Microsoft Teams recently unveiled the webinar feature as an alternative to standard meetings. To learn how to manage webinars, see Set up for webinars in Microsoft Teams. To learn how to use webinars, see Get started with Teams webinars and Schedule a webinar. This article discusses known issues that might occur when your users use webinars, and provides resolutions and workarounds that you can try.
The Webinar option is missing
This feature isn't available for users who use new Teams on Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
When users try to create a webinar, the Webinar option is missing.
This issue may occur for several reasons:
Display issues occur that are caused by cached data.
The user account isn't allowed to schedule webinars.
To fix the issue, follow these steps:
Verify that the user is enabled to create a webinar:
The "For everyone" option is grayed out or missing
When you create a webinar, the For everyone option on the Require registration menu is unavailable (grayed out) or missing. The option is unavailable even if the WhoCanRegister parameter value is set to Everyone by default.
This issue occurs if a change in the meeting policy is made.
To fix this issue, reset the WhoCanRegister parameter value to Everyone, and wait 24 hours. To reset the WhoCanRegister parameter, run the following PowerShell cmdlet:
Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -WhoCanRegister Everyone
Note: If the "Anonymous join" functionality is turned off in the meeting settings, anonymous users can't join the webinars. To enable this setting, see Manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams.
A blank screen appears when joining a webinar
When you try to join a webinar, a blank screen appears after authentication.
This issue may occur if Require Registration is set to None when the webinar is created.
To work around this issue, set Require Registration to For people in your org or For everyone when you schedule a webinar.
Webinar invitations aren't received by attendees
In Teams, the invitations to webinars are sent by using the email delivery service in Microsoft Dynamics 365. If you set up security policies for external email messages that are received by your tenant, your users might not get the messages from this service because they're quarantined by your spam filter.
If your users are still not receiving invitations to Teams webinars, modify the default Connection filter policy by using the following steps:
Navigate to the Anti-spam policies page on the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
Select Connection filter policy (Default) from the list (but don't select the checkbox that's next to the name).
In the flyout pane, select Edit connection filter policy in the Connection filtering section.
Select the Always allow messages from the following IP addresses or address range option, and enter one of the IP addresses that are used by the email delivery service.
Either press the Enter key or select the complete IP address value that's displayed below the box.
Select Save.
If you're prompted to enable customization, select Yes. This step might take some time to finish.
If you see an error message that mentions customization being disabled, use the following steps:
Wait a few hours, repeat steps 1 to 7, and then add one IP address range for the email delivery service that you entered in step 4.
If the addition is successful, add the remaining IP address ranges, and then select Save.
If you still can't add the IP addresses, use the following steps:
Demonstrate skills to plan, deploy, configure, and manage Microsoft Teams to focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in a Microsoft 365 environment.
Learn how to manage the registration form for webinars in Microsoft Teams for admins. Require attendees to answer required questions, custom questions, and standard questions.