the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting NuGet package to configure and run clients (in addition to the silo). You also need the Microsoft.Orleans.Client NuGet package. To use localhost clustering on the consuming client, call the UseLocalhostClustering extension method. Consider this example Program.cs file of the client host:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

using IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .UseOrleansClient(client =>

await host.StartAsync();

The preceding code:

  • Creates a default host builder.
  • Calls the UseOrleansClient extension method to configure the client.
  • Calls the UseLocalhostClustering extension method on the given IClientBuilder to configure the client to use localhost clustering.
  • Calls the UseConsoleLifetime extension method to configure the client to use the console lifetime.
  • Calls the StartAsync method on the host variable to start the client.

For local development, refer to the below example of how to configure a client for that case. It configures a client that would connect to a loopback silo.

Add the Microsoft.Orleans.Client NuGet meta-package to the project. After you get comfortable with the API, you can pick and choose which exact packages included in Microsoft.Orleans.Client you actually need and reference them instead.

Install-Package Microsoft.Orleans.Client

You need to configure ClientBuilder with a cluster ID that matches the one you specified for the local silo and specify static clustering as your clustering choice pointing it to the gateway port of the silo

ConfigureApplicationParts call explicitly adds the assembly with grain interfaces to the application setup.

After these steps are completed, we can build the client and Connect() method on it to connect to the cluster.

You can create an empty console application project targeting .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher for running a client or reuse the console application project you created for hosting a silo.

Here's an example of how a client can connect to a local silo:

var client = new ClientBuilder()
    .Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
        options.ClusterId = "dev";
        options.ServiceId = "MyAwesomeService";
    .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddConsole())
var client = builder.Build();

await client.Connect();