Text actions

Text actions enable you to handle, manipulate, and convert text values in your desktop flows.

To merge a list of text values and create a single value, use the Join text action. The action requires you to specify the list and a delimiter.

To split a single text value into a list, deploy the Split text action, and specify the text value and the delimiters to separate the list items.

To replace a subtext in a text, use the Replace text action. The following example replaces the text Product Characteristics with Characteristics.

Screenshot of the Replace text action.

Search a text value inside another text with the Parse text action.

Some text actions allow you to use regular expressions. For example, you can enable Is regular expression in the Parse text action to search for a text specified by a regular expression. To find more information about regular expressions, go to Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference.

Additionally, you can disable First occurrence only to make the action return a list with the positions of all the matched texts.

The following example searches all the words in Items detected in Stock starting with a capital letter. The produced list named Matches stores the values Items and Stock. The Positions list stores the positions in which the values were found (1 and 18).

Screenshot of the Parse text action.

Besides searching in texts, Power Automate enables you to crop text values from texts using the Crop text action. You can define the text to crop using flags that are the first occurring given character or string markers. You can crop values before, after, or between the specified text flag(s).

The CroppedText variable stores the cropped text, while you can use the IsFlagFound variable to check if the action found the set flags.

Screenshot of the Crop text action.

To ensure that numbers are stored as numerical values, use the Convert text to number action. To perform the reverse conversion, use Convert number to text.

Similarly, you can use the Convert text to datetime and Convert datetime to text actions to ensure that dates are correctly formatted.

Use the Recognize entities in text action

Desktop flows enable you to extract various entities from texts in natural language, such as numbers, dates, and measurement units, through the Recognize entities in text action.

Screenshot of the Recognize entities in text action

The Recognize entities in text action gets a text or a variable containing text and returns a data table containing the results. Each entity returns different results based on its structure, but all the data tables contain an Original text field that stores the entity part of the input text.

The following table displays various examples of entities that the Recognize entities in text action can recognize.

Entity Input text Returned values
Date time I'll go back 04th Jan 2019 Value: 1/4/2019 12:00:00 AM
Original text: 04th Jan 2019
Date time Schedule a meeting tonight at 7pm Value: 9/30/2021 7:00:00 PM
Original text: tonight at 7pm
Dimension You weight 200 lbs Value: 200
Unit: Pound
Original text: 200 lbs
Dimension Α twister roared through an area about 10 miles long there Value: 10
Unit: Mile
Original text: ten miles
Temperature The temperature outside is 40 deg celsius Value: 40
Unit: C
Original text: 40 deg celsius
Currency Net interest income sank 27 percent in the quarter to /$ 254 million Value: 254000000
Unit: Dollar
Original text: $ 254 million
Number range This number is larger than 20 and less or equal than 35 From: 20
To: 35
Original text: larger than 20 and less or equal than 35
Number range From 5 to 10 From: 5
To: 10
Original text: From 5 to 10
Number range Less than 4.565 From: 0
To: 4.565
Original text: Less than 4.565
Number A dozen Value: 12
Original text: A dozen
Number Two thirds Value: 0.666666666666667
Original text: Two thirds
Ordinal I like the first two books Value: 1
Original text: first
Ordinal Eleventh Value: 11
Original text: Eleventh
Percentage 100 percent Value: 100
Original text: 100 percent
Phone number Tel: +1 209-555-0100 Value: +1 209-555-0100
Original text: +1 209-555-0100
Email felix@contoso.com Value: felix@contoso.com
Original text: felix@contoso.com
IP address My PC IP address is Value:
Original text:
Mention @Alice Value: @Alice
Original text: @Alice
Hashtag #News Value: #News
Original text: #News
URL www.microsoft.com Value: www.microsoft.com
Original text: www.microsoft.com
GUID 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 Value: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Original text: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Quoted text Enter the value in the "value" field Value: "value"
Original text: "value"


The Recognize entities in text action supports 14 different languages. However, some entities may not be available for specific languages. To find more information about language restrictions, go to Microsoft Recognizers Text - Supported entities across cultures.

Append line to text

Appends a new line of text to a text value.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Original text No Text value The original text
Line to append Yes Text value The text to add on as a new line

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
Result Text value The new text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Get subtext

Retrieve a subtext from a text value.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Original text No Text value The text to retrieve a section of text from
Start index N/A Start of text, Character position Character position Specify how to find the starting point for text retrieval
Character position No Numeric value The position of the first character to retrieve. This value is a zero-based index, counting from zero for the first character
Length N/A End of text, Number of chars Number of chars Specify whether the subtext continues to the end of the text, or includes only a certain number of characters
Number of chars No Numeric value The number of characters to retrieve

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
Subtext Text value The retrieved subtext


Exception Description
Start index or length are out of range Indicates that the start index or length are out of range

Crop text

Retrieves a text value that occurs before, after or between the specified text flag(s) in a given text.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Original text No Text value The text to retrieve a section of text from
Mode N/A Get text before the specified flag, Get text after the specified flag, Get text between the two specified flags Get text before the specified flag Specify whether to retrieve the text before, after, or between flags.
Start flag No Text value The retrieved text will be after this flag. The flag can be any character or text
End flag No Text value The retrieved text will be before this flag. The flag can be any character or text
Ignore case N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to find the flags using case-sensitive or case-insensitive matching

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
CroppedText Text value The new cropped text
IsFlagFound Boolean value Indicates if flag(s) found or not


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Pad text

Creates a fixed length text by adding characters to the left or to the right of an existing text.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to pad Yes Text value The text to lengthen
Pad N/A Left, Right Left Specify whether to add characters to the left or right of the existing text
Text for padding Yes Text value The character or text that will be added to lengthen the original text
Total length Yes Numeric value 10 The total character length of the final padded text. The text for padding will be repeatedly added until the final text is of the specified length

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
PaddedText Text value The new, padded text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Trim text

Removes all occurrences of white space characters (such as space, tab, or new line) from the beginning and/or end of an existing text.

The Trim text action receives a text value as an input and produces a text output according to the What to trim parameter. The available options of the What to trim parameter are the following:

  • whitespace characters from the beginning
  • whitespace characters from the end
  • whitespace characters from the beginning and end

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to trim Yes Text value Text to trim
What to trim N/A whitespace characters from the beginning, whitespace characters from the end, whitespace characters from the beginning and end whitespace characters from the beginning and end Specify where white space characters will be removed from

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
TrimmedText Text value The new trimmed text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Reverse text

Reverses the order of letters in a text string.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to reverse No Text value The text to reverse

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ReversedText Text value The new reversed text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Change text case

Changes the casing of a text to uppercase, lowercase, title case or sentence case.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to convert Yes Text value The text to convert
Convert to N/A Upper case, Lower case, Title case, Sentence case Upper case Specify the text case style to use

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
TextWithNewCase Text value The new converted text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Convert text to number

Converts a text representation of a number to a variable that contains a numeric value.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to convert No Text value A text variable containing only a number, to convert to a numeric value variable. Spaces are ignored, but non-number text throws an exception

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
TextAsNumber Numeric value The new numeric value


Exception Description
Provided text value can't be converted into a valid number Indicates that the provided text value can't be converted into a valid number

Convert number to text

Converts a number to text using a specified format.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Number to convert No Numeric value A numeric value to convert to text
Decimal places Yes Numeric value 2 The number of decimal places that will be included before truncation. Zeros can also be added to the end to pad the text in this way
Use thousands separator N/A Boolean value True Specify whether or not to use punctuation as a 1000 separator

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
FormattedNumber Text value The formatted number as text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Convert text to datetime

Converts a text representation of a date and/or time value to a datetime value.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to convert No Text value The text to convert to a datetime value. This text must be in a recognizably datetime value format
Date is represented in custom format N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the text to convert contains a representation of the date and time in a nonstandard, nonrecognizable format
Custom format No Text value The format in which the date is stored in the text. A custom format can be expressed as, for example, yyyyMMdd for date and hhmmss for time

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
TextAsDateTime Datetime The datetime value


Exception Description
Provided text value can't be converted into a valid datetime Indicates that the provided text value can't be converted into a valid datetime

Convert datetime to text

Converts a datetime value to text using a specified custom format.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Datetime to convert No Datetime The datetime value to convert to text
Format to use N/A Standard, Custom Standard Specify whether to use a standard datetime format, or create a custom one
Custom Format No Text value The custom format to display the datetime value in. A datetime can be expressed as, for example, MM/dd/yyyy for date and hh:mm:sstt for time
Standard format N/A Short date, Long date, Short time, Long time, Full datetime (short time), Full datetime (long time), General datetime (short time), General datetime (long time), Sortable datetime Short date The standard datetime format the action uses to display the datetime value

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
FormattedDateTime Text value The formatted datetime as a text value


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Create random text

Generates a text of specified length consisting of random characters. This action can be useful for generating passwords.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Use uppercase letters (A-Z) N/A Boolean value True Specify whether uppercase characters will be included in the generated text
Use lowercase letters (a-z) N/A Boolean value True Specify whether lowercase characters will be included in the generated text
Use digits (0-9) N/A Boolean value True Specify whether digits will be included in the generated text
Use symbols ( , . < > ? ! + - _ # $ ^ ) N/A Boolean value True Specify whether symbols will be included in the generated text
Minimum length Yes Numeric value 6 The minimum length of the random text. For a certain length of text, set the minimum and maximum values to that number
Maximum length Yes Numeric value 10 The maximum length of the random text. For a certain length of text, set the minimum and maximum values to that number

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
RandomText Text value The generated random text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Join text

Converts a list into a text value by separating its items with a specified delimiter.

To join all contents of a list into a single text value, use the Join text action. Begin by specifying the respective list to use in the Specify list to join property. You can choose the delimiters to separate the list items in the joined text by making the respective choice in the Delimiter to separate list items property dropdown list:

  • None creates a single, joined literal by combining all the items in the list without separating them with a delimiter.
  • Standard allows you to set the delimiter as a space, tab, or new line by selecting the respective option in the Standard delimiter property dropdown list. You can also choose how many times the delimiter is presented between each list item by modifying the Times property.
  • Custom allows you to set your own delimiter.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Specify the list to join No List of Text values The list to convert to text
Delimiter to separate list items N/A None, Standard, Custom None Specify whether to use no delimiter, a standard delimiter or a custom one
Custom delimiter No Text value The character(s) to use as delimiter
Standard delimiter N/A Space, Tab, New line Space Specify the delimiter to use
Times Yes Numeric value 1 Specify how many times to use the specified delimiter

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JoinedText Text value The new delimited text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Split text

Creates a list containing the substrings of a text that are separated by a specified delimiter or a regular expression.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
The text to split No Text value The text to split
Delimiter type N/A Standard, Custom Standard Whether the used delimiter is of a standard or custom format
Custom delimiter No Text value The character(s) that were used as a delimiter
Standard delimiter N/A Space, Tab, New line Space The delimiter used
Times Yes Numeric value 1 Specify how many times the delimiter is used
Is regular expression N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the delimiter will be a regular expression. A regular expression creates a range of possibilities for the delimiter. For example, '\d' means that the delimiter could be any digit


Power Automate's regular expression engine is .NET. To find more information about regular expressions, go to Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
TextList List of Text values The new list


Exception Description
Provided regular expression is invalid Indicates that the provided regular expression is invalid

Parse text

Parses a text to find the first or all occurrences of a specified subtext or a regular expression pattern.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to Parse No Text value The text to parse
Text to Find No Text value The subtext or a regular expression to search for
Is regular expression N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the subtext is a regular expression. For example \d means that the subtext could be any digit
Start Parsing at Position No Numeric value The position to start looking for the 'Text to Find'. The first position is zero, so use 0 to start from the beginning
First occurrence only N/A Boolean value True Specify whether to find the first occurrence only, or each occurrence of the 'Text to find'
Ignore case N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to find the specified text using case-sensitive or case-insensitive matching


Power Automate's regular expression engine is .NET. To find more information about regular expressions, go to Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
Position Numeric value The position of the 'Text to find' into the 'Text to parse'. If the text isn't found within the original text, this variable will hold the value -1
Positions List of Numeric values The positions of the 'Text to find' into the 'Text to parse'. If the text isn't found within the original text, this variable will hold the value -1
Match Text value The result that matches the given regular expression
Matches List of Text values The results that match the given regular expression


Exception Description
Provided regular expression is invalid Indicates that the provided regular expression is invalid

Replace text

Replaces all occurrences of a specified subtext with another text. It can also be used with regular expressions.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to parse No Text value The text to parse
Text to find No Text value The subtext or a regular expression to search for
Use regular expressions for find and replace N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the subtexts are regular expressions. A regular expression creates a range of possibilities for the subtext. For example, '\d' means that the subtext could be any digit
Ignore case N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to find the subtext to replace using case-sensitive or case-insensitive matching
Replace with No Text value The text or a regular expression to replace found text
Activate escape sequences N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to use special sequences. For example, '\t' in the replacement text will be interpreted as a tab


Power Automate's regular expression engine is .NET. To find more information about regular expressions, go to Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
Replaced Text value The new updated text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Escape text for regular expression

Escapes a minimal set of characters (, *, +, ?, |, {, [, (,), ^, $,., #, and white space) by replacing them with their escape codes.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to escape No Text value The text to escape

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
EscapedText Text value The escaped text


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Recognize entities in text

Recognizes entities in text, such as numbers, units, data/time and others expressed in natural language across multiple languages.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Text to recognize from No Text value The text to recognize entities from
Entity type N/A Date time, Dimension, Temperature, Currency, Number range, Number, Ordinal, Percentage, Phone number, Email, IP address, Mention, Hashtag, URL, GUID, Quoted text Date time The type of entity to recognize (, Date time, Email, URL etc.)
Language N/A English, Chinese (Simplified), Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Korean, Swedish, Turkish, Hindi English Specify the language of the text

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
RecognizedEntities Datatable The recognized entities


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Create HTML content

Generates rich HTML content and stores it in a variable.

This action allows users to create HTML content in a formatted and intuitive way, which is stored in a text variable. This variable can then be used in following actions, where HTML format is needed.

This functionality primarily serves the email sending actions ‘Send email’, ‘Send Exchange email message’, and ‘Send email message through Outlook’ regarding their ‘Body’ input parameter. Specifically, the produced variable can be used as is in the ‘Body’ parameter of an email sending action that follows later in the flow, while the Body is HTML option is enabled.

Input parameters

Input parameters are configured through the embedded HTML editor.

The initial view of the HTML editor allows out-of-the-box editing on the rendered HTML content, providing a set of formatting options through a toolbar found at the top, including the ability to insert links, images (via local paths or URLs) and tables, and even variables for dynamic content.

Screenshot of the create HTML content action.

Enabling the Text editor option switches to the view where HTML language can be used including the corresponding element tags.

Screenshot of the text editor in the Create HTML content action.

The <head> and <body> elements aren't needed in the text editor for the HTML content to be rendered.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
HtmlContent Text value The HTML code


This action doesn't include any exceptions.