wdm.h header
This header contains reference material that includes specific details about the routines, structures, and data types that you will need to use to write kernel-mode drivers.
For more information, see:
wdm.h contains the following programming interfaces:
_BitTest64 The _BitTest64 function... |
_BitTestAndComplement64 The _BitTestAndComplement64 function... |
_BitTestAndReset64 The _BitTestAndReset64 function... |
_BitTestAndSet64 The _BitTestAndSet64 function... |
_ReadWriteBarrier Describes the ReadWriteBarrier~r2 function (wdm.h). |
AppendTailList The AppendTailList routine appends a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures to the tail of another doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
ARM64_SYSREG_CRM Returns the CRn field for a given ARM system register. |
ARM64_SYSREG_CRN Learn how the method returns the CRn field for a given ARM system register. |
ARM64_SYSREG_OP1 Returns the op1 field for a given ARM system register. |
ARM64_SYSREG_OP2 Returns the op2 field for a given ARM system register. |
ASSERTMSG ASSERTMSG tests an expression. If the expression is false, it breaks into the kernel debugger and sends it the specified message. |
BarrierAfterRead Describes the BarrierAfterRead function (wdm.h). |
BarrierAfterRead Describes the BarrierAfterRead~r1 function (wdm.h). |
BarrierAfterRead Describes the BarrierAfterRead~r2 function (wdm.h). |
BYTE_OFFSET Learn more about: BYTE_OFFSET |
ClfsAddLogContainer The ClfsAddLogContainer routine adds a container to a CLFS log. |
ClfsAddLogContainerSet The ClfsAddLogContainerSet routine atomically adds a set of containers to a CLFS log. |
ClfsAdvanceLogBase The ClfsAdvanceLogBase routine sets the base LSN of a CLFS stream. |
ClfsAlignReservedLog The ClfsAlignReservedLog routine calculates the size of the space that must be reserved for a specified set of records. The size calculation includes the space required for headers and the space required for sector alignment. |
ClfsAllocReservedLog The ClfsAllocReservedLog routine reserves space in a marshalling area for a set of records. |
ClfsCloseAndResetLogFile The ClfsCloseAndResetLogFile routine releases all references to a specified log file object and marks its associated stream for reset. |
ClfsCloseLogFileObject The ClfsCloseLogFileObject routine releases all references to a log file object. |
ClfsCreateLogFile The ClfsCreateLogFile routine creates or opens a CLFS stream. If necessary, ClfsCreateLogFile also creates the underlying physical log that holds the stream's records. |
ClfsCreateMarshallingArea The ClfsCreateMarshallingArea routine creates a marshalling area for a CLFS stream and returns a pointer to an opaque context that represents the new marshalling area. |
ClfsCreateMarshallingAreaEx Initializes a marshalling area for a physical or client log file stream. |
ClfsCreateScanContext The ClfsCreateScanContext routine creates a scan context that can be used to iterate over the containers of a specified CLFS log. |
ClfsDeleteLogByPointer The ClfsDeleteLogByPointer routine marks a CLFS stream for deletion. |
ClfsDeleteLogFile The ClfsDeleteLogFile routine marks a CLFS stream for deletion. |
ClfsDeleteMarshallingArea The ClfsDeleteMarshallingArea routine deletes a marshalling area. |
ClfsFlushBuffers The ClfsFlushBuffers routine forces all log I/O blocks in a specified marshalling area to stable storage. |
ClfsFlushToLsn The ClfsFlushToLsn routine forces, to stable storage, all records that have an LSN less than or equal to a specified LSN. |
ClfsGetContainerName The ClfsGetContainerName routine returns the path name of a specified container. |
ClfsGetIoStatistics The ClfsGetIoStatistics routine returns I/O statistics for a specified CLFS log. |
ClfsLsnBlockOffset The ClfsLsnBlockOffset routine returns the sector-aligned block offset contained in a specified LSN. |
ClfsLsnContainer The ClfsLsnContainer routine returns the logical container identifier contained in a specified LSN. |
ClfsLsnCreate The ClfsLsnCreate routine creates a log sequence number (LSN), given a container identifier, a block offset, and a record sequence number. |
ClfsLsnEqual The ClfsLsnEqual routine determines whether two LSNs from the same stream are equal. |
ClfsLsnGreater The ClfsLsnGreater routine determines whether one LSN is greater than another LSN. The two LSNs must be from the same stream. |
ClfsLsnLess The ClfsLsnLess routine determines whether one LSN is less than another LSN. The two LSNs must be from the same stream. |
ClfsLsnNull The ClfsLsnNull routine determines whether a specified LSN is equal to the smallest possible LSN, CLFS_LSN_NULL. |
ClfsLsnRecordSequence The ClfsLsnRecordSequence routine returns the record sequence number contained in a specified LSN. |
ClfsMgmtDeregisterManagedClient The ClfsMgmtDeregisterManagedClient routine removes the connection between a client and a log, so that the client no longer manages the log. |
ClfsMgmtHandleLogFileFull The ClfsMgmtHandleLogFileFull routine attempts to make more space available in a log. It might make more space available by adding containers to the log, or it might ask clients to move their log tails. |
ClfsMgmtInstallPolicy The ClfsMgmtInstallPolicy routine adds a CLFS_MGMT_POLICY structure to a physical log. |
ClfsMgmtQueryPolicy The ClfsMgmtQueryPolicy routine retrieves a specific CLFS_MGMT_POLICY structure for a log. |
ClfsMgmtRegisterManagedClient The ClfsMgmtRegisterManagedClient routine creates a client that will manage a CLFS log. |
ClfsMgmtRemovePolicy The ClfsMgmtRemovePolicy routine resets a log's CLFS_MGMT_POLICY structure to its default value. |
ClfsMgmtSetLogFileSize The ClfsMgmtSetLogFileSize routine adds containers to a log or deletes containers from a log. |
ClfsMgmtSetLogFileSizeAsClient The ClfsMgmtSetLogFileSizeAsClient routine sets the log file size by adding containers to a client log or deleting containers from a client log. |
ClfsMgmtTailAdvanceFailure The ClfsMgmtTailAdvanceFailure routine notifies CLFS management that the client could not advance the log's tail. |
ClfsQueryLogFileInformation The ClfsQueryLogFileInformation routine returns metadata and state information for a specified CLFS stream or its underlying physical log or both. |
ClfsReadLogRecord The ClfsReadLogRecord routine reads a target record in a CLFS stream and returns a read context that the caller can use to read the records preceding or following it in the stream. |
ClfsReadNextLogRecord The ClfsReadNextLogRecord routine reads the next record in a sequence, relative to the current record in a read context. |
ClfsReadPreviousRestartArea The ClfsReadPreviousRestartArea routine reads the previous restart record relative to the current record in a read context. |
ClfsReadRestartArea The ClfsReadRestartArea routine reads the restart record that was most recently written to a specified CLFS stream. |
ClfsRemoveLogContainer The ClfsRemoveLogContainer routine removes a container from a CLFS log. |
ClfsRemoveLogContainerSet The ClfsRemoveLogContainerSet routine atomically removes a set of containers from a CLFS log. |
ClfsReserveAndAppendLog The ClfsReserveAndAppendLog routine reserves space in a marshalling area or appends a record to a marshalling area or does both atomically. |
ClfsReserveAndAppendLogAligned The ClfsReserveAndAppendLogAligned routine reserves space in a marshalling area or appends a record to a marshalling area or does both atomically. The record's data is aligned on specified boundaries. |
ClfsScanLogContainers The ClfsScanLogContainers routine retrieves descriptive information for a sequence of containers that belong to a particular CLFS log. |
ClfsSetArchiveTail The ClfsSetArchiveTail routine sets the archive tail of a CLFS log to a specified LSN. |
ClfsSetEndOfLog The ClfsSetEndOfLog routine truncates a CLFS stream. |
ClfsSetLogFileInformation The ClfsSetLogFileInformation routine sets metadata and state information for a specified stream and its underlying physical log. |
ClfsTerminateReadLog The ClfsTerminateReadLog routine invalidates a specified read context after freeing resources associated with the context. |
ClfsWriteRestartArea The ClfsWriteRestartArea routine atomically appends a new restart record to a CLFS stream, flushes the restart record to stable storage, and optionally updates the base LSN of the stream. |
CmCallbackGetKeyObjectID The CmCallbackGetKeyObjectID routine retrieves the unique identifier and object name that are associated with a specified registry key object. |
CmCallbackGetKeyObjectIDEx The CmCallbackGetKeyObjectIDEx routine retrieves the unique identifier and object name that are associated with a specified registry key object. |
CmCallbackReleaseKeyObjectIDEx The CmCallbackReleaseKeyObjectIDEx routine frees an object name string obtained from the CmCallbackGetKeyObjectIDEx routine. |
CmGetBoundTransaction The CmGetBoundTransaction routine returns a pointer to the transaction object that represents the transaction, if any, that is associated with a specified registry key object. |
CmGetCallbackVersion The CmGetCallbackVersion routine retrieves the major and minor version numbers for the current version of the configuration manager's registry callback feature. |
CmRegisterCallback The CmRegisterCallback routine is obsolete for Windows Vista and later operating system versions. Use CmRegisterCallbackEx instead.The CmRegisterCallback routine registers a RegistryCallback routine. |
CmRegisterCallbackEx The CmRegisterCallbackEx routine registers a RegistryCallback routine. |
CmSetCallbackObjectContext The CmSetCallbackObjectContext routine associates specified context information with a specified registry object. |
CmUnRegisterCallback The CmUnRegisterCallback routine unregisters a RegistryCallback routine that a CmRegisterCallback or CmRegisterCallbackEx routine previously registered. |
DbgBreakPoint The DbgBreakPoint routine breaks into the kernel debugger. |
DbgBreakPointWithStatus The DbgBreakPointWithStatus routine breaks into the kernel debugger and sends the value of Status to the debugger. |
DbgPrint The DbgPrint routine sends a message to the kernel debugger. |
DbgPrintEx The DbgPrintEx routine sends a string to the kernel debugger if the conditions you specify are met. |
EtwActivityIdControl The EtwActivityIdControl function creates, queries, and sets the current activity identifier. |
EtwEventEnabled The EtwEventEnabled function verifies whether an event is enabled. |
EtwProviderEnabled The EtwProviderEnabled function verifies that a provider is enabled for event logging at a specified level and keyword. |
EtwRegister The EtwRegister function registers the event provider and must be called before a provider can start tracing. |
EtwSetInformation The EtwSetInformation provides special-purpose information to modify a kernel-mode ETW provider registration. |
EtwUnregister The EtwUnregister function unregisters the event provider and must be called before the provider exits. |
EtwWrite The EtwWrite function is a tracing function for publishing events in your kernel-mode driver code. |
EtwWriteEx The EtwWriteEx function is a tracing function for publishing events that support filtering in your kernel-mode driver code. |
EtwWriteString The EventWriteString function is a tracing function that you can use when no sophisticated data is required. This function is similar to a debug print statement. |
EtwWriteTransfer The EtwWriteTransfer function marks an event that links two activities together; this type of event is referred to as a transfer event. |
ExAcquireFastMutex Learn more about the ExAcquireFastMutex routine. |
ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe Learn more about the ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe routine. |
ExAcquirePushLockExclusive Acquires the given push lock for exclusive access by the calling thread. |
ExAcquirePushLockShared Acquires the given push lock for shared access by the calling thread. |
ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite The ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite routine acquires the given resource for exclusive access by the calling thread. |
ExAcquireResourceSharedLite The ExAcquireResourceSharedLite routine acquires the given resource for shared access by the calling thread. |
ExAcquireRundownProtection The ExAcquireRundownProtection routine tries to acquire run-down protection on a shared object so the caller can safely access the object. |
ExAcquireRundownProtectionCacheAware This topic describes the ExAcquireRundownProtectionCacheAware function. |
ExAcquireRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx This topic describes the ExAcquireRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx function. |
ExAcquireRundownProtectionEx The ExAcquireRundownProtectionEx routine tries to acquire run-down protection on a shared object so the caller can safely access the object. |
ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive The ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive routine acquires a given resource for shared access without waiting for any pending attempts to acquire exclusive access to the same resource. |
ExAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive The ExAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive routine acquires the given resource for shared access if shared access can be granted and there are no exclusive waiters. |
ExAcquireSpinLockExclusive The ExAcquireSpinLockExclusive routine acquires a spin lock for exclusive access by the caller, and raises the IRQL to DISPATCH_LEVEL. |
ExAcquireSpinLockExclusiveAtDpcLevel Learn more about the ExAcquireSpinLockExclusiveAtDpcLevel routine. |
ExAcquireSpinLockShared The ExAcquireSpinLockShared routine acquires a spin lock for shared access by the caller, and raises the IRQL to DISPATCH_LEVEL. |
ExAcquireSpinLockSharedAtDpcLevel Learn more about the ExAcquireSpinLockSharedAtDpcLevel routine. |
ExAllocateCacheAwareRundownProtection This topic describes the ExAllocateCacheAwareRundownProtection function. |
ExAllocateFromLookasideListEx The ExAllocateFromLookasideListEx routine removes the first entry from the specified lookaside list, or, if the list is empty, dynamically allocates the storage for a new entry. |
ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList The ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList routine returns a pointer to a nonpaged entry from the given lookaside list, or it returns a pointer to a newly allocated nonpaged entry. |
ExAllocateFromPagedLookasideList The ExAllocateFromPagedLookasideList routine returns a pointer to a paged entry from the given lookaside list, or it returns a pointer to a newly allocated paged entry. |
ExAllocatePool The ExAllocatePool routine is obsolete, and is exported only for existing binaries. Use ExAllocatePoolWithTag instead. ExAllocatePool allocates pool memory. |
ExAllocatePool2 Learn more about: ExAllocatePool2 |
ExAllocatePool3 Learn more about: ExAllocatePool3 |
ExAllocatePoolPriorityUninitialized ExAllocatePoolPriorityUninitialized allocates pool memory of the specified type. This routine is a wrapper and replacement option for ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority. |
ExAllocatePoolPriorityZero Learn more about: ExAllocatePoolPriorityZero |
ExAllocatePoolQuotaUninitialized The ExAllocatePoolQuotaUninitialized routine allocates pool memory, charging the quota against the current process. |
ExAllocatePoolQuotaZero Learn more about: ExAllocatePoolQuotaZero |
ExAllocatePoolUninitialized This routine is a wrapper and replacement option for ExAllocatePoolWithTag. |
ExAllocatePoolWithQuota Obsolete. Use ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag instead. ExAllocatePoolWithQuota allocates pool memory. It is exported only for existing driver binaries. |
ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag The ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag routine allocates pool memory, charging the quota against the current process. |
ExAllocatePoolWithTag Obsolete. Use ExAllocatePool2 instead. The ExAllocatePoolWithTag routine allocates pool memory of the specified type and returns a pointer to the allocated block. |
ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority The ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority routine allocates pool memory of the specified type. |
ExAllocatePoolZero Learn more about: ExAllocatePoolZero |
ExAllocateTimer The ExAllocateTimer routine allocates and initializes a timer object. |
ExCancelTimer The ExCancelTimer routine cancels a timer that was set by a previous call to the ExSetTimer routine. |
ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite The ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite routine converts a given resource from acquired for exclusive access to acquired for shared access. |
ExCreateCallback The ExCreateCallback routine either creates a new callback object or opens an existing callback object on behalf of the caller. |
ExCreatePool Defines the ExCreatePool function. |
ExDeleteLookasideListEx The ExDeleteLookasideListEx routine deletes a lookaside list. |
ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList The ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList routine destroys a nonpaged lookaside list. |
ExDeletePagedLookasideList The ExDeletePagedLookasideList routine destroys a paged lookaside list. |
ExDeleteResourceLite The ExDeleteResourceLite routine deletes a given resource from the system's resource list. |
ExDeleteTimer The ExDeleteTimer routine deletes a timer object that was previously allocated by the ExAllocateTimer routine. |
ExDestroyPool Defines the ExDestroyPool function. |
ExEnterCriticalRegionAndAcquireResourceExclusive Learn more about the ExEnterCriticalRegionAndAcquireResourceExclusive routine. |
ExFlushLookasideListEx The ExFlushLookasideListEx routine flushes all entries from the specified lookaside list and frees the allocated storage for each entry. |
ExFreeCacheAwareRundownProtection This topic describes the ExFreeCacheAwareRundownProtection function. |
ExFreePool The ExFreePool function (wdm.h) deallocates a specified block of pool memory that was previously allocated. |
ExFreePool2 Defines the ExFreePool2 function. |
ExFreePoolWithTag The ExFreePoolWithTag routine deallocates a block of pool memory allocated with the specified tag. |
ExFreeToLookasideListEx The ExFreeToLookasideListEx routine inserts an entry into a lookaside list, or, if the list is full, frees the allocated storage for the entry. |
ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList The ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList routine returns a nonpaged entry to the given lookaside list or to nonpaged pool. |
ExFreeToPagedLookasideList The ExFreeToPagedLookasideList routine returns a pageable entry to the given lookaside list or to paged pool. |
ExGetExclusiveWaiterCount The ExGetExclusiveWaiterCount routine returns the number of waiters on exclusive access to a given resource. |
ExGetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable The ExGetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable routine gets the value of the specified system firmware environment variable. |
ExGetFirmwareType Returns the system firmware type. |
ExGetPreviousMode The ExGetPreviousMode routine returns the previous processor mode for the current thread. |
ExGetSharedWaiterCount The ExGetSharedWaiterCount routine returns the number of waiters on shared access to a given resource. |
ExInitializeDeleteTimerParameters The ExInitializeDeleteTimerParameters routine initializes an EXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS structure. |
ExInitializeDeviceAts Describes the ExInitializeDeviceAts function. |
ExInitializeDriverRuntime Learn more about: ExInitializeDriverRuntime |
ExInitializeFastMutex The ExInitializeFastMutex routine initializes a fast mutex variable, used to synchronize mutually exclusive access by a set of threads to a shared resource. |
ExInitializeLookasideListEx The ExInitializeLookasideListEx routine initializes a lookaside list. |
ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList The ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList routine initializes a lookaside list for nonpaged entries of the specified size. |
ExInitializePagedLookasideList The ExInitializePagedLookasideList routine initializes a lookaside list for pageable entries of the specified size. |
ExInitializePushLock Initializes a push lock variable. |
ExInitializeResourceLite The ExInitializeResourceLite routine initializes a resource variable. |
ExInitializeRundownProtection The ExInitializeRundownProtection routine initializes run-down protection on a shared object. |
ExInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAware This topic describes the ExInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAware function. |
ExInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx |
ExInitializeSetTimerParameters The ExInitializeSetTimerParameters routine initializes an EXT_SET_PARAMETERS structure. |
ExInitializeWorkItem ExInitializeWorkItem initializes a work-queue item with a caller-supplied context and callback routine to be queued for execution when a system worker thread is given control. |
ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger The ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger routine adds a large integer value to the specified variable as an atomic operation. |
ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic The ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic routine performs an interlocked addition of a ULONG increment value to a LARGE_INTEGER variable. |
ExInterlockedAddUlong The ExInterlockedAddUlong routine adds an unsigned long value to a given unsigned integer as an atomic operation. |
ExInterlockedCompareExchange64 The ExInterlockedCompareExchange64 routine compares one integer variable to another and, if they are equal, sets the first variable to a caller-supplied value. |
ExInterlockedFlushSList The ExInterlockedFlushSList routine atomically removes all entries from a sequenced singly linked list. |
ExInterlockedInsertHeadList The ExInterlockedInsertHeadList routine atomically inserts an entry at the beginning of a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
ExInterlockedInsertTailList The ExInterlockedInsertTailList routine atomically inserts an entry at the end of a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
ExInterlockedPopEntryList The ExInterlockedPopEntryList routine atomically removes an entry from the beginning of a singly linked list of SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY structures. |
ExInterlockedPopEntrySList The ExInterlockedPopEntrySList routine atomically removes the first entry from a sequenced singly linked list. |
ExInterlockedPushEntryList The ExInterlockedPushEntryList routine atomically inserts an entry at the beginning of a singly linked list of SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY structures. |
ExInterlockedPushEntrySList The ExInterlockedPushEntrySList routine atomically inserts an entry at the beginning of a sequenced singly linked list. |
ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList The ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList routine removes an entry from the beginning of a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
ExIsProcessorFeaturePresent The ExIsProcessorFeaturePresent routine queries for the existence of a specified processor feature. |
ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite The ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite routine returns whether the current thread has exclusive access to a given resource. |
ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite The ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite routine returns whether the current thread has access (either shared or exclusive) to a given resource. |
ExIsSoftBoot Determines whether the system has gone through a soft restart. |
ExLocalTimeToSystemTime The ExLocalTimeToSystemTime routine converts a system time value for the current time zone to an unbiased, GreenGMT value. |
ExNotifyCallback The ExNotifyCallback routine causes all callback routines registered for the given object to be called. |
ExpInterlockedPopEntrySList Describes the ExpInterlockedPopEntrySList function. |
ExpInterlockedPushEntrySList Describes the ExpInterlockedPushEntrySList function. |
ExQueryDepthSList The ExQueryDepthSList routine returns the number of entries currently in a given sequenced singly linked list. |
ExQueryTimerResolution The ExQueryTimerResolution routine reports the range of timer resolutions that are supported by the system clock. |
ExQueueWorkItem ExQueueWorkItem inserts a given work item into a queue from which a system worker thread removes the item and gives control to the routine that the caller supplied to ExInitializeWorkItem. |
ExRaiseStatus The ExRaiseStatus routine is called by drivers that supply structured exception handlers to handle particular errors that occur while they are processing I/O requests. |
ExRegisterCallback The ExRegisterCallback routine registers a given callback routine with a given callback object. |
ExReinitializeResourceLite The ExReinitializeResourceLite routine reinitializes an existing resource variable. |
ExReInitializeRundownProtection The ExReInitializeRundownProtection routine reinitializes an EX_RUNDOWN_REF structure after the associated object is run down. |
ExReInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAware This topic describes the ExReInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAware function. |
ExReleaseFastMutex Learn more about the ExReleaseFastMutex routine. |
ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe Learn more about the ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe routine. |
ExReleasePushLockExclusive Releases a specified push lock for exclusive access owned by the current thread. |
ExReleasePushLockShared Releases a specified push lock for shared access owned by the current thread. |
ExReleaseResourceAndLeaveCriticalRegion Learn more about the ExReleaseResourceAndLeaveCriticalRegion routine. |
ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite The ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite routine releases the input resource of the indicated thread. |
ExReleaseResourceLite The ExReleaseResourceLite routine releases a specified executive resource owned by the current thread. |
ExReleaseRundownProtection The ExReleaseRundownProtection routine releases run-down protection that the caller previously acquired by calling the ExAcquireRundownProtection routine. |
ExReleaseRundownProtectionCacheAware This topic describes the ExReleaseRundownProtectionCacheAware function. |
ExReleaseRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx This topic describes the ExReleaseRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx function. |
ExReleaseRundownProtectionEx The ExReleaseRundownProtectionEx routine releases run-down protection that the caller previously acquired by calling the ExAcquireRundownProtectionEx routine. |
ExReleaseSpinLockExclusive The ExReleaseSpinLockExclusive routine releases a spin lock that the caller previously acquired for exclusive access, and restores the IRQL to its original value. |
ExReleaseSpinLockExclusiveFromDpcLevel Learn more about the ExReleaseSpinLockExclusiveFromDpcLevel routine. |
ExReleaseSpinLockShared The ExReleaseSpinLockShared routine releases ownership of a spin lock that the caller previously acquired for shared access, and restores the IRQL to its original value. |
ExReleaseSpinLockSharedFromDpcLevel Learn more about the ExReleaseSpinLockSharedFromDpcLevel routine. |
ExRundownCompleted The ExRundownCompleted routine updates the run-down status of a shared object to indicate that the run down of the object has completed. |
ExRundownCompletedCacheAware This topic describes the ExRundownCompletedCacheAware function. |
ExSecurePoolUpdate The ExSecurePoolUpdate function updates the contents of the secure pool allocation. |
ExSecurePoolValidate The ExSecurePoolValidate function validates that the secure pool provided is indeed the one previously created. |
ExSetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable The ExSetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable routine sets the value of the specified system firmware environment variable. |
ExSetResourceOwnerPointer The ExSetResourceOwnerPointer routine sets the owner thread pointer for an executive resource. |
ExSetResourceOwnerPointerEx The ExSetResourceOwnerPointerEx routine transfers the ownership of an executive resource from the calling thread to an owner pointer, which is a system address that identifies the resource owner. |
ExSetTimer The ExSetTimer routine starts a timer operation and sets the timer to expire at the specified due time. |
ExSetTimerResolution The ExSetTimerResolution routine modifies the frequency at which the system clock interrupts. Use this routine with extreme caution (see the following Remarks section). |
ExSizeOfRundownProtectionCacheAware This topic describes the ExSizeOfRundownProtectionCacheAware function. |
ExSystemTimeToLocalTime The ExSystemTimeToLocalTime routine converts a GMT system time value to the local system time for the current time zone. |
ExTryConvertSharedSpinLockExclusive The ExTryConvertSharedSpinLockExclusive routine attempts to convert the access state of a spin lock from acquired for shared access to exclusive access. |
ExTryToAcquireFastMutex Learn more about the ExTryToAcquireFastMutex routine. |
ExUnregisterCallback The ExUnregisterCallback routine removes a callback routine previously registered with a callback object from the list of routines to be called during the notification process. |
ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease The ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease routine waits until all drivers that have already been granted run-down protection complete their accesses of the shared object. |
ExWaitForRundownProtectionReleaseCacheAware This topic describes the ExWaitForRundownProtectionReleaseCacheAware function. |
FIELD_OFFSET The FIELD_OFFSET macro (wdm.h) returns the byte offset of the specified field in the specified known structure type. |
FirstEntrySList The FirstEntrySList routine returns the first entry in a sequenced singly linked list. |
InitializeListHead The InitializeListHead routine initializes a LIST_ENTRY structure that represents the head of a doubly linked list. |
InitializeSListHead The InitializeSListHead routine (or ExInitializeSListHead) initializes an SLIST_HEADER structure that represents the head of a sequenced singly linked list. |
InsertHeadList The InsertHeadList routine inserts an entry at the head of a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
InsertTailList The InsertTailList routine inserts an entry at the tail of a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
InterlockedAnd The InterlockedAnd (wdm.h) macro atomically computes a bitwise AND operation with the specified variable and specified value. |
InterlockedCompareExchange The InterlockedCompareExchange routine performs an atomic operation that compares the input value pointed to by Destination with the value of Comperand. |
InterlockedCompareExchangePointer The InterlockedCompareExchangePointer routine performs an atomic operation that compares the input pointer value pointed to by Destination with the pointer value Comperand. |
InterlockedDecrement The InterlockedDecrement function (wdm.h) decrements a caller-supplied variable of type LONG as an atomic operation. |
InterlockedExchange The InterlockedExchange function (wdm.h) sets an integer variable to a given value as an atomic operation. |
InterlockedExchangeAdd The InterlockedExchangeAdd function (wdm.h) adds a value to a given integer as an atomic operation and returns the original value of the given integer. |
InterlockedExchangePointer The InterlockedExchangePointer function (wdm.h) performs an atomic operation that sets a pointer to a new value. |
InterlockedIncrement The InterlockedIncrement function (wdm.h) increments a caller-supplied variable as an atomic operation. |
InterlockedOr The InterlockedOr function (wdm.h) atomically computes a bitwise OR operation with the specified variable and specified value. |
InterlockedXor The InterlockedXor function (wdm.h) atomically computes a bitwise exclusive OR operation with the specified variable and specified value. |
IoAcquireCancelSpinLock Learn more about the IoAcquireCancelSpinLock routine. |
IoAcquireKsrPersistentMemory Microsoft reserves the IoAcquireKsrPersistentMemory function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IoAcquireKsrPersistentMemoryEx Microsoft reserves the IoAcquireKsrPersistentMemoryEx function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IoAcquireRemoveLock The IoAcquireRemoveLock routine increments the count for a remove lock, indicating that the associated device object should not be detached from the device stack or deleted. |
IoAdjustPagingPathCount The IoAdjustPagingPathCount routine increments or decrements a caller-supplied page-file counter as an atomic operation. |
IoAllocateDriverObjectExtension The IoAllocateDriverObjectExtension routine allocates a per-driver context area, called a driver object extension, and assigns a unique identifier to it. |
IoAllocateErrorLogEntry The IoAllocateErrorLogEntry routine allocates an error log entry, and returns a pointer to the packet that the caller uses to supply information about an I/O error. |
IoAllocateIrp The IoAllocateIrp routine allocates an IRP, given the number of I/O stack locations for each driver layered under the caller, and, optionally, for the caller. |
IoAllocateIrpEx IoAllocateIrpEx allocates an I/O request packet (IRP) from |
IoAllocateMdl The IoAllocateMdl routine allocates a memory descriptor list (MDL) large enough to map a buffer, given the buffer's starting address and length. Optionally, this routine associates the MDL with an IRP. |
IoAllocateWorkItem The IoAllocateWorkItem routine allocates a work item. |
IoAttachDevice The IoAttachDevice routine attaches the caller's device object to a named target device object, so that I/O requests bound for the target device are routed first to the caller. |
IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack The IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack routine attaches the caller's device object to the highest device object in the chain and returns a pointer to the previously highest device object. |
IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest The IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest routine allocates and sets up an IRP to be sent to lower-level drivers. |
IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest The IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest routine allocates and sets up an IRP for a synchronously processed device control request. |
IoBuildPartialMdl The IoBuildPartialMdl routine builds a new memory descriptor list (MDL) that represents part of a buffer that is described by an existing MDL. |
IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest The IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest routine allocates and sets up an IRP for a synchronously processed I/O request. |
IoCallDriver The IoCallDriver routine sends an IRP to the driver associated with a specified device object. |
IoCancelIrp The IoCancelIrp routine sets the cancel bit in a given IRP and calls the cancel routine for the IRP if there is one. |
IoCheckLinkShareAccess The IoCheckLinkShareAccess routine is called by file system drivers (FSDs) or other highest-level drivers to check whether link shared access to a file object is permitted. |
IoCheckShareAccess The IoCheckShareAccess routine is called by file system drivers (FSDs) or other highest-level drivers to check whether shared access to a file object is permitted. |
IoCheckShareAccessEx The IoCheckShareAccessEx routine is called by file system drivers (FSDs) or other highest-level drivers to check whether shared access to a file object is permitted. |
IoConnectInterrupt The IoConnectInterrupt routine registers a device driver's InterruptService routine (ISR), so that it will be called when a device interrupts on any of a specified set of processors. |
IoConnectInterruptEx For more information, see the WdmlibIoConnectInterruptEx function.#define IoConnectInterruptEx WdmlibIoConnectInterruptEx |
IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext The IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext routine copies the IRP stack parameters from the current I/O stack location to the stack location of the next-lower driver. |
IoCreateDevice The IoCreateDevice routine creates a device object for use by a driver. |
IoCreateFile The IoCreateFile routine either causes a new file or directory to be created, or it opens an existing file, device, directory, or volume, giving the caller a handle for the file object. |
IoCreateNotificationEvent The IoCreateNotificationEvent routine creates or opens a named notification event used to notify one or more threads of execution that an event has occurred. |
IoCreateSymbolicLink The IoCreateSymbolicLink routine sets up a symbolic link between a device object name and a user-visible name for the device. |
IoCreateSynchronizationEvent The IoCreateSynchronizationEvent routine creates or opens a named synchronization event for use in serialization of access to hardware between two otherwise unrelated drivers. |
IoCreateSystemThread The IoCreateSystemThread routine creates a system thread that executes in kernel mode, and supplies a handle for the thread. |
IoCreateUnprotectedSymbolicLink The IoCreateUnprotectedSymbolicLink routine sets up an unprotected symbolic link between a device object name and a corresponding Win32-visible name. |
IoCsqInitialize The IoCsqInitialize routine initializes the driver's cancel-safe IRP queue dispatch table. |
IoCsqInitializeEx The IoCsqInitializeEx routine initializes the dispatch table for a cancel-safe IRP queue. |
IoCsqInsertIrp The IoCsqInsertIrp routine inserts an IRP in the driver's cancel-safe IRP queue. |
IoCsqInsertIrpEx The IoCsqInsertIrpEx routine inserts an IRP into the driver's cancel-safe IRP queue. |
IoCsqRemoveIrp The IoCsqRemoveIrp routine removes a particular IRP from the queue. |
IoCsqRemoveNextIrp The IoCsqRemoveNextIrp routine removes the next matching IRP in the queue. |
IoDeleteDevice The IoDeleteDevice routine removes a device object from the system, for example, when the underlying device is removed from the system. |
IoDeleteSymbolicLink The IoDeleteSymbolicLink routine removes a symbolic link from the system. |
IoDetachDevice The IoDetachDevice routine releases an attachment between the caller's device object and a lower driver's device object. |
IoDisconnectInterrupt The IoDisconnectInterrupt routine releases a device driver's set of interrupt object(s) when the device is paused or removed, or when the driver is being unloaded. |
IoDisconnectInterruptEx For more information, see the WdmlibIoDisconnectInterruptEx function.#define IoDisconnectInterruptEx WdmlibIoDisconnectInterruptEx |
IoEnumerateKsrPersistentMemoryEx Microsoft reserves the IoEnumerateKsrPersistentMemoryEx function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IofCallDriver Call IoCallDriver instead. Sends an IRP to the driver associated with a specified device object. |
IofCompleteRequest The IoCompleteRequest routine indicates that the caller has completed all processing for a given I/O request and is returning the given IRP to the I/O manager. |
IoForwardIrpSynchronously The IoForwardIrpSynchronously routine sends an IRP to a specified driver and waits for that driver to complete the IRP. |
IoFreeErrorLogEntry The IoFreeErrorLogEntry routine frees an unused error log entry. |
IoFreeIrp The IoFreeIrp routine releases a caller-allocated IRP from the caller's IoCompletion routine. |
IoFreeKsrPersistentMemory Microsoft reserves the IoFreeKsrPersistentMemory function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IoFreeMdl The IoFreeMdl routine releases a caller-allocated memory descriptor list (MDL). |
IoFreeWorkItem The IoFreeWorkItem routine frees a work item that was allocated by IoAllocateWorkItem. |
IoGetAffinityInterrupt For more information, see the WdmlibIoGetAffinityInterrupt function.#define IoGetAffinityInterrupt WdmlibIoGetAffinityInterrupt |
IoGetAttachedDeviceReference The IoGetAttachedDeviceReference routine in wdm.h returns a pointer to the highest level device object in a driver stack and increments the reference count. |
IoGetBootDiskInformation The IoGetBootDiskInformation routine returns information describing the boot and system disks. |
IoGetContainerInformation The IoGetContainerInformation routine provides information about the current state of a user session. |
IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation The IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation routine returns a pointer to the caller's I/O stack location in the specified IRP. |
IoGetCurrentProcess The IoGetCurrentProcess routine returns a pointer to the current process. |
IoGetDeviceDirectory Returns a handle to a directory on disk specific to the specified driver object where the driver can read and write files. |
IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias The IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias routine returns the alias device interface of the specified device interface instance, if the alias exists. |
IoGetDeviceInterfacePropertyData The IoGetDeviceInterfacePropertyData routine retrieves the current value of a device interface property. |
IoGetDeviceInterfaces The IoGetDeviceInterfaces routine returns a list of device interface instances of a particular device interface class (such as all devices on the system that support a HID interface). |
IoGetDeviceNumaNode The IoGetDeviceNumaNode routine gets the node number of a device. |
IoGetDeviceObjectPointer The IoGetDeviceObjectPointer routine returns a pointer to the top object in the named device object's stack and a pointer to the corresponding file object, if the requested access to the objects can be granted. |
IoGetDeviceProperty The IoGetDeviceProperty routine retrieves information about a device such as configuration information and the name of its PDO. |
IoGetDevicePropertyData The IoGetDevicePropertyData routine retrieves the current setting for a device property. |
IoGetDmaAdapter The IoGetDmaAdapter routine returns a pointer to the DMA adapter structure for a physical device object. |
IoGetDriverDirectory Returns a handle to a directory on disk from which the driver can read and write files. The files in that directory apply to a specific driver object. |
IoGetDriverObjectExtension The IoGetDriverObjectExtension routine retrieves a previously allocated per-driver context area. |
IoGetFunctionCodeFromCtlCode The IoGetFunctionCodeFromCtlCode macro returns the value of the function code contained in an I/O control code. |
IoGetInitialStack The IoGetInitialStack routine returns the base address of the current thread's stack. |
IoGetIommuInterface Retrieves a pointer to the interface that contains pointers to IOMMU routines. |
IoGetIommuInterfaceEx Retrieves a pointer to the extended interface that contains a set of IOMMU routines. |
IoGetIoPriorityHint The IoGetIoPriorityHint routine gets the priority hint value from an IRP. |
IoGetNextIrpStackLocation The IoGetNextIrpStackLocation routine gives a higher level driver access to the next-lower driver's I/O stack location in an IRP so the caller can set it up for the lower driver. |
IoGetRelatedDeviceObject Given a file object, the IoGetRelatedDeviceObject routine returns a pointer to the corresponding device object. |
IoGetRemainingStackSize The IoGetRemainingStackSize routine returns the current amount of available kernel-mode stack space. |
IoGetStackLimits The IoGetStackLimits routine returns the boundaries of the current thread's stack frame. |
IoGetTopLevelIrp The IoGetTopLevelIrp routine in wdm.h returns the value of the TopLevelIrp field of the current thread. |
IoInitializeDpcRequest The IoInitializeDpcRequest routine registers a driver-supplied DpcForIsr routine. |
IoInitializeIrp The IoInitializeIrp routine initializes a given IRP that was allocated by the caller. |
IoInitializeRemoveLock The IoInitializeRemoveLock routine initializes a remove lock for a device object. |
IoInitializeTimer The IoInitializeTimer routine sets up a driver-supplied IoTimer routine associated with a given device object. |
IoInitializeWorkItem The IoInitializeWorkItem routine initializes a work item that the caller has already allocated. |
IoInvalidateDeviceRelations The IoInvalidateDeviceRelations routine notifies the PnP manager that the relations for a device (such as bus relations, ejection relations, removal relations, and the target device relation) have changed. |
IoInvalidateDeviceState The IoInvalidateDeviceState routine notifies the PnP manager that some aspect of the PnP state of a device has changed. |
IoIs32bitProcess The IoIs32bitProcess routine checks whether the originator of the current I/O request is a 32-bit user-mode application. |
IoIsErrorUserInduced The IoIsErrorUserInduced routine determines whether an I/O error encountered while processing a request to a removable-media device was caused by the user. |
IoIsWdmVersionAvailable The IoIsWdmVersionAvailable routine checks whether a given WDM version is supported by the operating system. |
IoMarkIrpPending The IoMarkIrpPending routine marks the specified IRP, indicating that a driver's dispatch routine subsequently returned STATUS_PENDING because further processing is required by other driver routines. |
IoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey The IoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey routine returns a handle to a registry key for storing information about a particular device interface instance. |
IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey The IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey routine returns a handle to a registry state location for a particular device instance. |
IoOpenDriverRegistryKey Reserved for the IoOpenDriverRegistryKey function. |
IoQueryKsrPersistentMemorySize Microsoft reserves the IoQueryKsrPersistentMemorySize function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IoQueryKsrPersistentMemorySizeEx Microsoft reserves the IoQueryKsrPersistentMemorySizeEx function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IoQueueWorkItem The IoQueueWorkItem routine associates a WorkItem routine with a work item, and it inserts the work item into a queue for later processing by a system worker thread. |
IoQueueWorkItemEx The IoQueueWorkItemEx routine associates a WorkItemEx routine with a work item, and it inserts the work item into a queue for later processing by a system worker thread. |
IoRegisterContainerNotification The IoRegisterContainerNotification routine registers a kernel-mode driver to receive notifications about a specified class of events. |
IoRegisterDeviceInterface The IoRegisterDeviceInterface routine registers a device interface class, if it has not been previously registered, and creates a new instance of the interface class, which a driver can subsequently enable for use by applications or other system components. |
IoRegisterLastChanceShutdownNotification The IoRegisterLastChanceShutdownNotification routine registers a driver to receive an IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN IRP when the system is shut down, after all file systems have been flushed. |
IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification The IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification routine registers a Plug and Play (PnP) notification callback routine to be called when a PnP event of the specified category occurs. |
IoRegisterShutdownNotification The IoRegisterShutdownNotification routine registers the driver to receive an IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN IRP when the system is shut down. |
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock Learn more about the IoReleaseCancelSpinLock routine. |
IoReleaseRemoveLock The IoReleaseRemoveLock routine releases a remove lock acquired with a previous call to IoAcquireRemoveLock. |
IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWait The IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWait routine releases a remove lock that the driver acquired in a previous call to IoAcquireRemoveLock, and waits until all acquisitions of the lock have been released. |
IoRemoveLinkShareAccess The IoRemoveLinkShareAccess routine removes the access and link share-access information for a given open instance of a file object. |
IoRemoveLinkShareAccessEx The IoRemoveLinkShareAccessEx routine removes the access and share access information in a file system Share Access structure for a given open instance. |
IoRemoveShareAccess The IoRemoveShareAccess routine removes the access and share-access information for a given open instance of a file object. |
IoReportInterruptActive The IoReportInterruptActive routine informs the operating system that a registered interrupt service routine (ISR) is active and ready to handle interrupt requests. |
IoReportInterruptInactive The IoReportInterruptInactive routine informs the operating system that a registered interrupt service routine (ISR) is inactive and is not expecting interrupt requests. |
IoReportTargetDeviceChange The IoReportTargetDeviceChange routine notifies the PnP manager that a custom event has occurred on a device. |
IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous The IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous routine notifies the PnP manager that a custom event has occurred on a device. |
IoRequestDeviceEject The IoRequestDeviceEject routine notifies the PnP manager that the device eject button was pressed. |
IoRequestDpc The IoRequestDpc routine queues a driver-supplied DpcForIsr routine to complete interrupt-driven I/O processing at a lower IRQL. |
IoReserveKsrPersistentMemory Microsoft reserves the IoReserveKsrPersistentMemory function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IoReserveKsrPersistentMemoryEx Microsoft reserves the IoReserveKsrPersistentMemoryEx function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IoReuseIrp The IoReuseIrp routine reinitializes an IRP so that it can be reused. |
Iosb64ToIosb The Iosb64ToIosb function... |
IosbToIosb64 The IosbToIosb64 function... |
IoSetCancelRoutine The IoSetCancelRoutine routine sets up a driver-supplied Cancel routine to be called if a given IRP is canceled. |
IoSetCompletionRoutine The IoSetCompletionRoutine routine registers an IoCompletion routine, which will be called when the next-lower-level driver has completed the requested operation for the given IRP. |
IoSetCompletionRoutineEx The IoSetCompletionRoutineEx routine registers an IoCompletion routine, which is called when the next-lower-level driver has completed the requested operation for the given IRP. |
IoSetDeviceInterfacePropertyData The IoSetDeviceInterfacePropertyData routine modifies the current value of a device interface property. |
IoSetDeviceInterfaceState The IoSetDeviceInterfaceState routine enables or disables an instance of a previously registered device interface class. |
IoSetDevicePropertyData The IoSetDevicePropertyData routine modifies the current setting for a device property. |
IoSetIoPriorityHint The IoSetIoPriorityHint routine sets the priority hint value for an IRP. |
IoSetLinkShareAccess The IoSetLinkShareAccess routine sets the access rights for link sharing the specified file object. |
IoSetNextIrpStackLocation The IoSetNextIrpStackLocation routine sets the IRP stack location in a driver-allocated IRP to that of the caller. |
IoSetShareAccess The IoSetShareAccess routine sets the access rights for sharing the given file object. |
IoSetShareAccessEx The IoSetShareAccessEx routine sets the access rights for sharing the specified file object. |
IoSetStartIoAttributes The IoSetStartIoAttributes routine in wdm.h sets attributes for the driver's StartIo routine. |
IoSetTopLevelIrp The IoSetTopLevelIrp routine in wdm.h sets the value of the TopLevelIrp field of the current thread. |
IoSizeOfIrp The IoSizeOfIrp routine in wdm.h determines the size in bytes for an IRP, given the number of stack locations in the IRP. |
IoSizeofWorkItem The IoSizeofWorkItem routine returns the size, in bytes, of an IO_WORKITEM structure. |
IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation Learn more about: IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation |
IoStartNextPacket The IoStartNextPacket routine in wdm.h dequeues the next IRP from the given device object's associated device queue and calls the driver's StartIo routine. |
IoStartNextPacketByKey The IoStartNextPacketByKey routine in wdm.h dequeues the next I/O request packet from the specified device object's associated device queue. |
IoStartPacket The IoStartPacket routine in wdm.h calls the driver's StartIo routine with an IRP or inserts the IRP into the device queue for the given device object. |
IoStartTimer The IoStartTimer routine in wdm.h enables the timer associated with a given device object so the driver-supplied IoTimer routine is called once per second. |
IoStopTimer The IoStopTimer routine in wdm.h disables the timer for a specified device object so the driver-supplied IoTimer routine is not called. |
IoUninitializeWorkItem The IoUninitializeWorkItem routine uninitializes a work item that was initialized by IoInitializeWorkItem. |
IoUnregisterContainerNotification The IoUnregisterContainerNotification routine cancels a container notification registration that was previously created by the IoRegisterContainerNotification routine. |
IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification This routine is obsolete in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows. The IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification routine removes the registration of a driver's callback routine for a PnP event. |
IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotificationEx The IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotificationEx routine cancels the registration of a driver's callback routine for notifications of Plug and Play (PnP) events. |
IoUnregisterShutdownNotification The IoUnregisterShutdownNotification routine removes a registered driver from the shutdown notification queue. |
IoUpdateLinkShareAccess The IoUpdateLinkShareAccess routine updates the share access for the given file object, usually when the file is being opened. |
IoUpdateLinkShareAccessEx The IoUpdateLinkShareAccessEx routine updates the share access for the given file object, usually when the file is being opened. |
IoUpdateShareAccess The IoUpdateShareAccess routine updates the share access for the given file object, usually when the file is being opened. |
IoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess For more information, see the WdmlibIoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess function. |
IoWithinStackLimits The IoWithinStackLimits routine determines whether a region of memory is within the stack limit of the current thread. |
IoWMIAllocateInstanceIds The IoWMIAllocateInstanceIds routine allocates one or more instance IDs that are unique to the GUID. |
IoWMIDeviceObjectToInstanceName The IoWMIDeviceObjectToInstanceName routine determines the instance name for the WMI class instance implemented by the driver that is specified by a device object. |
IoWMIDeviceObjectToProviderId The IoWMIDeviceObjectToProviderId routine translates the specified device object into the corresponding WMI Provider ID. |
IoWMIExecuteMethod The IoWMIExecuteMethod routine runs a WMI class method on the specified WMI data block instance. |
IoWMIHandleToInstanceName The IoWMIHandleToInstanceName routine determines the instance name for the WMI class instance implemented by the driver that is specified by a file handle. |
IoWMIOpenBlock The IoWMIOpenBlock routine opens the WMI data block object for the specified WMI class. |
IoWMIQueryAllData The IoWMIQueryAllData routine returns all WMI data blocks that implement a given WMI class. |
IoWMIQueryAllDataMultiple The IoWMIQueryAllDataMultiple routine returns all WMI data blocks that implement one of a set of WMI classes. |
IoWMIQuerySingleInstance The IoWMIQuerySingleInstance routine returns the specified instance of a WMI data block. |
IoWMIQuerySingleInstanceMultiple The IoWMIQuerySingleInstanceMultiple routine returns all WMI data block instances that implement the specified WMI classes with the specified instance names. |
IoWMIRegistrationControl The IoWMIRegistrationControl routine registers or unregisters the caller as a WMI data provider for a specified device object. |
IoWMISetNotificationCallback The IoWMISetNotificationCallback routine registers a notification callback for a WMI event. |
IoWMISetSingleInstance The IoWMISetSingleInstance routine sets the values for properties within the data block instance that matches the specified WMI class and instance name. |
IoWMISetSingleItem The IoWMISetSingleItem routine sets a single property in the data block instance that matches the specified WMI class and instance name. |
IoWMISuggestInstanceName The IoWMISuggestInstanceName routine is used to request that WMI suggest a base name which a driver can use to build WMI instance names for the device. |
IoWMIWriteEvent The IoWMIWriteEvent routine delivers a given event to the user-mode WMI components for notification. |
IoWriteErrorLogEntry The IoWriteErrorLogEntry routine in wdm.h queues a given error log packet to the system error logging thread. |
IoWriteKsrPersistentMemory Microsoft reserves the IoWriteKsrPersistentMemory function for internal use only. Don't use this function in your code. |
IsListEmpty The IsListEmpty routine indicates whether a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures is empty. |
KdBreakPointWithStatus The KdBreakPointWithStatus macro breaks into the kernel debugger and sends the value of Status to the debugger. |
KdChangeOption The KdChangeOption routine accesses and changes state in the kernel that is related to kernel debugging. |
KdDisableDebugger The KdDisableDebugger routine disables the kernel debugger. |
KdEnableDebugger The KdEnableDebugger routine re-enables the kernel debugger after a call to the KdDisableDebugger routine disables the kernel debugger. |
KdPrint The KdPrint macro sends a message to the kernel debugger. |
KdPrintEx The KdPrintEx macro sends a string to the kernel debugger if the conditions you specify are met.A call to KdPrintEx requires double parentheses. |
KdRefreshDebuggerNotPresent The KdRefreshDebuggerNotPresent macro refreshes the value of the KD_DEBUGGER_NOT_PRESENT global kernel variable. |
KeAcquireGuardedMutex Learn more about the KeAcquireGuardedMutex routine. |
KeAcquireGuardedMutexUnsafe Learn more about the KeAcquireGuardedMutexUnsafe function. |
KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock Learn more about the KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock routine. |
KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockAtDpcLevel Learn more about the KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockAtDpcLevel routine. |
KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockForDpc Learn more about the KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockForDpc routine. |
KeAcquireInterruptSpinLock Learn more about the KeAcquireInterruptSpinLock routine. |
KeAcquireSpinLock The KeAcquireSpinLock routine acquires a spin lock so the caller can synchronize access to shared data in a multiprocessor-safe way by raising IRQL. |
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel The KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel routine acquires a spin lock when the caller is already running at IRQL >= DISPATCH_LEVEL. |
KeAcquireSpinLockForDpc Learn more about the KeAcquireSpinLockForDpc routine. |
KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToDpc The KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToDpc routine is a faster version of the KeAcquireSpinLock routine. |
KeAddTriageDumpDataBlock Adds a triage dump data block to a triage dump data block array. |
KeAreAllApcsDisabled The KeAreAllApcsDisabled routine indicates whether the calling thread is inside a guarded region or running at IRQL >= APC_LEVEL, which disables all APC delivery. |
KeAreApcsDisabled The KeAreApcsDisabled function (wdm.h) returns a value that indicates whether the calling thread is within a critical region or a guarded region. |
KeBugCheckEx The KeBugCheckEx routine brings down the system in a controlled manner when the caller discovers an unrecoverable inconsistency that would corrupt the system if the caller continued to run. |
KeCancelTimer The KeCancelTimer routine dequeues a timer object before the timer interval, if any was set, expires. |
KeClearEvent The KeClearEvent routine sets an event to a not-signaled state. |
KeConvertAuxiliaryCounterToPerformanceCounter The KeConvertAuxiliaryCounterToPerformanceCounter routine converts the specified auxiliary counter value into a performance counter value. |
KeConvertPerformanceCounterToAuxiliaryCounter The KeConvertPerformanceCounterToAuxiliaryCounter routine converts the specified performance counter value into an auxiliary counter value. |
KeDelayExecutionThread The KeDelayExecutionThread routine puts the current thread into an alertable or nonalertable wait state for a specified interval. |
KeDeregisterBoundCallback The KeDeregisterBoundCallback routine deregisters a user-mode bound exception callback registered by KeRegisterBoundCallback. |
KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback The KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback routine removes a callback routine that was registered by KeRegisterBugCheckCallback. |
KeDeregisterBugCheckReasonCallback The KeDeregisterBugCheckReasonCallback routine removes a callback routine that was registered by KeRegisterBugCheckReasonCallback. |
KeDeregisterNmiCallback The KeDeregisterNmiCallback routine deregisters a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) callback registered by KeRegisterNmiCallback. |
KeDeregisterProcessorChangeCallback The KeDeregisterProcessorChangeCallback routine unregisters a callback function that was previously registered with the operating system by calling the KeRegisterProcessorChangeCallback routine. |
KeEnterCriticalRegion The KeEnterCriticalRegion function (wdm.h) temporarily disables the execution of normal kernel APCs, but does not prevent special kernel APCs from running. |
KeEnterGuardedRegion The KeEnterGuardedRegion function (wdm.h) enters a guarded region, which disables all kernel-mode APC delivery to the current thread. |
KeFlushIoBuffers The KeFlushIoBuffers routine flushes the memory region described by an MDL from caches of all processors. |
KeFlushQueuedDpcs The KeFlushQueuedDpcs routine returns after all queued DPCs on all processors have executed. |
KefReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel The KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel routine releases an executive spin lock without changing the IRQL. |
KeGetCurrentIrql The KeGetCurrentIrql routine returns the current IRQL. |
KeGetCurrentNodeNumber The KeGetCurrentNodeNumber function (wdm.h) returns the NUMA node number for the logical processor that the caller is running on. |
KeGetCurrentProcessorIndex KeGetCurrentProcessorIndex returns the index of the processor that the caller is running on. |
KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx The KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx function (wdm.h) returns the processor number of the logical processor that the caller is running on. |
KeGetCurrentThread The KeGetCurrentThread routine identifies the current thread. |
KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber The KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber routine in wdm.h converts a group number and a group-relative processor number to a systemwide processor index. |
KeGetProcessorNumberFromIndex The KeGetProcessorNumberFromIndex routine in wdm.h converts a systemwide processor index to a group number and a group-relative processor number. |
KeGetRecommendedSharedDataAlignment The KeGetRecommendedSharedDataAlignment routine returns the preferred alignment for memory structures that can be accessed by more than one processor. |
KeInitializeCallbackRecord Learn more about: KeInitializeCallbackRecord |
KeInitializeCrashDumpHeader Learn how the KeInitializeCrashDumpHeader routine supplies the header information the system requires for a crash dump file. |
KeInitializeDeviceQueue The KeInitializeDeviceQueue routine initializes a device queue object to a not-busy state. |
KeInitializeDpc The KeInitializeDpc routine initializes a DPC object, and registers a CustomDpc routine for that object. |
KeInitializeEvent The KeInitializeEvent routine initializes an event object as a synchronization (single waiter) or notification type event and sets it to a signaled or not-signaled state. |
KeInitializeGuardedMutex The KeInitializeGuardedMutex routine initializes a guarded mutex. |
KeInitializeMutex The KeInitializeMutex routine initializes a mutex object, setting it to a signaled state. |
KeInitializeSemaphore The KeInitializeSemaphore routine initializes a semaphore object with a specified count and specifies an upper limit that the count can attain. |
KeInitializeSpinLock The KeInitializeSpinLock routine initializes a variable of type KSPIN_LOCK. |
KeInitializeThreadedDpc The KeInitializeThreadedDpc routine initializes a threaded DPC object, and registers a CustomThreadedDpc routine for that object. |
KeInitializeTimer The KeInitializeTimer routine initializes a timer object. |
KeInitializeTimerEx The KeInitializeTimerEx routine initializes an extended kernel timer object. |
KeInitializeTriageDumpDataArray Initializes a triage dump data block array. |
KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue The KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue routine acquires the spin lock for the specified DeviceQueue and queues an entry according to the specified sort-key value if the device queue is set to a busy state. |
KeInsertDeviceQueue The KeInsertDeviceQueue routine acquires the spin lock for the specified device queue object and, if the device queue is set to a busy state, queues the specified entry. |
KeInsertQueueDpc The KeInsertQueueDpc routine queues a DPC for execution. |
KeIpiGenericCall The KeIpiGenericCall routine causes the specified routine to run on all processors simultaneously. |
KeIsExecutingDpc Checks whether a DPC is being executed on current processor. |
KeLeaveCriticalRegion Learn how the KeLeaveCriticalRegion routine reenables the delivery of normal kernel-mode APCs that were disabled by a preceding call to KeEnterCriticalRegion. |
KeLeaveGuardedRegion Learn how the KeLeaveGuardedRegion routine exits a guarded region entered by KeEnterGuardedRegion. |
KeLowerIrql The KeLowerIrql routine restores the IRQL on the current processor to its original value. |
KeMemoryBarrier The KeMemoryBarrier routine creates a barrier at its position in the code—across which the compiler and the processor cannot move any operations. |
KeQueryActiveGroupCount Learn how the KeQueryActiveGroupCount routine returns the number of active processor groups in a multiprocessor system. |
KeQueryActiveProcessorCount Learn how the KeQueryActiveProcessorCount routine returns the number of currently active processors. |
KeQueryActiveProcessorCountEx Learn how the KeQueryActiveProcessorCountEx routine returns the number of active logical processors in a specified group in a multiprocessor system or in the entire system. |
KeQueryActiveProcessors Learn how the KeQueryActiveProcessors routine returns a bitmask of the currently active processors. |
KeQueryAuxiliaryCounterFrequency The KeQueryAuxiliaryCounterFrequency routine returns frequency of the auxiliary counter in units of Hz. |
KeQueryDpcWatchdogInformation The KeQueryDpcWatchdogInformation routine returns the deferred procedure call (DPC) watchdog timer values for the current processor. |
KeQueryGroupAffinity Learn how the KeQueryGroupAffinity routine returns an affinity mask that identifies the active logical processors in a specified group in a multiprocessor system. |
KeQueryHighestNodeNumber Learn how the KeQueryHighestNodeNumber routine returns the highest node number in a multiprocessor system that has a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architecture. |
KeQueryInterruptTime The KeQueryInterruptTime routine returns the current value of the system interrupt time count, with accuracy to within system clock tick. |
KeQueryInterruptTimePrecise The KeQueryInterruptTimePrecise routine returns the current value of the system interrupt time count, with accuracy to within a microsecond. |
KeQueryLogicalProcessorRelationship The KeQueryLogicalProcessorRelationship routine gets information about the relationships of one or more processors to the other processors in a multiprocessor system. |
KeQueryMaximumGroupCount Learn how the KeQueryMaximumGroupCount routine returns the maximum number of groups in a multiprocessor system. |
KeQueryMaximumProcessorCount Learn how the KeQueryMaximumProcessorCount routine returns the maximum number of processors. |
KeQueryMaximumProcessorCountEx Learn how the KeQueryMaximumProcessorCountEx routine returns the maximum number of logical processors in a specified group in a multiprocessor system. |
KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity The KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity routine gets the current processor affinity of a specified node in a multiprocessor system that has a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architecture. |
KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity2 This routine returns the current multi-group processor affinity of the given NUMA node. |
KeQueryNodeActiveProcessorCount This routine returns the number of active processors in the given NUMA node across all groups. |
KeQueryNodeMaximumProcessorCount Learn how the KeQueryNodeMaximumProcessorCount routine returns the maximum number of logical processors that a specified node in a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) multiprocessor system can contain. |
KeQueryPerformanceCounter The KeQueryPerformanceCounter routine in wdm.h retrieves the current value and frequency of the performance counter. |
KeQueryPriorityThread The KeQueryPriorityThread routine returns the current priority of a particular thread. |
KeQueryRuntimeThread The KeQueryRuntimeThread routine reports the accumulated kernel-mode and user-mode run time of a thread, in clock ticks. |
KeQuerySystemTime The KeQuerySystemTime routine obtains the current system time. |
KeQuerySystemTimePrecise The KeQuerySystemTimePrecise routine retrieves the current system time, and is more precise than the KeQuerySystemTime routine. |
KeQueryTickCount Learn how the KeQueryTickCount routine maintains a count of the interval timer interrupts that have occurred since the system was booted. |
KeQueryTimeIncrement The KeQueryTimeIncrement routine returns the number of 100-nanosecond units that are added to the system time each time the interval clock interrupts. |
KeQueryTotalCycleTimeThread The KeQueryTotalCycleTimeThread routine returns the accumulated cycle time for the specified thread. |
KeQueryUnbiasedInterruptTime The KeQueryUnbiasedInterruptTime routine returns the current value of the system interrupt time count. |
KeRaiseIrql The KeRaiseIrql routine raises the hardware priority to the specified IRQL value, thereby masking off interrupts of equivalent or lower IRQL on the current processor. |
KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel Learn how the KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel routine raises the hardware priority to IRQL = DISPATCH_LEVEL, thereby masking off interrupts of equivalent or lower IRQL on the current processor. |
KeReadStateEvent The KeReadStateEvent routine returns the current state, signaled or not-signaled, of an event object. |
KeReadStateMutex The KeReadStateMutex routine returns the current state, signaled or not-signaled, of the specified mutex object. |
KeReadStateSemaphore The KeReadStateSemaphore routine returns the current state, signaled or not-signaled, of the specified semaphore object. |
KeReadStateTimer The KeReadStateTimer routine reads the current state of a timer object. |
KeRegisterBoundCallback The KeRegisterBoundCallback routine registers a routine to be called whenever a user-mode bound exception occurs. |
KeRegisterBugCheckCallback The KeRegisterBugCheckCallback routine registers a BugCheckCallback routine, which executes when the operating system issues a bug check. |
KeRegisterBugCheckReasonCallback The KeRegisterBugCheckReasonCallback routine registers a KbCallbackDumpIo, KbCallbackSecondaryDumpData, or KbCallbackAddPages routine, which executes when the operating system issues a bug check. |
KeRegisterNmiCallback The KeRegisterNmiCallback routine registers a routine to be called whenever a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) occurs. |
KeRegisterProcessorChangeCallback The KeRegisterProcessorChangeCallback routine registers a callback function with the operating system so that the operating system will notify the driver when a new processor is added to the hardware partition. |
KeReleaseGuardedMutex The KeReleaseGuardedMutex routine releases a guarded mutex acquired with KeAcquireGuardedMutex or KeTryToAcquireGuardedMutex. |
KeReleaseGuardedMutexUnsafe The KeReleaseGuardedMutexUnsafe routine releases a guarded mutex acquired by KeAcquireGuardedMutexUnsafe. |
KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock The KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock routine releases a queued spin lock acquired by KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock. |
KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockForDpc The KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockForDpc routine releases a queued spin lock that was acquired by calling KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockForDpc. |
KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel The KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel routine releases a queued spin lock acquired by KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockAtDpcLevel. |
KeReleaseInterruptSpinLock The KeReleaseInterruptSpinLock routine releases an interrupt spin lock acquired by KeAcquireInterruptSpinLock. |
KeReleaseMutex The KeReleaseMutex routine releases a mutex object, and specifies whether the caller is to call one of the KeWaitXxx routines as soon as KeReleaseMutex returns control. |
KeReleaseSemaphore The KeReleaseSemaphore routine releases the specified semaphore object. |
KeReleaseSpinLock The KeReleaseSpinLock routine releases a spin lock and restores the original IRQL at which the caller was running. |
KeReleaseSpinLockForDpc The KeReleaseSpinLockForDpc routine releases a spin lock that was acquired by calling KeAcquireSpinLockForDpc. |
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel Learn how the KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel routine releases an executive spin lock without changing the IRQL. |
KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue The KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue routine removes an entry, selected according to a sort key value, from the specified device queue. |
KeRemoveDeviceQueue The KeRemoveDeviceQueue routine removes an entry from the head of a specified device queue. |
KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue The KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue routine returns whether the specified entry is in the device queue and removes it, if it was queued, from the device queue. |
KeRemoveQueueDpc The KeRemoveQueueDpc routine removes the specified DPC object from the system DPC queue. |
KeResetEvent The KeResetEvent routine resets a specified event object to a not-signaled state and returns the previous state of that event object. |
KeRestoreExtendedProcessorState The KeRestoreExtendedProcessorState routine restores extended processor state information that was previously saved. |
KeRestoreFloatingPointState The KeRestoreFloatingPointState routine restores the nonvolatile floating-point context saved by the preceding call to KeSaveFloatingPointState. |
KeRevertToUserAffinityThreadEx The KeRevertToUserAffinityThreadEx routine restores the previous affinity of the current thread. |
KeRevertToUserGroupAffinityThread The KeRevertToUserGroupAffinityThread routine restores the group affinity of the calling thread to its original value at the time that the thread was created. |
KeSaveExtendedProcessorState The KeSaveExtendedProcessorState routine saves extended processor state information. |
KeSaveFloatingPointState The KeSaveFloatingPointState routine saves the nonvolatile floating-point context so the caller can carry out floating-point operations. |
KeSetCoalescableTimer The KeSetCoalescableTimer routine sets the initial expiration time and period of a timer object and specifies how much delay can be tolerated in the expiration times. |
KeSetEvent The KeSetEvent routine sets an event object to a signaled state if the event was not already signaled, and returns the previous state of the event object. |
KeSetImportanceDpc Learn how the KeSetImportanceDpc routine specifies how soon the DPC routine is run. |
KeSetPriorityThread The KeSetPriorityThread routine sets the run-time priority of a driver-created thread. |
KeSetSystemAffinityThread The KeSetSystemAffinityThread routine sets the system affinity of the current thread. |
KeSetSystemAffinityThreadEx The KeSetSystemAffinityThreadEx routine sets the system affinity of the current thread. |
KeSetSystemGroupAffinityThread The KeSetSystemGroupAffinityThread routine changes the group number and affinity mask of the calling thread. |
KeSetTargetProcessorDpc Learn how the KeSetTargetProcessorDpc routine specifies the processor that a DPC routine will be run on. |
KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx The KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx routine specifies the processor that a DPC routine will run on. |
KeSetTimer The KeSetTimer routine sets the absolute or relative interval at which a timer object is to be set to a signaled state and, optionally, supplies a CustomTimerDpc routine to be executed when that interval expires. |
KeSetTimerEx The KeSetTimerEx routine sets the absolute or relative interval at which a timer object is to be set to a signaled state, optionally supplies a CustomTimerDpc routine to be executed when that interval expires, and optionally supplies a recurring interval for the timer. |
KeShouldYieldProcessor Learn more about: KeShouldYieldProcessor function |
KeStallExecutionProcessor The KeStallExecutionProcessor routine in wdm.h stalls the caller on the current processor for a specified time interval. |
KeSynchronizeExecution The KeSynchronizeExecution routine synchronizes the execution of the specified routine with the interrupt service routine (ISR) that is assigned to a set of one or more interrupt objects. |
KeTestSpinLock The KeTestSpinLock routine tests for the availability of a spin lock. |
KeTryToAcquireGuardedMutex The KeTryToAcquireGuardedMutex routine acquires a guarded mutex, if available. |
KeTryToAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel The KeTryToAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel routine attempts to acquire a spin lock at DISPATCH_LEVEL. |
KeWaitForMultipleObjects The KeWaitForMultipleObjects routine puts the current thread into an alertable or nonalertable wait state until any or all of a number of dispatcher objects are set to a signaled state or (optionally) until the wait times out. |
KeWaitForSingleObject The KeWaitForSingleObject routine puts the current thread into a wait state until the given dispatcher object is set to a signaled state or (optionally) until the wait times out. |
KzLowerIrql Restores the IRQL on the current processor to its original value. |
KzRaiseIrql Raises the hardware priority to the specified IRQL value, thereby masking off interrupts of equivalent or lower IRQL on the current processor. |
MmAdvanceMdl The MmAdvanceMdl routine advances the beginning of an MDL's virtual memory range by the specified number of bytes. |
MmAllocateContiguousMemory Learn how the MmAllocateContiguousMemory routine allocates a range of contiguous, nonpaged physical memory and maps it to the system address space. |
MmAllocateContiguousMemoryEx The MmAllocateContiguousMemoryEx function allocates a range of physically contiguous non-paged memory and returns its virtual address. |
MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache Learn how the MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache routine allocates a range of contiguous, nonpaged physical memory and maps it to the system address space. |
MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCacheNode Learn how the MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCacheNode routine allocates a range of contiguous, nonpaged physical memory and maps it to the system address space. |
MmAllocateContiguousNodeMemory Learn how the MmAllocateContiguousNodeMemory routine allocates a range of contiguous, nonpaged physical memory and maps it to the system address space. |
MmAllocateMappingAddress The MmAllocateMappingAddress routine reserves a range of system virtual address space of the specified size. |
MmAllocateMappingAddressEx The MmAllocateMappingAddressEx function allocates a system PTE mapping of the requested length that can be used later to map arbitrary addresses. |
MmAllocateMdlForIoSpace The MmAllocateMdlForIoSpace routine allocates an MDL and initializes this MDL to describe a set of physical address ranges in I/O address space. |
MmAllocateNodePagesForMdlEx The MmAllocateNodePagesForMdlEx routine allocates nonpaged physical memory from an ideal node, and allocates an MDL structure to describe this memory. |
MmAllocatePagesForMdl The MmAllocatePagesForMdl routine allocates zero-filled, nonpaged, physical memory pages to an MDL. |
MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx The MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx routine allocates nonpaged, physical memory pages to an MDL. Use this routine instead of MmAllocatePagesForMdl. |
MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool The MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool routine receives an MDL that specifies a nonpaged virtual memory buffer, and updates it to describe the underlying physical pages. |
MmFreeContiguousMemory Learn how the MmFreeContiguousMemory routine releases a range of physically contiguous memory that was allocated by an MmAllocateContiguousMemoryXxx routine. |
MmFreeContiguousMemorySpecifyCache Learn how the MmFreeContiguousMemorySpecifyCache routine frees a buffer that was allocated by an MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCacheXxx routine. |
MmFreeMappingAddress The MmFreeMappingAddress routine frees a range of virtual memory reserved by the MmAllocateMappingAddress routine. |
MmFreePagesFromMdl The MmFreePagesFromMdl routine frees all the physical pages that are described by an MDL that was created by the MmAllocatePagesForMdl routine. |
MmGetMdlByteCount The MmGetMdlByteCount macro returns the length, in bytes, of the buffer described by the specified MDL. |
MmGetMdlByteOffset The MmGetMdlByteOffset macro returns the byte offset within the initial page of the buffer described by the given MDL. |
MmGetMdlPfnArray The MmGetMdlPfnArray macro returns a pointer to the beginning of the array of physical page numbers that are associated with a memory descriptor list (MDL). |
MmGetMdlVirtualAddress Learn more about: MmGetMdlVirtualAddress |
MmGetSystemAddressForMdl The MmGetSystemAddressForMdl routine is obsolete. Use MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe instead. |
MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe Learn more about: MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe |
MmGetSystemRoutineAddress The MmGetSystemRoutineAddress routine returns a pointer to a function specified by SystemRoutineName. |
MmGetSystemRoutineAddressEx The MmGetSystemRoutineAddressEx function returns the address of the specified function in the specified system module. |
MmInitializeMdl Learn more about: MmInitializeMdl |
MmIsDriverSuspectForVerifier The MmIsDriverSuspectForVerifier routine indicates whether the driver represented by the specified driver object is in the list of drivers that are selected to be verified by Driver Verifier. |
MmIsDriverVerifying The MmIsDriverVerifying routine indicates whether the kernel-mode driver that is identified by the specified driver object is being verified or calls a driver that is being verified by Driver Verifier. |
MmIsDriverVerifyingByAddress The MmIsDriverVerifyingByAddress routine checks whether the kernel-mode driver that is identified by the specified image address is being verified or calls a driver that is being verified by Driver Verifier. |
MmLockPagableCodeSection The MmLockPagableCodeSection routine locks a section of driver code, containing a set of driver routines marked with a special compiler directive, into system space. |
MmLockPagableDataSection The MmLockPagableDataSection routine locks an entire section of driver data into system space. |
MmMapIoSpace The MmMapIoSpace routine maps the given physical address range to nonpaged system space. |
MmMapIoSpaceEx The MmMapIoSpaceEx routine maps the given physical address range to non-paged system space using the specified page protection. |
MmMapLockedPages The MmMapLockedPages routine is obsolete for Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows, and for Windows Me. |
MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache The MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache routine maps the physical pages that are described by an MDL to a virtual address, and enables the caller to specify the cache attribute that is used to create the mapping. |
MmMapLockedPagesWithReservedMapping The MmMapLockedPagesWithReservedMapping routine maps all or part of an address range that was previously reserved by the MmAllocateMappingAddress routine. |
MmMapMdl This function maps physical pages described by a memory descriptor list (MDL) into the system virtual address space. |
MmMapMemoryDumpMdlEx The MmMapMemoryDumpMdlEx function maps an MDL into a specified virtual address. |
MmPageEntireDriver The MmPageEntireDriver routine causes all of a driver's code and data to be made pageable, overriding the attributes of the various sections that make up the driver's image. |
MmPrepareMdlForReuse Learn more about: MmPrepareMdlForReuse |
MmProbeAndLockPages The MmProbeAndLockPages routine probes the specified virtual memory pages, makes them resident, and locks them in memory. |
MmProbeAndLockSelectedPages The MmProbeAndLockSelectedPages routine probes the selected virtual memory pages, makes them resident, and locks them in memory. |
MmProtectDriverSection The MmProtectDriverSection read-only protects a section of a loaded driver by using the services provided by the Virtual Secure Mode (VSM). |
MmProtectMdlSystemAddress The MmProtectMdlSystemAddress routine sets the protection type for a memory address range. |
MmQuerySystemSize The MmQuerySystemSize routine returns an estimate of the amount of memory in the system. |
MmResetDriverPaging The MmResetDriverPaging routine resets the pageable status of a driver's sections to that specified when the driver was compiled. |
MmSizeOfMdl The MmSizeOfMdl routine returns the number of bytes to allocate for an MDL describing a given address range. |
MmUnlockPagableImageSection The MmUnlockPagableImageSection routine releases a section of driver code or driver data, previously locked into system space with MmLockPagableCodeSection, MmLockPagableDataSection or MmLockPagableSectionByHandle, so the section can be paged out again. |
MmUnlockPages The MmUnlockPages routine unlocks the physical pages that are described by the specified memory descriptor list (MDL). |
MmUnmapIoSpace The MmUnmapIoSpace routine unmaps a specified range of physical addresses previously mapped by MmMapIoSpace. |
MmUnmapLockedPages The MmUnmapLockedPages routine releases a mapping that was set up by a preceding call to the MmMapLockedPages or MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache routine. |
MmUnmapReservedMapping The MmUnmapReservedMapping routine unmaps a memory buffer that was mapped by the MmMapLockedPagesWithReservedMapping routine. |
NtCommitComplete The ZwCommitComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished committing a transaction's data. |
NtCommitEnlistment The ZwCommitEnlistment routine initiates the commit operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
NtCommitTransaction The ZwCommitTransaction routine initiates a commit operation for a specified transaction. |
NtCreateEnlistment The ZwCreateEnlistment routine creates a new enlistment object for a transaction. |
NtCreateResourceManager The ZwCreateResourceManager routine creates a resource manager object. |
NtCreateTransaction The ZwCreateTransaction routine creates a transaction object. |
NtCreateTransactionManager The ZwCreateTransactionManager routine creates a new transaction manager object. |
NtEnumerateTransactionObject The ZwEnumerateTransactionObject routine enumerates the KTM objects on a computer. |
NtGetNotificationResourceManager The ZwGetNotificationResourceManager routine retrieves the next transaction notification from a specified resource manager's notification queue. |
NtManagePartition The NtManagePartition function gets and sets information for a partition. |
NtOpenEnlistment The ZwOpenEnlistment routine obtains a handle to an existing enlistment object. |
NtOpenResourceManager The ZwOpenResourceManager routine returns a handle to an existing resource manager object. |
NtOpenTransaction The ZwOpenTransaction routine obtains a handle to an existing transaction object. |
NtOpenTransactionManager The ZwOpenTransactionManager routine obtains a handle to an existing transaction manager object. |
NtPowerInformation Learn how the ZwPowerInformation routine (wdm.h) sets or retrieves system power information. |
NtPrepareComplete The ZwPrepareComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished preparing a transaction's data. |
NtPrepareEnlistment The ZwPrepareEnlistment routine initiates the prepare operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
NtPrePrepareComplete The ZwPrePrepareComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished preliminary preparation of a transaction's data. |
NtPrePrepareEnlistment The ZwPrePrepareEnlistment routine initiates the pre-prepare operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
NtQueryInformationEnlistment The ZwQueryInformationEnlistment routine retrieves information about a specified enlistment object. |
NtQueryInformationResourceManager The ZwQueryInformationResourceManager routine retrieves information about a specified resource manager object. |
NtQueryInformationTransaction The ZwQueryInformationTransaction routine retrieves information about a specified transaction. |
NtQueryInformationTransactionManager The ZwQueryInformationTransactionManager routine retrieves information about a specified transaction manager object. |
NtReadOnlyEnlistment The ZwReadOnlyEnlistment routine sets a specified enlistment to be read-only. |
NtRecoverEnlistment The ZwRecoverEnlistment routine initiates a recovery operation for the transaction that is associated with a specified enlistment. |
NtRecoverResourceManager The ZwRecoverResourceManager routine tries to recover the transaction that is associated with each enlistment of a specified resource manager object. |
NtRecoverTransactionManager The ZwRecoverTransactionManager routine reconstructs the state of the transaction manager object (including all transactions, enlistments, and resource managers) from the recovery information that is in the log stream. |
NtRenameTransactionManager The NtRenameTransactionManager routine changes the identity of the transaction manager object that is stored in the CLFS log file stream contained in the log file name. |
NtRollbackComplete The ZwRollbackComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished rolling back a transaction's data. |
NtRollbackEnlistment The ZwRollbackEnlistment routine rolls back the transaction that is associated with a specified enlistment. |
NtRollbackTransaction The ZwRollbackTransaction routine initiates a rollback operation for a specified transaction. |
NtRollforwardTransactionManager The ZwRollforwardTransactionManager routine initiates recovery operations for all of the in-progress transactions that are assigned to a specified transaction manager. |
NtSetInformationEnlistment The ZwSetInformationEnlistment routine sets information for a specified enlistment object. |
NtSetInformationResourceManager The ZwSetInformationResourceManager routine is not used. |
NtSetInformationTransaction The ZwSetInformationTransaction routine sets information for a specified transaction. |
NtSetInformationTransactionManager Do not call this routine from kernel-mode code. |
NtSinglePhaseReject The ZwSinglePhaseReject routine informs KTM that the calling resource manager will not support single-phase commit operations for a specified enlistment. |
ObCloseHandle The ObCloseHandle routine closes an object handle. |
ObDereferenceObject The ObDereferenceObject routine decrements the given object's reference count and performs retention checks. |
ObDereferenceObjectDeferDelete The ObDereferenceObjectDeferDelete routine decrements the reference count for the given object, checks for object retention, and avoids deadlocks. |
ObDereferenceObjectDeferDeleteWithTag The ObDereferenceObjectDeferDeleteWithTag routine decrements the reference count for the specified object, defers deletion of the object to avoid deadlocks, and writes a four-byte tag value to the object to support object reference tracing. |
ObDereferenceObjectWithTag The ObDereferenceObjectWithTag routine decrements the reference count of the specified object, and writes a four-byte tag value to the object to support object reference tracing. |
ObfReferenceObject The ObfReferenceObject routine increments the reference count to the given object. |
ObGetObjectSecurity The ObGetObjectSecurity routine gets the security descriptor for a given object. |
ObReferenceObject The ObReferenceObject routine increments the reference count to the given object. |
ObReferenceObjectByHandle The ObReferenceObjectByHandle routine provides access validation on the object handle, and, if access can be granted, returns the corresponding pointer to the object's body. |
ObReferenceObjectByHandleWithTag The ObReferenceObjectByHandleWithTag routine increments the reference count of the object that is identified by the specified handle, and writes a four-byte tag value to the object to support object reference tracing. |
ObReferenceObjectByPointer The ObReferenceObjectByPointer routine increments the pointer reference count for a given object. |
ObReferenceObjectByPointerWithTag The ObReferenceObjectByPointerWithTag routine increments the reference count of the specified object, and writes a four-byte tag value to the object to support object reference tracing. |
ObReferenceObjectSafe The ObReferenceObjectSafe function increments the reference count for an object and determines if it is safe to use the object. It returns FALSE if the object is being deleted or TRUE if it's safe to use the object further. |
ObReferenceObjectWithTag The ObReferenceObjectWithTag routine increments the reference count of the specified object, and writes a four-byte tag value to the object to support object reference tracing. |
ObRegisterCallbacks The ObRegisterCallbacks routine registers a list of callback routines for thread, process, and desktop handle operations. |
ObReleaseObjectSecurity The ObReleaseObjectSecurity routine is the reciprocal to ObGetObjectSecurity. |
ObUnRegisterCallbacks The ObUnRegisterCallbacks routine unregisters a set of callback routines that were registered with the ObRegisterCallbacks routine. |
PAGE_ALIGN Learn more about: PAGE_ALIGN |
PcwAddInstance The PcwAddInstance function adds the specified instance of the counterset to the consumer buffer. |
PcwCloseInstance The PcwCloseInstance function closes the specified instance of the counterset. |
PcwCreateInstance The PcwCreateInstance function creates a new instance for the specified registered counterset. |
PcwRegister The PcwRegister function registers the caller as a provider of the specified counterset. |
PcwUnregister The PcwUnregister function unregisters the provider of the specified counterset. |
PoCallDriver The PoCallDriver routine in wdm.h passes a power IRP to the next-lower driver in the device stack. (Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 only.). |
PoClearPowerRequest The PoClearPowerRequest routine in the wdm.h file decrements the count for the specified power request type. |
PoCreatePowerRequest The PoCreatePowerRequest routine in wdm.h creates a power request object. To enable power requests, create one power request object and use it for all calls. |
PoDeletePowerRequest The PoDeletePowerRequest routine in wdm.h deletes a power request object. The driver must delete the power request object before it deletes the device object. |
PoEndDeviceBusy The PoEndDeviceBusy routine in the wdm.h file marks the end of a period of time in which the device is busy. |
PoFxActivateComponent The PoFxActivateComponent routine increments the activation reference count on the specified component. |
PoFxCompleteDevicePowerNotRequired The PoFxCompleteDevicePowerNotRequired routine notifies the power management framework (PoFx) that the calling driver has completed its response to a call to the driver's DevicePowerNotRequiredCallback callback routine. |
PoFxCompleteDirectedPowerDown A Directed Power Framework (DFx) client driver calls this function to complete the Directed power down transition. |
PoFxCompleteIdleCondition The PoFxCompleteIdleCondition routine informs the power management framework (PoFx) that the specified component has completed a pending change to the idle condition. |
PoFxCompleteIdleState The PoFxCompleteIdleState routine informs the power management framework (PoFx) that the specified component has completed a pending change to an Fx state. |
PoFxIdleComponent The PoFxIdleComponent routine decrements the activation reference count on the specified component. |
PoFxIssueComponentPerfStateChange The PoFxIssueComponentPerfStateChange routine submits a request to place a device component in a particular performance state. |
PoFxIssueComponentPerfStateChangeMultiple The PoFxIssueComponentPerfStateChangeMultiple routine submits a request to change the performance states in multiple performance state sets simultaneously for a device component. |
PoFxNotifySurprisePowerOn The PoFxNotifySurprisePowerOn routine notifies the power management framework (PoFx) that a device was turned on as a side effect of supplying power to some other device. |
PoFxPowerControl The PoFxPowerControl routine sends a power control request to the power management framework (PoFx). |
PoFxPowerOnCrashdumpDevice The PoFxPowerOnCrashdumpDevice routine requests that a crash-dump device be turned on. |
PoFxQueryCurrentComponentPerfState The PoFxQueryCurrentComponentPerfState routine retrieves the active performance state in a component's performance state set. |
PoFxRegisterComponentPerfStates The PoFxRegisterComponentPerfStates routine registers a device component for performance state management by the power management framework (PoFx). |
PoFxRegisterCrashdumpDevice The PoFxRegisterCrashdumpDevice routine registers a crash-dump device. |
PoFxRegisterDevice The PoFxRegisterDevice routine registers a device with the power management framework (PoFx). |
PoFxReportDevicePoweredOn The PoFxReportDevicePoweredOn routine notifies the power management framework (PoFx) that the device completed the requested transition to the D0 (fully on) power state. |
PoFxSetComponentLatency The PoFxSetComponentLatency routine specifies the maximum latency that can be tolerated in the transition from the idle condition to the active condition in the specified component. |
PoFxSetComponentResidency The PoFxSetComponentResidency routine sets the estimated time for how long a component is likely to remain idle after the component enters the idle condition. |
PoFxSetComponentWake The PoFxSetComponentWake routine indicates whether the driver arms the specified component to wake whenever the component enters the idle condition. |
PoFxSetDeviceIdleTimeout The PoFxSetDeviceIdleTimeout routine specifies the minimum time interval from when the last component of the device enters the idle condition to when the power management framework (PoFx) calls the driver's DevicePowerNotRequiredCallback routine. |
PoFxSetTargetDripsDevicePowerState This routine is called to notify the power manager of the device's target device power state for DRIPS. The driver can override the DRIPS constraint provided by the PEP. |
PoFxStartDevicePowerManagement The PoFxStartDevicePowerManagement routine completes the registration of a device with the power management framework (PoFx) and starts device power management. |
PoFxUnregisterDevice The PoFxUnregisterDevice routine removes the registration of a device from the power management framework (PoFx). |
PoGetSystemWake The PoGetSystemWake routine determines whether a specified IRP has been marked as waking the system from a sleeping state. |
PopEntryList The PopEntryList routine removes the first entry from a singly linked list of SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY structures. |
PoQueryWatchdogTime The PoQueryWatchdogTime routine in wdm.h indicates whether the power manager has enabled a time-out counter for any power IRP assigned to the device stack. |
PoRegisterDeviceForIdleDetection The PoRegisterDeviceForIdleDetection routine in wdm.h enables or cancels idle detection and sets idle time-out values for a device. |
PoRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications The PoRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications function registers a callback to receive effective power mode change notifications. |
PoRegisterPowerSettingCallback The PoRegisterPowerSettingCallback routine in wdm.h registers a power-setting callback routine to receive notifications of changes in the specified power setting. |
PoRegisterSystemState The PoRegisterSystemState routine in wdm.h registers the system as busy due to certain activity as indicated by the flags. |
PoRequestPowerIrp The PoRequestPowerIrp routine allocates a power IRP and sends it to the top driver in the device stack for the specified device. |
PoSetDeviceBusy Learn more about: PoSetDeviceBusy |
PoSetDeviceBusyEx The PoSetDeviceBusyEx routine in wdm.h notifies the power manager that the device associated with the specified idle counter is busy. |
PoSetPowerRequest The PoSetPowerRequest routine in wdm.h increments the count for the specified power request type. The power manager counts requests for each power request type. |
PoSetPowerState The PoSetPowerState routine in wdm.h notifies the system of a change in the device power state for a device. |
PoSetSystemState Drivers call the PoSetSystemState routine to indicate that the system is active. |
PoSetSystemWake The PoSetSystemWake routine marks the specified IRP as one that contributed to waking the system from a sleep state. |
PoSetSystemWakeDevice The PoSetSystemWakeDevice function attempts to extract a PDO from the supplied device object. |
PoStartDeviceBusy The PoStartDeviceBusy routine in wdm.h marks the start of a period of time in which the device is busy. |
PoStartNextPowerIrp The PoStartNextPowerIrp routine in wdm.h signals the power manager that the driver is ready to handle the next power IRP. |
PoUnregisterFromEffectivePowerModeNotifications The PoUnregisterFromEffectivePowerModeNotifications function unregisters from effective power mode change notifications. |
PoUnregisterPowerSettingCallback The PoUnregisterPowerSettingCallback routine in wdm.h unregisters a power-setting callback routine that a driver previously registered. |
PoUnregisterSystemState The PoUnregisterSystemState routine in wdm.h cancels a system state registration created by PoRegisterSystemState. |
ProbeForRead The ProbeForRead routine checks that a user-mode buffer actually resides in the user portion of the address space, and is correctly aligned. |
ProbeForWrite The ProbeForWrite routine checks that a user-mode buffer actually resides in the user-mode portion of the address space, is writable, and is correctly aligned. |
PsAllocateAffinityToken The PsAllocateAffinityToken function allocates a thread affinity token. |
PsCreateSystemThread The PsCreateSystemThread routine creates a system thread that executes in kernel mode and returns a handle for the thread. |
PsFreeAffinityToken The PsFreeAffinityToken function frees an affinity token that was allocated by PsAllocateAffinityToken. |
PsGetCurrentThread Learn how the PsGetCurrentThread routine (wdm.h) identifies the current thread. |
PsGetVersion This function is obsolete in Windows XP and later versions of the Windows operating system. Use RtlGetVersion instead.PsGetVersion returns caller-selected information about the current version of the NT-based operating system. |
PsQueryTotalCycleTimeProcess The PsQueryTotalCycleTimeProcess routine returns the accumulated cycle time for the specified process. |
PsRevertToUserMultipleGroupAffinityThread The PsRevertToUserMultipleGroupAffinityThread function reverts the current thread to its previous affinity as indicated by the given affinity token. |
PsSetSystemMultipleGroupAffinityThread The PsSetSystemMultipleGroupAffinityThread function sets the multi-group system affinity of the current thread. |
PsTerminateSystemThread The PsTerminateSystemThread routine terminates the current system thread. |
PushEntryList The PushEntryList routine inserts an entry at the beginning of a singly linked list of SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY structures. |
READ_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR The READ_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR function (wdm.h) reads a number of bytes from the specified port address into a buffer. |
READ_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG The READ_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG function (wdm.h) reads a number of ULONG values from the specified port address into a buffer. |
READ_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT The READ_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT function (wdm.h) reads a number of USHORT values from the specified port address into a buffer. |
READ_PORT_UCHAR The READ_PORT_UCHAR function (wdm.h) returns a byte that is read from the specified port address in resident, mapped device memory. |
READ_PORT_ULONG The READ_PORT_ULONG function (wdm.h) returns a ULONG value that is read from the specified port address in resident, mapped device memory. |
READ_PORT_USHORT The READ_PORT_USHORT function (wdm.h) returns a USHORT value that is read from the specified port address in resident, mapped device memory. |
READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR The READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR function (wdm.h) reads a number of bytes from the specified register address into a buffer. |
READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG The READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG function (wdm.h) reads a number of ULONG values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 The READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 function (wdm.h)reads a number of ULONG64 values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT The READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT function (wdm.h) reads a number of USHORT values from the specified register address into a buffer. |
READ_REGISTER_UCHAR The READ_REGISTER_UCHAR function (wdm.h) returns a byte read from the specified register address in resident, mapped device memory. |
READ_REGISTER_ULONG The READ_REGISTER_ULONG function (wdm.h) returns a ULONG value read from the specified register address in resident, mapped device memory. |
READ_REGISTER_ULONG64 The READ_REGISTER_ULONG64 function (wdm.h) reads a ULONG64 value from the specified register address. |
READ_REGISTER_USHORT The READ_REGISTER_USHORT function (wdm.h) returns a USHORT value read from the specified register address in resident, mapped device memory. |
ReadBooleanRaw This topic describes the ReadBooleanRaw function. |
ReadInt32Acquire The ReadInt32Acquire function... |
ReadInt32NoFence The ReadInt32NoFence function... |
ReadInt32Raw The ReadInt32Raw function... |
ReadUInt32Acquire The ReadUInt32Acquire function... |
ReadUInt32NoFence The ReadUInt32NoFence function... |
ReadUInt32Raw The ReadUInt32Raw function... |
RemoveEntryList The RemoveEntryList routine removes an entry from a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
RemoveHeadList The RemoveHeadList routine removes an entry from the beginning of a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
RemoveTailList The RemoveTailList routine removes an entry from the end of a doubly linked list of LIST_ENTRY structures. |
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize The RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize routine returns the number of bytes required to hold an ANSI string converted into a Unicode string. |
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString converts the given ANSI source string into a Unicode string. |
RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString The RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString routine concatenates two Unicode strings. |
RtlAppendUnicodeToString The RtlAppendUnicodeToString routine concatenates the supplied Unicode string to a buffered Unicode string. |
RtlAreBitsClear The RtlAreBitsClear routine determines whether a given range of bits within a bitmap variable is clear. |
RtlAreBitsSet The RtlAreBitsSet routine determines whether a given range of bits within a bitmap variable is set. |
RtlCheckBit The RtlCheckBit routine determines whether a particular bit in a given bitmap variable is clear or set. |
RtlCheckRegistryKey The RtlCheckRegistryKey routine checks for the existence of a given named key in the registry. |
RtlClearAllBits The RtlClearAllBits routine sets all bits in a given bitmap variable to zero. |
RtlClearBit The RtlClearBit routine sets the specified bit in a bitmap to zero. |
RtlClearBits The RtlClearBits routine sets all bits in the specified range of bits in the bitmap to zero. |
RtlCmDecodeMemIoResource The RtlCmDecodeMemIoResource routine provides the starting address and length of a CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure that describes a range of memory or I/O port addresses. |
RtlCmEncodeMemIoResource The RtlCmEncodeMemIoResource routine updates a CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure to describe a range of memory or I/O port addresses. |
RtlCompareMemory The RtlCompareMemory routine compares two blocks of memory and returns the number of bytes that match until the first difference. |
RtlCompareUnicodeString The RtlCompareUnicodeString routine compares two Unicode strings. |
RtlConstantTimeEqualMemory This topic describes the RtlConstantTimeEqualMemory function. |
RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger The RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger routine converts the input signed integer to a signed large integer. |
RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger The RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger routine converts the input unsigned integer to a signed large integer. For Windows XP and later versions of Windows, do not use this routine; use the native support for __int64. |
RtlCopyDeviceMemory Provides RtlCopyVolatileMemory behavior in situations where the developer needs to additionally be sure that alignment faults won't be generated when accessing device memory. |
RtlCopyMemory Learn how the RtlCopyMemory routine copies the contents of a source memory block to a destination memory block. |
RtlCopyMemoryNonTemporal This function copies from one buffer to another using non-temporal moves that do not pollute the cache. The buffers shouldn’t overlap. |
RtlCopyUnicodeString The RtlCopyUnicodeString routine copies a source string to a destination string. |
RtlCopyVolatileMemory Provides RtlCopyMemory behavior in situations where the developer needs to be sure that the copy operation occurs. |
RtlCreateRegistryKey The RtlCreateRegistryKey routine adds a key object in the registry along a given relative path. |
RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor The RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor routine initializes a new absolute-format security descriptor. On return, the security descriptor is initialized with no system ACL, no discretionary ACL, no owner, no primary group, and all control flags set to zero. |
RtlDeleteRegistryValue The RtlDeleteRegistryValue routine removes the specified entry name and the associated values from the registry along the given relative path. |
RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar The RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar routine converts the specified Unicode character to lowercase. |
RtlEqualLuid Learn more about: RtlEqualLuid |
RtlEqualMemory The RtlEqualMemory routine compares two blocks of memory to determine whether the specified number of bytes are identical. |
RtlEqualUnicodeString The RtlEqualUnicodeString routine compares two Unicode strings to determine whether they are equal. |
RtlFillDeviceMemory Provides RtlFillVolatileMemory behavior in situations where the developer needs to additionally be sure that alignment faults won't be generated when accessing device memory. |
RtlFillMemory The RtlFillMemory routine fills a block of memory with the specified fill value. |
RtlFillMemoryNonTemporal This function fills a block of memory with the specified fill value using non-temporal moves that do not pollute the cache. |
RtlFillVolatileMemory Provides RtlFillMemory behavior in situations where the developer needs to be sure that the setting operation occurs. |
RtlFindClearBits The RtlFindClearBits routine searches for a range of clear bits of a requested size within a bitmap. |
RtlFindClearBitsAndSet The RtlFindClearBitsAndSet routine searches for a range of clear bits of a requested size within a bitmap and sets all bits in the range when it has been located. |
RtlFindClearRuns The RtlFindClearRuns routine finds the specified number of runs of clear bits within a given bitmap. |
RtlFindFirstRunClear The RtlFindFirstRunClear routine searches for the initial contiguous range of clear bits within a given bitmap. |
RtlFindLastBackwardRunClear The RtlFindLastBackwardRunClear routine searches a given bitmap for the preceding clear run of bits, starting from the specified index position. |
RtlFindLeastSignificantBit The RtlFindLeastSignificantBit routine returns the zero-based position of the least significant nonzero bit in its parameter. |
RtlFindLongestRunClear The RtlFindLongestRunClear routine searches for the largest contiguous range of clear bits within a given bitmap. |
RtlFindMostSignificantBit The RtlFindMostSignificantBit routine returns the zero-based position of the most significant nonzero bit in its parameter. |
RtlFindNextForwardRunClear The RtlFindNextForwardRunClear routine searches a given bitmap variable for the next clear run of bits, starting from the specified index position. |
RtlFindSetBits The RtlFindSetBits routine searches for a range of set bits of a requested size within a bitmap. |
RtlFindSetBitsAndClear The RtlFindSetBitsAndClear routine searches for a range of set bits of a requested size within a bitmap and clears all bits in the range when it has been located. |
RtlFreeAnsiString The RtlFreeAnsiString routine releases storage that was allocated by RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString. |
RtlFreeUnicodeString The RtlFreeUnicodeString routine releases storage that was allocated by RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString or RtlUpcaseUnicodeString. |
RtlFreeUTF8String The RtlFreeUTF8String function releases storage that was allocated by RtlUnicodeStringToUTF8String. |
RtlGetVersion The RtlGetVersion routine returns version information about the currently running operating system. |
RtlGUIDFromString The RtlGUIDFromString routine converts the given Unicode string to a GUID in binary format. |
RtlHashUnicodeString The RtlHashUnicodeString routine creates a hash value from a given Unicode string and hash algorithm. |
RtlInitAnsiString The RtlInitAnsiString routine initializes a counted string of ANSI characters. |
RtlInitEmptyAnsiString Learn more about: RtlInitEmptyAnsiString |
RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString Learn more about: RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString |
RtlInitializeBitMap The RtlInitializeBitMap routine initializes the header of a bitmap variable. |
RtlInitString The RtlInitString routine initializes a counted string of 8-bit characters. |
RtlInitStringEx The RtlInitStringEx routine in wdm.h initializes a counted string of 8-bit characters. RtlInitStringEx does not alter the source string. |
RtlInitUnicodeString For more information, see the WdmlibRtlInitUnicodeStringEx function. |
RtlInitUTF8String The RtlInitUTF8String function initializes a counted string of UTF-8 characters. |
RtlInitUTF8StringEx The RtlInitUTF8StringEx routine initializes a counted string of UTF-8 characters. |
RtlInt64ToUnicodeString The RtlInt64ToUnicodeString routine converts a specified unsigned 64-bit integer value to a Unicode string that represents the value in a specified base. |
RtlIntegerToUnicodeString The RtlIntegerToUnicodeString routine converts an unsigned integer value to a null-terminated string of one or more Unicode characters in the specified base. |
RtlIntPtrToUnicodeString The RtlIntPtrToUnicodeString routine converts a specified ULONG_PTR value to a Unicode string that represents the value in a specified base. |
RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource The RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource routine provides the address information that is contained in an IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure that describes a range of memory or I/O port addresses. |
RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource The RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource routine updates an IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure to describe a range of memory or I/O port addresses. |
RtlIsNtDdiVersionAvailable The RtlIsNtDdiVersionAvailable routine determines if a specified version of the Microsoft Windows device driver interface (DDI) is available. |
RtlIsServicePackVersionInstalled The RtlIsServicePackVersionInstalled routine determines if a specified service pack version of the Microsoft Windows device driver interface (DDI) is installed. |
RtlIsZeroLuid Learn more about: RtlIsZeroLuid |
RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor The RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor routine returns the size of a given security descriptor. |
RtlMoveMemory The RtlMoveMemory routine copies the contents of a source memory block to a destination memory block, and supports overlapping source and destination memory blocks. |
RtlMoveVolatileMemory Provides RtlMoveMemory behavior in situations where the developer needs to be sure that the copy operation occurs and handles cases where the Source and Destination buffer overlap. |
RtlNumberOfClearBits The RtlNumberOfClearBits routine returns a count of the clear bits in a given bitmap variable. |
RtlNumberOfSetBits The RtlNumberOfSetBits routine returns a count of the set bits in a given bitmap variable. |
RtlNumberOfSetBitsUlongPtr The RtlNumberOfSetBitsUlongPtr routine returns the number of bits in the specified ULONG_PTR integer value that are set to one. |
RtlPrefetchMemoryNonTemporal The RtlPrefetchMemoryNonTemporal routine provides a hint to the processor that a buffer should be temporarily moved into the processor cache. |
RtlQueryRegistryValues The RtlQueryRegistryValues routine allows the caller to query several values from the registry subtree with a single call. |
RtlRetrieveUlong Learn more about: RtlRetrieveUlong |
RtlRetrieveUshort Learn more about: RtlRetrieveUshort |
RtlSanitizeUnicodeStringPadding Sanitizes the padding for a Unicode string. |
RtlSecureZeroMemory The RtlSecureZeroMemory routine fills a block of memory with zeros in a way that is guaranteed to be secure. |
RtlSecureZeroMemory2 Provides a convenience wrapper around RtlFillVolatileMemory and is identical to RtlZeroVolatileMemory. |
RtlSetAllBits The RtlSetAllBits routine sets all bits in a given bitmap variable. |
RtlSetBit The RtlSetBit routine sets the specified bit in a bitmap to one. |
RtlSetBits The RtlSetBits routine sets all bits in a given range of a given bitmap variable. |
RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor The RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor routine sets the DACL information of an absolute-format security descriptor, or if there is already a DACL present in the security descriptor, it is superseded. |
RtlStoreUlong Learn more about: RtlStoreUlong |
RtlStoreUlonglong Learn more about: RtlStoreUlonglong |
RtlStoreUlongPtr Learn more about: RtlStoreUlongPtr |
RtlStoreUshort Learn more about: RtlStoreUshort |
RtlStringFromGUID The RtlStringFromGUID routine converts a given GUID from binary format into a Unicode string. |
RtlTestBit The RtlTestBit routine returns the value of a bit in a bitmap. |
RtlTimeFieldsToTime The RtlTimeFieldsToTime routine converts TIME_FIELDS information to a system time value. |
RtlTimeToTimeFields The RtlTimeToTimeFields routine converts system time into a TIME_FIELDS structure. |
RtlUlongByteSwap The RtlUlongByteSwap routine reverses the ordering of the four bytes in a 32-bit unsigned integer value. |
RtlUlonglongByteSwap The RtlUlonglongByteSwap routine reverses the ordering of the eight bytes in a 64-bit unsigned integer value. |
RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize The RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize routine returns the number of bytes required for a null-terminated ANSI string that is equivalent to a specified Unicode string. |
RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString The RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString routine converts a given Unicode string into an ANSI string. |
RtlUnicodeStringToInteger The RtlUnicodeStringToInteger routine converts a Unicode string representation of a number to the equivalent integer value. |
RtlUnicodeStringToUTF8String The RtlUnicodeStringToUTF8String function converts the specified Unicode source string into an UTF8 string. |
RtlUnicodeToUTF8N The RtlUnicodeToUTF8N routine in wdm.h converts a Unicode string to a UTF-8 string. The UTF-8 output is null-terminated only if the Unicode input string is. |
RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar The RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar routine converts the specified Unicode character to uppercase. |
RtlUshortByteSwap The RtlUshortByteSwap routine reverses the ordering of the two bytes in a 16-bit unsigned integer value. |
RtlUTF8StringToUnicodeString The RtlUTF8StringToUnicodeString function converts the specified UTF8 source string into a Unicode string in accordance with the current system locale information. |
RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN The RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN routine in wdm.h converts a UTF-8 string to a Unicode string. The Unicode output is null-terminated only if the UTF-8 input string is. |
RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor The RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor routine checks the validity of a self-relative security descriptor. |
RtlValidSecurityDescriptor The RtlValidSecurityDescriptor routine checks a given security descriptor's validity. |
RtlVerifyVersionInfo The RtlVerifyVersionInfo routine compares a specified set of operating system version requirements to the corresponding attributes of the currently running version of the operating system. |
RtlWriteRegistryValue The RtlWriteRegistryValue routine writes caller-supplied data into the registry along the specified relative path at the given value name. |
RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize The RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize routine returns the number of bytes that are required for a null-terminated Unicode string that is equivalent to a specified ANSI string. |
RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize The RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize routine returns the number of bytes required for a null-terminated ANSI string that is equivalent to a specified Unicode string. |
RtlZeroDeviceMemory Provides a convenience wrapper around RtlFillDeviceMemory. |
RtlZeroMemory The RtlZeroMemory macro (wdm.h) fills a block of memory with zeros, given a pointer to the block and the length, in bytes, to be filled. |
RtlZeroVolatileMemory Provides a convenience wrapper around RtlFillVolatileMemory. |
SeAccessCheck The SeAccessCheck routine determines whether the requested access rights can be granted to an object protected by a security descriptor and an object owner. |
SeAssignSecurity The SeAssignSecurity routine builds a self-relative security descriptor for a new object, given the security descriptor of its parent directory and any originally requested security for the object. |
SeAssignSecurityEx The SeAssignSecurityEx routine builds a self-relative security descriptor for a new object given the following optional parameters:_a security descriptor of the object's parent directory, an explicit security descriptor for the object, and the object type. |
SeCaptureSubjectContext The SeCaptureSubjectContext routine in wdm.h captures the security context of the calling thread for access validation and auditing. |
SeDeassignSecurity The SeDeassignSecurity routine deallocates the memory associated with a security descriptor that was assigned using SeAssignSecurity. |
SeEtwWriteKMCveEvent The SeEtwWriteKMCveEvent function is a tracing function for publishing events when an attempted security vulnerability exploit is detected in your kernel-mode drivers. |
SeLockSubjectContext The SeLockSubjectContext routine in wdm.h locks the primary and impersonation tokens of a captured subject context. |
SeReleaseSubjectContext The SeReleaseSubjectContext routine in wdm.h releases a subject security context captured by an earlier call to SeCaptureSubjectContext. |
SeUnlockSubjectContext The SeUnlockSubjectContext routine in wdm.h unlocks the tokens of a captured subject context that were locked by a call to SeLockSubjectContext. |
SeValidSecurityDescriptor The SeValidSecurityDescriptor routine returns whether a given security descriptor is structurally valid. |
TmCommitComplete The TmCommitComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished committing a transaction. |
TmCommitEnlistment The TmCommitEnlistment routine initiates the commit operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
TmCommitTransaction The TmCommitTransaction routine initiates a commit operation for a specified transaction. |
TmCreateEnlistment The TmCreateEnlistment routine creates a new enlistment object for a transaction. |
TmDereferenceEnlistmentKey The TmDereferenceEnlistmentKey routine decrements the reference count for the key of a specified enlistment object. |
TmEnableCallbacks The TmEnableCallbacks routine enables a callback routine that receives transaction notifications. |
TmGetTransactionId The TmGetTransactionId routine retrieves a transaction object's unit of work (UOW) identifier. |
TmInitializeTransactionManager The TmInitializeTransactionManager routine initializes a transaction manager object. |
TmIsTransactionActive The TmIsTransactionActive routine indicates whether a specified transaction is in its active state. |
TmPrepareComplete The TmPrepareComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished preparing a transaction's data. |
TmPrepareEnlistment The TmPrepareEnlistment routine initiates the prepare operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
TmPrePrepareComplete The TmPrePrepareComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished preliminary preparation of a transaction's data. |
TmPrePrepareEnlistment The TmPrePrepareEnlistment routine initiates the pre-prepare operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
TmReadOnlyEnlistment The TmReadOnlyEnlistment routine sets a specified enlistment to be read-only. |
TmRecoverEnlistment The TmRecoverEnlistment routine initiates a recovery operation for the transaction that is associated with a specified enlistment. |
TmRecoverResourceManager The TmRecoverResourceManager routine tries to recover the transaction that is associated with each enlistment of a specified resource manager object. |
TmRecoverTransactionManager The TmRecoverTransactionManager routine reconstructs the state of the transaction manager object (including all transactions, enlistments, and resource managers) from the recovery information that is in the log stream. |
TmReferenceEnlistmentKey The TmReferenceEnlistmentKey routine increments the reference count for the key of a specified enlistment object and retrieves the key. |
TmRenameTransactionManager The TmRenameTransactionManager routine changes the identity of the transaction manager object that is stored in the CLFS log file stream contained in the log file name. |
TmRequestOutcomeEnlistment The TmRequestOutcomeEnlistment routine asks KTM to try to provide an immediate outcome (commit or rollback) for the transaction that is associated with a specified enlistment. |
TmRollbackComplete The TmRollbackComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished rolling back a transaction's data. |
TmRollbackEnlistment The TmRollbackEnlistment routine rolls back a specified enlistment. |
TmRollbackTransaction The TmRollbackTransaction routine initiates a rollback operation for a specified transaction. |
TmSinglePhaseReject The TmSinglePhaseReject routine informs KTM that the calling resource manager will not support a single-phase commit operation for a specified enlistment. |
vDbgPrintEx The vDbgPrintEx routine sends a string to the kernel debugger if certain conditions are met. |
vDbgPrintExWithPrefix The vDbgPrintExWithPrefix routine sends a string to the kernel debugger if certain conditions that you specify are met. This routine can append a prefix to debugger output to help organize debugging results. |
VslCreateSecureSection This VslCreateSecureSection material is not yet available. This placeholder topic is provided as an example of documentation that may be included in a later release. |
VslDeleteSecureSection This VslDeleteSecureSection material is not yet available. This placeholder topic is provided as an example of documentation that may be included in a later release. |
WmiQueryTraceInformation The WmiQueryTraceInformation routine returns information about a WMI event trace. |
WmiTraceMessage The WmiTraceMessage routine adds a message to the output log of a WPP software tracing session. |
WmiTraceMessageVa The WmiTraceMessageVa routine adds a message to the output log of a WPP software tracing session. |
WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR The WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR function (wdm.h) writes a number of bytes from a buffer to the specified port. |
WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG The WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG function (wdm.h) writes a number of ULONG values from a buffer to the specified port address. |
WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT The WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT function (wdm.h) writes a number of USHORT values from a buffer to the specified port address. |
WRITE_PORT_UCHAR The WRITE_PORT_UCHAR function (wdm.h) writes a byte to the specified port address in resident, mapped device memory. |
WRITE_PORT_ULONG The WRITE_PORT_ULONG function (wdm.h) writes a ULONG value to the specified port address in resident, mapped device memory. |
WRITE_PORT_USHORT The WRITE_PORT_USHORT function (wdm.h) writes a USHORT value to the specified port address in resident, mapped device memory. |
WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR The WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR function (wdm.h) writes a number of bytes from a buffer to the specified register. |
WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG The WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG function (wdm.h) writes a number of ULONG values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 The WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG64 function (wdm.h) writes a number of ULONG64 values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT The WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT function (wdm.h) writes a number of USHORT values from a buffer to the specified register. |
WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR The WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR function (wdm.h) writes a byte to the specified register address in resident, mapped device memory. |
WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG The WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG function (wdm.h) writes a ULONG value to the specified register address in resident, mapped device memory. |
WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG64 The WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG64 function (wdm.h) writes a ULONG64 value to the specified register address. |
WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT The WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT function (wdm.h) writes a USHORT value to the specified register address in resident, mapped device memory. |
WriteInt32NoFence The WriteInt32NoFence function... |
WriteInt32Raw The WriteInt32Raw function... |
WriteInt32Release The WriteInt32Release function... |
WriteUInt32NoFence The WriteUInt32NoFence function... |
WriteUInt32Raw The WriteUInt32Raw function... |
WriteUInt32Release The WriteUInt32Release function... |
ZwClose The ZwClose routine in wdm.h closes an object handle. ZwClose is a generic routine that operates on any type of object. |
ZwCommitComplete Learn how the ZwCommitComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished committing a transaction's data. |
ZwCommitEnlistment Learn how the ZwCommitEnlistment routine initiates the commit operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
ZwCommitTransaction Learn how the ZwCommitTransaction routine initiates a commit operation for a specified transaction. |
ZwCreateDirectoryObject The ZwCreateDirectoryObject routine creates or opens an object-directory object. |
ZwCreateEnlistment Learn how the ZwCreateEnlistment routine creates a new enlistment object for a transaction. |
ZwCreateFile The ZwCreateFile routine creates a new file or opens an existing file. |
ZwCreateKey The ZwCreateKey routine creates a new registry key or opens an existing one. |
ZwCreateKeyTransacted The ZwCreateKeyTransacted routine creates a new registry key or opens an existing one, and it associates the key with a transaction. |
ZwCreateResourceManager Learn how the ZwCreateResourceManager routine creates a resource manager object. |
ZwCreateSection The ZwCreateSection routine in wdm.h creates a section object. Once the handle pointed to is no longer in use, the driver must close it. |
ZwCreateTransaction Learn how the ZwCreateTransaction routine creates a transaction object. |
ZwCreateTransactionManager Learn how the ZwCreateTransactionManager routine creates a new transaction manager object. |
ZwDeleteKey The ZwDeleteKey routine deletes an open key from the registry. |
ZwDeleteValueKey The ZwDeleteValueKey routine deletes a value entry matching a name from an open key in the registry. If no such entry exists, an error is returned. |
ZwEnumerateKey The ZwEnumerateKey routine returns information about a subkey of an open registry key. |
ZwEnumerateTransactionObject Learn how the ZwEnumerateTransactionObject routine enumerates the KTM objects on a computer. |
ZwEnumerateValueKey The ZwEnumerateValueKey routine gets information about the value entries of an open key. |
ZwFlushKey The ZwFlushKey routine forces a registry key to be committed to disk. |
ZwGetNotificationResourceManager Learn how the ZwGetNotificationResourceManager routine retrieves the next transaction notification from a specified resource manager's notification queue. |
ZwLoadDriver The ZwLoadDriver routine loads a driver into the system. |
ZwMakeTemporaryObject The ZwMakeTemporaryObject routine changes the attributes of an object to make it temporary. |
ZwMapViewOfSection The ZwMapViewOfSection routine maps a view of a section into the virtual address space of a subject process. |
ZwMapViewOfSectionEx |
ZwOpenEnlistment Learn how the ZwOpenEnlistment routine obtains a handle to an existing enlistment object. |
ZwOpenEvent The ZwOpenEvent routine opens a handle to an existing named event object with the specified desired access. |
ZwOpenFile The ZwOpenFile routine in wdm.h opens an existing file, directory, device, or volume. Once the handle pointed to is no longer in use, the driver must close it. |
ZwOpenKey The ZwOpenKey routine opens an existing registry key. |
ZwOpenKeyEx The ZwOpenKeyEx routine opens an existing registry key. |
ZwOpenKeyTransacted The ZwOpenKeyTransacted routine opens an existing registry key and associates the key with a transaction. |
ZwOpenKeyTransactedEx The ZwOpenKeyTransactedEx routine opens an existing registry key and associates the key with a transaction. |
ZwOpenResourceManager Learn how the ZwOpenResourceManager routine returns a handle to an existing resource manager object. |
ZwOpenSection The ZwOpenSection routine opens a handle for an existing section object. |
ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject The ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject routine opens an existing symbolic link. |
ZwOpenTransaction Learn how the ZwOpenTransaction routine obtains a handle to an existing transaction object. |
ZwOpenTransactionManager Learn how the ZwOpenTransactionManager routine obtains a handle to an existing transaction manager object. |
ZwPrepareComplete Learn how the ZwPrepareComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished preparing a transaction's data. |
ZwPrepareEnlistment Learn how the ZwPrepareEnlistment routine initiates the prepare operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
ZwPrePrepareComplete Learn how the ZwPrePrepareComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished preliminary preparation of a transaction's data. |
ZwPrePrepareEnlistment Learn how the ZwPrePrepareEnlistment routine initiates the pre-prepare operation for a specified enlistment's transaction. |
ZwQueryFullAttributesFile The ZwQueryFullAttributesFile routine supplies network open information for the specified file. |
ZwQueryInformationByName ZwQueryInformationByName returns the requested information about a file specified by file name. |
ZwQueryInformationEnlistment Learn how the ZwQueryInformationEnlistment routine retrieves information about a specified enlistment object. |
ZwQueryInformationFile The ZwQueryInformationFile routine returns various kinds of information about a file object. |
ZwQueryInformationResourceManager Learn how the ZwQueryInformationResourceManager routine retrieves information about a specified resource manager object. |
ZwQueryInformationTransaction Learn how the ZwQueryInformationTransaction routine retrieves information about a specified transaction. |
ZwQueryInformationTransactionManager Learn how the ZwQueryInformationTransactionManager routine retrieves information about a specified transaction manager object. |
ZwQueryKey The ZwQueryKey routine provides information about the class of a registry key, and the number and sizes of its subkeys. |
ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject The ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject routine returns a Unicode string that contains the target of a symbolic link. |
ZwQueryValueKey The ZwQueryValueKey routine returns a value entry for a registry key. |
ZwReadFile The ZwReadFile routine in wdm.h reads data from an open file. Callers of ZwReadFile must have already called ZwCreateFile. |
ZwReadOnlyEnlistment Learn how the ZwReadOnlyEnlistment routine sets a specified enlistment to be read-only. |
ZwRecoverEnlistment Learn how the ZwRecoverEnlistment routine initiates a recovery operation for the transaction that is associated with a specified enlistment. |
ZwRecoverResourceManager Learn how the ZwRecoverResourceManager routine tries to recover the transaction that is associated with each enlistment of a specified resource manager object. |
ZwRecoverTransactionManager Learn how the ZwRecoverTransactionManager routine reconstructs the state of the transaction manager object from the recovery information that is in the log stream. |
ZwRollbackComplete Learn how the ZwRollbackComplete routine notifies KTM that the calling resource manager has finished rolling back a transaction's data. |
ZwRollbackEnlistment Learn how the ZwRollbackEnlistment routine rolls back the transaction that is associated with a specified enlistment. |
ZwRollbackTransaction Learn how the ZwRollbackTransaction routine initiates a rollback operation for a specified transaction. |
ZwRollforwardTransactionManager Learn how the ZwRollforwardTransactionManager routine initiates recovery operations for all of the in-progress transactions that are assigned to a specified transaction manager. |
ZwSetInformationEnlistment Learn how the ZwSetInformationEnlistment routine sets information for a specified enlistment object. |
ZwSetInformationFile The ZwSetInformationFile routine in wdm.h changes various kinds of information about a file object. It ignores unsupported members of FILE_XXX_INFORMATION. |
ZwSetInformationResourceManager Learn how the ZwSetInformationResourceManager routine is not used. |
ZwSetInformationTransaction Learn how the ZwSetInformationTransaction routine sets information for a specified transaction. |
ZwSetValueKey The ZwSetValueKey routine creates or replaces a registry key's value entry. |
ZwSinglePhaseReject Learn how the ZwSinglePhaseReject routine informs KTM that the calling resource manager will not support single-phase commit operations for a specified enlistment. |
ZwUnloadDriver The ZwUnloadDriver routine unloads a driver from the system. |
ZwUnmapViewOfSection The ZwUnmapViewOfSection routine unmaps a view of a section from the virtual address space of a subject process. |
ZwWriteFile The ZwWriteFile routine writes data to an open file. |
ALLOCATE_FUNCTION_EX The LookasideListAllocateEx routine allocates the storage for a new lookaside-list entry when a client requests an entry from a lookaside list that is empty. |
BOUND_CALLBACK The BoundCallback routine is executed whenever the system issues a bounds exception for a user-mode thread. |
D3COLD_REQUEST_AUX_POWER Enables the function device object (FDO) to convey its auxiliary power requirement. |
D3COLD_REQUEST_CORE_POWER_RAIL Enables the function device object (FDO) to indicate whether the core power rail is needed. |
D3COLD_REQUEST_PERST_DELAY Enables the function device object (FDO) to convey its requirement for a fixed delay time. |
DEVICE_RESET_HANDLER The DeviceReset routine is used to reset and recover a malfunctioning device. |
DMA_COMPLETION_ROUTINE The DmaCompletionRoutine callback routine notifies the driver that previously requested a system DMA transfer that this transfer is complete. |
DRIVER_ADD_DEVICE The AddDevice routine is responsible for creating functional device objects (FDO) or filter device objects (filter DO) for devices enumerated by the Plug and Play (PnP) manager. |
DRIVER_CANCEL The Cancel routine cancels an I/O operation. |
DRIVER_CONTROL This routine starts a DMA data-transfer or a data transfer operation. |
DRIVER_DISPATCH The callback routine services various IRPs. For a list of function codes, see Remarks. |
DRIVER_INITIALIZE DriverEntry is the first routine called after a driver is loaded, and is responsible for initializing the driver. |
DRIVER_LIST_CONTROL The AdapterListControl routine starts a direct memory access (DMA) scatter/gather operation. |
DRIVER_STARTIO The StartIo routine starts the I/O operation described by an IRP. |
DRIVER_UNLOAD The Unload routine performs any operations that are necessary before the system unloads the driver. |
ENABLE_VIRTUALIZATION The EnableVirtualization routine enables or disables virtualization for a PCI Express (PCIe) device that supports the single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) interface. |
ETWENABLECALLBACK The EtwEnableCallback function is an optional driver-supplied callback function that is used to receive enable or disable notifications. |
EX_CALLBACK_FUNCTION A filter driver's RegistryCallback routine can monitor, block, or modify a registry operation. |
EXT_CALLBACK An ExTimerCallback callback routine runs after an EX_TIMER timer object's time interval expires. |
EXT_DELETE_CALLBACK An ExTimerDeleteCallback callback routine runs when the operating system deletes an EX_TIMER timer object. |
FPGA_BUS_SCAN Reserved for future use. Triggers a bus scan at the parent of the FPGA device. |
FPGA_CONTROL_CONFIG_SPACE Reserved for future use. Enables or disables the access to the configuration space of the FPGA device. |
FPGA_CONTROL_ERROR_REPORTING Reserved for future use. Toggles the error reporting for the FPGA device and its parent bridge. |
FPGA_CONTROL_LINK Reserved for future use of FPGA_CONTROL_LINK. |
FREE_FUNCTION_EX The LookasideListFreeEx routine frees the storage for a lookaside-list entry when a client tries to insert the entry into a lookaside list that is full. |
GET_D3COLD_CAPABILITY The GetBusDriverD3ColdSupport routine enables the driver for a device to query whether the enumerating bus driver supports the D3cold device power state. |
GET_D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS The GetLastTransitionStatus routine enables the driver for a device to query whether the most recent transition to the D3hot substate was followed by a transition to the D3cold substate. |
GET_DEVICE_RESET_STATUS This topic describes the GET_DEVICE_RESET_STATUS callback function. |
GET_DMA_ADAPTER The GetDmaAdapter routine returns a DMA_ADAPTER structure for the target device. |
GET_IDLE_WAKE_INFO The GetIdleWakeInfo routine enables the driver for a device to discover the device power states from which the device can signal a wake event. |
GET_SDEV_IDENTIFIER This material is not yet available. This placeholder topic is provided as an example of documentation that may be included in a later release. |
GET_SET_DEVICE_DATA The GetBusData routine reads data from the device's configuration space. |
GET_UPDATED_BUS_RESOURCE Reports the latest resource lists. |
GET_VIRTUAL_DEVICE_DATA The GetVirtualFunctionData routine reads data from the PCI Express (PCIe) configuration space of a virtual function (VF) on a device that supports the single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) interface. |
GET_VIRTUAL_DEVICE_LOCATION The GetLocation routine returns the device location of a PCI Express (PCIe) virtual function (VF) on a PCI bus. A device that supports the single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) interface can expose one or more VFs on the PCI bus. |
GET_VIRTUAL_DEVICE_RESOURCES The GetResources routine returns the resources that the PCI Express (PCIe) physical function (PF) requires in order to enable virtualization on a device that supports the single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) interface. |
GET_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION_PROBED_BARS The GetVirtualFunctionProbedBars routine returns the values of the PCI Express (PCIe) Base Address Registers (BARs) of a device that supports the single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) interface. |
IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE The IoCompletion routine completes the processing of I/O operations. |
IO_CSQ_ACQUIRE_LOCK The CsqAcquireLock routine is used by the system to acquire the lock for a driver-implemented, cancel-safe IRP queue. |
IO_CSQ_COMPLETE_CANCELED_IRP The CsqCompleteCanceledIrp routine is used by the system to signal to the driver that it can complete a canceled IRP. |
IO_CSQ_INSERT_IRP The CsqInsertIrp routine is used by the system to insert an IRP into a driver-implemented, cancel-safe IRP queue. |
IO_CSQ_INSERT_IRP_EX The CsqInsertIrpEx routine is used by the system to insert an IRP into a driver-implemented, cancel-safe IRP queue. |
IO_CSQ_PEEK_NEXT_IRP The CsqPeekNextIrp routine is used by the system to find the next matching IRP in a driver-implemented, cancel-safe IRP queue. |
IO_CSQ_RELEASE_LOCK The CsqReleaseLock routine is used by the system to release the lock that was acquired using CsqAcquireLock. |
IO_CSQ_REMOVE_IRP The CsqRemoveIrp routine is used by the system to remove the specified IRP from a driver-implemented, cancel-safe IRP queue. |
IO_DPC_ROUTINE The DpcForIsr routine finishes the servicing of an I/O operation, after an InterruptService routine returns. |
IO_SESSION_NOTIFICATION_FUNCTION The IO_SESSION_NOTIFICATION_FUNCTION function type defines a callback routine through which a driver receives notifications of changes in the state of user sessions that the driver is interested in. |
IO_TIMER_ROUTINE The IoTimer routine is a DPC that, if registered, is called once per second. |
IO_WORKITEM_ROUTINE A WorkItem routine performs the processing for a work item that was queued by the IoQueueWorkItem routine. |
IO_WORKITEM_ROUTINE_EX A WorkItemEx routine performs the processing for a work item that was queued by the IoQueueWorkItemEx or IoTryQueueWorkItem routine. |
IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATE Takes a physical device object and creates an IOMMU_DMA_DEVICE. |
IOMMU_DEVICE_FAULT_HANDLER Reports fault from a specific device and domain. |
IOMMU_DEVICE_QUERY_DOMAIN_TYPES Queries for the available types of domains that a IOMMU_DMA_DEVICE is allowed to attach to, depending on environment factors, such as platform and DMA Guard Policy. |
IOMMU_DOMAIN_ATTACH_DEVICE Attaches a device to an existing domain. |
IOMMU_DOMAIN_ATTACH_DEVICE_EX Attaches an IOMMU_DMA_DEVICE to an existing DMA device domain. |
IOMMU_DOMAIN_CONFIGURE Configures a domain for use. |
IOMMU_DOMAIN_CREATE Creates a new DMA remapping device domain (a container for a set of page tables). |
IOMMU_DOMAIN_CREATE_EX Creates a new DMA device domain based on the provided domain type. |
IOMMU_DOMAIN_DELETE Deletes an existing domain. |
IOMMU_DOMAIN_DETACH_DEVICE Detaches a device from an existing domain. |
IOMMU_DOMAIN_DETACH_DEVICE_EX Detaches a IOMMU_DMA_DEVICE from an existing domain. |
IOMMU_FLUSH_DOMAIN Flushes the TLB for all entries which match this domain. |
IOMMU_FLUSH_DOMAIN_VA_LIST Flushes the TLB for all entries that match the specified domain's ASID and one of the addresses in the provided list. |
IOMMU_INTERFACE_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACK This routine is invoked whenever there has been a system state change that affects a DMA_IOMMU_INTERFACE_EX. |
IOMMU_MAP_IDENTITY_RANGE Creates an identity mapping for the provided MDL in the provided domain. |
IOMMU_MAP_IDENTITY_RANGE_EX Creates an identity mapping for a provided physical address space in the provided domain. |
IOMMU_MAP_LOGICAL_RANGE Maps a range of pages into the address space of a domain. |
IOMMU_MAP_LOGICAL_RANGE_EX Maps physical address space into the logical address space of an IOMMU_DMA_DOMAIN. |
IOMMU_MAP_RESERVED_LOGICAL_RANGE Maps a reserved logical range. |
IOMMU_QUERY_INPUT_MAPPINGS Attempts to find input mapping IDs which are valid for the given device and populate the provided buffer with those IDs. |
IOMMU_REGISTER_INTERFACE_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACK Allows the caller to register a callback to be invoked whenever any state change related to a DMA_IOMMU_INTERFACE_EX occurs. |
IOMMU_RESERVE_LOGICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE Preallocates logical address space that can be used for future mappings. |
IOMMU_SET_DEVICE_FAULT_REPORTING This routine sets the device fault reporting state to a device already attached to a domain. |
IOMMU_SET_DEVICE_FAULT_REPORTING_EX This routine set the device fault reporting state on a device already attached to a domain. |
IOMMU_UNMAP_IDENTITY_RANGE Deletes an identity mapping for the specified MDL. |
IOMMU_UNMAP_IDENTITY_RANGE_EX Deletes an identity mapping created by IOMMU_MAP_IDENTITY_RANGE_EX. |
IOMMU_UNMAP_LOGICAL_RANGE Unmaps a linear range from a domain. |
IOMMU_UNMAP_RESERVED_LOGICAL_RANGE Unmaps a previously mapped reserved logical range. |
KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_ROUTINE The BugCheckCallback routine is executed whenever the system issues a bug check. |
KBUGCHECK_REASON_CALLBACK_ROUTINE Driver-implemented callback functions that the system executes when it issues a bug check. |
KDEFERRED_ROUTINE The callback routine performs actions, after an InterruptService returns, of a threaded DPC, The CustomDpc routine finishes the servicing of an I/O operation, after an InterruptService routine returns.The CustomThreadedDpc routine performs the action of a threaded DPC. The system executes this routine when the threaded DPC runs.The CustomTimerDpc routine executes after a timer object's time interval expires. |
KIPI_BROADCAST_WORKER The IpiGenericCall routine runs simultaneously on all processors. |
KMESSAGE_SERVICE_ROUTINE An InterruptMessageService routine services a message-signaled interrupt. |
KSERVICE_ROUTINE The InterruptService routine (ISR) quickly services a device interrupt and schedules post-interrupt processing of received data, if necessary. |
KSTART_ROUTINE The ThreadStart routine provides an entry point for a driver-created system thread. |
KSYNCHRONIZE_ROUTINE The SynchCritSection routine is used to access hardware resources or driver data that are shared with a driver's InterruptService routine. |
MM_MDL_ROUTINE A driver-supplied callback routine that is invoked after a memory descriptor list (MDL) is mapped by calling the MmMapMdl function. |
PALLOCATE_ADAPTER_CHANNEL The AllocateAdapterChannel routine prepares the system for a DMA operation on behalf of the target device object, and then calls the driver-supplied AdapterControl routine to carry out the DMA operation. |
PALLOCATE_ADAPTER_CHANNEL_EX The AllocateAdapterChannelEx routine allocates the resources that are needed to perform a DMA transfer, and then calls the driver-supplied AdapterControl routine to initiate the DMA transfer. |
PALLOCATE_COMMON_BUFFER The AllocateCommonBuffer routine allocates memory and maps it so that it is simultaneously accessible from both the processor and a device for DMA operations. |
PALLOCATE_COMMON_BUFFER_EX The AllocateCommonBufferEx routine allocates memory for a common buffer and maps this memory so that it can be accessed both by the processor and by a device that performs DMA operations. |
PALLOCATE_COMMON_BUFFER_WITH_BOUNDS This callback function allocates the memory for a common buffer and maps it so that it can be accessed by a master device and the CPU. |
PALLOCATE_DOMAIN_COMMON_BUFFER This callback function allocates the memory for a domain common buffer. |
PBUILD_MDL_FROM_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST The BuildMdlFromScatterGatherList routine builds an MDL from a scatter/gather list allocated by the system.Note This routine is reserved for system use. |
PBUILD_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST The BuildScatterGatherList routine prepares the system for a DMA operation, using a driver-supplied buffer to build the scatter/gather list. |
PBUILD_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST_EX The BuildScatterGatherListEx routine allocates the resources that are required for a DMA transfer, builds a scatter/gather list, and calls the driver-supplied AdapterListControl routine to initiate the DMA transfer. |
PCALCULATE_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST_SIZE The CalculateScatterGatherList routine calculates the size, in bytes, of scatter/gather list necessary to hold a given buffer. |
PCANCEL_ADAPTER_CHANNEL The CancelAdapterChannel routine tries to cancel a pending request to allocate a DMA channel. |
PCANCEL_MAPPED_TRANSFER The CancelMappedTransfer routine cancels a system DMA transfer that is currently mapped to an adapter. |
PCI_MSIX_MASKUNMASK_ENTRY The MaskTableEntry routine masks an interrupt in the MSI-X hardware interrupt table. |
PCI_MSIX_SET_ENTRY The SetTableEntry routine sets the message ID for a table entry in the MSI-X hardware interrupt table. |
PCLFS_CLIENT_ADVANCE_TAIL_CALLBACK The ClfsAdvanceTailCallback function advances the base log sequence number (LSN) of the client's log. |
PCLFS_CLIENT_LFF_HANDLER_COMPLETE_CALLBACK The ClfsLogGrowthCompleteCallback function implements the actions that the client will take when space is freed in a log that had previously been full. |
PCLFS_CLIENT_LOG_UNPINNED_CALLBACK The ClfsLogUnpinnedCallback function implements any actions that the client will take when a log that had previously been pinned becomes unpinned. |
PCONFIGURE_ADAPTER_CHANNEL The ConfigureAdapterChannel routine invokes a custom function that is implemented by the DMA controller represented by an adapter object. |
PCREATE_COMMON_BUFFER_FROM_MDL The CreateCommonBufferFromMdl routine will attempt to create a common buffer from an MDL by testing for device access compatibility and potentially mapping the memory to a contiguous logical range depending on the translation type. Like all other common buffer allocation functions, this function does not provide a forward progress guarantee. |
PCW_CALLBACK Providers can implement a PCW_CALLBACK function to receive notification when consumers perform certain actions, such as adding or removing counters from a query. |
PFLUSH_ADAPTER_BUFFERS The FlushAdapterBuffers routine flushes any data remaining in the system DMA controller's internal cache or in a bus-master adapter's internal cache at the end of a DMA transfer operation. |
PFLUSH_ADAPTER_BUFFERS_EX The FlushAdapterBuffersEx routine flushes any data that remains in the data cache at the end of a DMA transfer operation performed by a system DMA controller or bus-master device. |
PFLUSH_DMA_BUFFER The callback routine flushes any data remaining in the memory region described by an MDL. |
PFREE_ADAPTER_CHANNEL The FreeAdapterChannel routine releases the system DMA controller when a driver has completed all DMA operations necessary to satisfy the current IRP. |
PFREE_ADAPTER_OBJECT The FreeAdapterObject routine releases the specified adapter object after a driver has completed all DMA operations. |
PFREE_COMMON_BUFFER The FreeCommonBuffer routine frees a common buffer allocated by AllocateCommonBuffer, along with all resources the buffer uses. |
PFREE_MAP_REGISTERS The FreeMapRegisters routine releases a set of map registers that were saved from a call to AllocateAdapterChannel. |
PGET_DMA_ADAPTER_INFO The GetDmaAdapterInfo routine retrieves information about the hardware capabilities of a system DMA channel. |
PGET_DMA_ALIGNMENT The GetDmaAlignment routine returns the alignment requirements of the DMA system. |
PGET_DMA_DOMAIN The PGET_DMA_DOMAIN callback function gets the handle to the DMA domain. |
PGET_DMA_TRANSFER_INFO The GetDmaTransferInfo routine calculates the allocation requirements for a scatter/gather DMA transfer. |
PGET_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST The GetScatterGatherList routine prepares the system for a DMA scatter/gather operation on behalf of the target device object, through either the system DMA controller or a bus-master adapter. |
PGET_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST_EX The GetScatterGatherListEx routine allocates the resources that are required for a DMA transfer, builds a scatter/gather list, and calls the driver-supplied AdapterListControl routine to initiate the DMA transfer. |
PINITIALIZE_DMA_TRANSFER_CONTEXT The InitializeDmaTransferContext routine initializes an opaque DMA transfer context that is used to track pending allocations of DMA resources. |
PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE The PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE callback function (wdm.h) decrements the reference count on a driver-defined interface. |
PINTERFACE_REFERENCE The PINTERFACE_REFERENCE callback function (wdm.h) increments the reference count on a driver-defined interface. |
PJOIN_DMA_DOMAIN The PJOIN_DMA_DOMAIN callback function joins the specified DMA domain. |
PLEAVE_DMA_DOMAIN The PLEAVE_DMA_DOMAIN callback function leaves the specified DMA domain. |
PMAP_TRANSFER The MapTransfer routine sets up map registers for an adapter object to map a DMA transfer from a locked-down buffer. |
PMAP_TRANSFER_EX The MapTransferEx routine sets up map registers to map the physical addresses in a scatter/gather list to the logical addresses that are required to do a DMA transfer. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_ACTIVE_CONDITION_CALLBACK The ComponentActiveConditionCallback callback routine notifies the driver that the specified component completed a transition from the idle condition to the active condition. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_CRITICAL_TRANSITION_CALLBACK The ComponentCriticalTransitionCallback callback routine handles a transition of the specified component between the F0 (fully on) and low-power Fx component power states. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_IDLE_CONDITION_CALLBACK The ComponentIdleConditionCallback callback routine notifies the driver that the specified component completed a transition from the active condition to the idle condition. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_IDLE_STATE_CALLBACK The ComponentIdleStateCallback callback routine notifies the driver of a pending change to the Fx power state of the specified component. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_PERF_STATE_CALLBACK The ComponentPerfStateCallback callback routine notifies the driver that its request to change the performance state of a component is complete. |
PO_FX_DEVICE_POWER_NOT_REQUIRED_CALLBACK The DevicePowerNotRequiredCallback callback routine notifies the device driver that the device is not required to stay in the D0 power state. |
PO_FX_DEVICE_POWER_REQUIRED_CALLBACK The DevicePowerRequiredCallback callback routine notifies the device driver that the device must enter and remain in the D0 power state. |
PO_FX_DIRECTED_POWER_DOWN_CALLBACK The PO_FX_DIRECTED_POWER_DOWN_CALLBACK callback function is implemented by the client driver to handle driver-specific power down activities on behalf of DFx. |
PO_FX_DIRECTED_POWER_UP_CALLBACK The PO_FX_DIRECTED_POWER_UP_CALLBACK callback function is implemented by the client driver to handle driver-specific power up activities on behalf of DFx. |
PO_FX_POWER_CONTROL_CALLBACK The PowerControlCallback callback routine performs a power control operation that is requested by the power management framework (PoFx). |
POB_POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK The ObjectPostCallback routine is called by the operating system after a process or thread handle operation occurs. |
POB_PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK The ObjectPreCallback routine is called by the operating system when a process or thread handle operation occurs. |
PPUT_DMA_ADAPTER The PutDmaAdapter routine frees a DMA_ADAPTER structure previously allocated by IoGetDmaAdapter. |
PPUT_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST The PutScatterGatherList routine frees the previously allocated map registers and scatter/gather list used in scatter/gather DMA. |
PREAD_DMA_COUNTER The ReadDmaCounter routine returns the number of bytes remaining to be transferred during the current subordinate DMA operation. |
PREENUMERATE_SELF A ReenumerateSelf routine requests that a bus driver reenumerate a child device. |
PROCESSOR_HALT_ROUTINE A Halt callback routine transitions the processor to an idle state. |
PTM_RM_NOTIFICATION A resource manager's ResourceManagerNotification callback routine receives and handles transaction notifications. |
REQUEST_POWER_COMPLETE The PowerCompletion callback routine completes the processing of a power IRP. |
RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_ROUTINE The QueryRoutine routine provides information about a registry value that was requested in a preceding call to the RtlQueryRegistryValues routine. |
SET_D3COLD_SUPPORT The SetD3ColdSupport routine enables or disables transitions to the D3cold device power state. |
SET_VIRTUAL_DEVICE_DATA The SetVirtualFunctionData routine writes data to the PCI Express (PCIe) configuration space of a virtual function (VF) on a device that supports the single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) interface. |
TRANSLATE_BUS_ADDRESS The TranslateBusAddress routine translates addresses on the parent bus to logical addresses. |
DMA_ADAPTER The DMA_ADAPTER structure describes a system-defined interface to a DMA controller for a given device. A driver calls IoGetDmaAdapter to obtain this structure. |
DMA_OPERATIONS The DMA_OPERATIONS structure provides a table of pointers to functions that control the operation of a DMA controller. |
ACCESS_STATE The ACCESS_STATE structure describes the state of an access in progress. |
ACL The ACL structure is the header of an access-control list (ACL). A complete ACL consists of an ACL structure followed by an ordered list of zero or more access-control entries (ACE). |
ACPI_INTERFACE_STANDARD2 This topic describes the ACPI_INTERFACE_STANDARD2 structure. |
BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE Battery miniclass drivers fill in the BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE (wdm.h) structure in response to certain BatteryMiniQueryInformation requests. |
BOOTDISK_INFORMATION The BOOTDISK_INFORMATION structure contains basic information describing the boot and system disks. |
BOOTDISK_INFORMATION_EX The BOOTDISK_INFORMATION_EX structure contains extended information describing the boot and system disks. |
BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD The BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD interface structure enables device drivers to make direct calls to parent bus driver routines. This structure defines the GUID_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD interface. |
BUS_RESOURCE_UPDATE_INTERFACE Enables device drivers to make direct calls to parent bus driver routines. This structure defines the GUID_BUS_RESOURCE_UPDATE_INTERFACE interface. |
CLFS_LOG_NAME_INFORMATION The CLFS_LOG_NAME_INFORMATION structure holds the name of a Common Log File System (CLFS) stream or log. |
CLFS_MGMT_CLIENT_REGISTRATION The CLFS_MGMT_CLIENT_REGISTRATION structure is given to CLFS management by clients who manage their own logs. |
CLFS_MGMT_POLICY The CLFS_MGMT_POLICY structure holds a description of a policy for managing a CLFS log. |
CLFS_STREAM_ID_INFORMATION The CLFS_STREAM_ID_INFORMATION structure holds a value that identifies a stream in a Common Log File System (CLFS) log. |
CLS_CONTAINER_INFORMATION The CLFS_CONTAINER_INFORMATION structure holds descriptive information for an individual container in a Common Log File System (CLFS) log. |
CLS_INFORMATION The CLFS_INFORMATION structure holds metadata and state information for a Common Log File System (CLFS) stream and/or its underlying physical log. |
CLS_IO_STATISTICS The CLFS_IO_STATISTICS structure holds I/O statistics data for a Common Log File System (CLFS) log. |
CLS_IO_STATISTICS_HEADER The CLFS_IO_STATISTICS_HEADER structure holds the header portion of a CLFS_IO_STATISTICS structure. |
CLS_LSN The CLFS_LSN structure identifies an individual record in a Common Log File System (CLFS) stream. |
CLS_SCAN_CONTEXT The CLFS_SCAN_CONTEXT structure holds context information to support a scan of the containers in a Common Log File System (CLFS) log. |
CLS_WRITE_ENTRY The CLFS_WRITE_ENTRY structure holds the address and size of a buffer that contains one unit of data to be written to a Common Log File System (CLFS) stream. |
CM_EISA_FUNCTION_INFORMATION The _CM_EISA_FUNCTION_INFORMATION structure (wdm.h) defines detailed EISA configuration information returned by HalGetBusData or HalGetBusDataByOffset. |
CM_EISA_SLOT_INFORMATION The _CM_EISA_SLOT_INFORMATION structure (wdm.h) defines EISA configuration header information returned by HalGetBusData or by HalGetBusDataByOffset. |
CM_FLOPPY_DEVICE_DATA The CM_FLOPPY_DEVICE_DATA structure defines a device-type-specific data record that is stored in the \Registry\Machine\Hardware\Description tree for a floppy controller if the system can collect this information during the boot process. |
CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR The CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure specifies a set of system hardware resources of various types, assigned to a device that is connected to a specific bus. This structure is contained within a CM_RESOURCE_LIST structure. |
CM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER The CM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER structure defines a device-type-specific data record that is stored in the \Registry\Machine\Hardware\Description tree for a disk controller if the system can collect this information during the boot process. |
CM_KEYBOARD_DEVICE_DATA The CM_KEYBOARD_DEVICE_DATA structure defines a device-type-specific data record that is stored in the \Registry\Machine\Hardware\Description tree for a keyboard peripheral if the system can collect this information during the boot process. |
CM_MCA_POS_DATA The _CM_MCA_POS_DATA structure (wdm.h) is obsolete. It defines IBM-compatible MCA POS configuration information for a slot. |
CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR The CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure specifies one or more system hardware resources, of a single type, assigned to a device. |
CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST The CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST structure specifies a set of system hardware resources, of various types, assigned to a device. This structure is contained within a CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure. |
CM_POWER_DATA Learn how the CM_POWER_DATA structure contains information about a device's power management state and capabilities. |
CM_RESOURCE_LIST The CM_RESOURCE_LIST structure specifies all of the system hardware resources assigned to a device. |
CM_SCSI_DEVICE_DATA The CM_SCSI_DEVICE_DATA structure defines a device-type-specific data record that is stored in the \Registry\Machine\Hardware\Description tree for a SCSI HBA if the system can collect this information during the boot process. |
CM_SERIAL_DEVICE_DATA The CM_SERIAL_DEVICE_DATA structure defines a device-type-specific data record that is stored in the \Registry\Machine\Hardware\Description tree for a serial controller if the system can collect this information during the boot process. |
COUNTED_REASON_CONTEXT Learn how the COUNTED_REASON_CONTEXT structure contains one or more strings that give reasons for a power request. |
D3COLD_AUX_POWER_AND_TIMING_INTERFACE Allows device drivers to negotiate a higher auxiliary power for their PCI devices while in D3Cold state. |
D3COLD_SUPPORT_INTERFACE The D3COLD_SUPPORT_INTERFACE interface structure contains pointers to the routines in the GUID_D3COLD_SUPPORT_INTERFACE driver interface. |
DEVICE_CAPABILITIES A DEVICE_CAPABILITIES structure describes PnP and power capabilities of a device. This structure is returned in response to an IRP_MN_QUERY_CAPABILITIES IRP. |
DEVICE_DESCRIPTION The DEVICE_DESCRIPTION structure describes the attributes of the physical device for which a driver is requesting a DMA adapter. |
DEVICE_FAULT_CONFIGURATION This structure is used in setting the device fault reporting state |
DEVICE_INTERFACE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION The DEVICE_INTERFACE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION structure describes a device interface that has been enabled (arrived) or disabled (removed). |
DEVICE_OBJECT Learn more about the DEVICE_OBJECT structure. |
DEVICE_RESET_INTERFACE_STANDARD The DEVICE_RESET_INTERFACE_STANDARD structure enables function drivers to reset and recover malfunctioning devices. This structure describes the GUID_DEVICE_RESET_INTERFACE_STANDARD interface. |
DMA_ADAPTER_INFO The DMA_ADAPTER_INFO structure is a container for a DMA_ADAPTER_INFO_XXX structure that describes the capabilities of a system DMA controller. |
DMA_ADAPTER_INFO_V1 The DMA_ADAPTER_INFO_V1 structure describes the capabilities of the system DMA controller that is represented by an adapter object. |
DMA_IOMMU_INTERFACE An extended version of the INTERFACE structure that allows device drivers to invoke the callback functions that perform device domain operations. |
DMA_IOMMU_INTERFACE_EX An interface structure that allows device drivers to interface with the IOMMU functions that perform device domain operations. |
DMA_IOMMU_INTERFACE_V2 A structure containing the set of IOMMU Version 2 (V2) functions. |
DMA_TRANSFER_INFO The DMA_TRANSFER_INFO structure is a container for a DMA_TRANSFER_INFO_XXX structure that describes the allocation requirements for a scatter/gather list. |
DMA_TRANSFER_INFO_V1 The DMA_TRANSFER_INFO_V1 structure contains the allocation requirements for a scatter/gather list that describes the I/O data buffer for a DMA transfer. |
DMA_TRANSFER_INFO_V2 Contains the allocation requirements for a scatter/gather list that describes the I/O data buffer for a DMA transfer. |
DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION Contains information required to configure a domain. |
DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ARM64 Contains information required to configure a domain for an ARM64 system. |
DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_X64 The DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_X64 structure is reserved for system use only. |
DRIVER_OBJECT Each driver object represents the image of a loaded kernel-mode driver. |
ENLISTMENT_BASIC_INFORMATION The ENLISTMENT_BASIC_INFORMATION structure contains information about an enlistment object. |
EXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS The EXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS structure contains an extended set of parameters for the ExDeleteTimer routine. |
EXT_SET_PARAMETERS The EXT_SET_PARAMETERS structure contains an extended set of parameters for the ExSetTimer routine. |
EXTENDED_CREATE_INFORMATION_32 Describes the 32-bit version of the EXTENDED_CREATE_INFORMATION structure. |
FAST_IO_DISPATCH Contains a set of callback routines that a file system driver or file system filter driver (legacy) provides for fast I/O processing. |
FAULT_INFORMATION Contains information to set the fault report on a device. |
FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64 Contains fault information for an ARM64 system. |
FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64_FLAGS Defines fault information. |
FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION The FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION structure contains timestamps and basic attributes of a file. It is used as an argument to routines that query or set file information. |
FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION The FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION structure provides file system device information about the type of device object associated with a file object. |
FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION The FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION structure provides extended attribute (EA) information. |
FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFORMATION The FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFORMATION structure is used by the ZwQueryInformationFile and ZwSetInformationFile routines to query and set the default IRP priority hint for requests on the specified file handle. |
FILE_IS_REMOTE_DEVICE_INFORMATION The FILE_IS_REMOTE_DEVICE_INFORMATION structure is used as an argument to the ZwQueryInformationFile routine. |
FILE_MEMORY_PARTITION_INFORMATION Stores information about memory partition. This structure is used by the ZwSetInformationFile function. |
FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION The FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION structure is used as an argument to ZwQueryInformationFile. |
FILE_OBJECT The FILE_OBJECT structure is used by the system to represent a file object. |
FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION The FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION structure is used as an argument to routines that query or set file information. |
FILE_SFIO_RESERVE_INFORMATION FILE_SFIO_RESERVE_INFORMATION is used to query or set a file's reserved bandwidth information for scheduled file I/O (SFIO). |
FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION The FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION structure is used as an argument to routines that query or set file information. |
FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION_EX The FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION_EX structure is used as an argument to routines that query or set file information. |
GENERIC_MAPPING The GENERIC_MAPPING structure describes the ACCESS_MASK value of specific access rights associated with each type of generic access right. |
HWPROFILE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION The HWPROFILE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION structure describes an event related to a hardware profile configuration change. |
IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY The _IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY structure is not supported. |
IMAGE_POLICY_METADATA The _IMAGE_POLICY_METADATA structure is not supported. |
INPUT_MAPPING_ELEMENT Contains the input mapping IDs for a device. |
INTERFACE The _INTERFACE structure (wdm.h) describes an interface that is exported by a driver for use by other drivers. |
IO_CONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS The IO_CONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS structure contains the parameters that a driver supplies to the IoConnectInterruptEx routine to register an interrupt service routine (ISR). |
IO_DISCONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS The IO_DISCONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS structure describes the parameters when unregistering an interrupt-handling routine with IoDisconnectInterruptEx. |
IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET The IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET structure serves as the header for an error log entry. |
IO_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE_INFO The IO_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE_INFO structure describes the driver's message-signaled interrupts. |
IO_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE_INFO_ENTRY The IO_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE_INFO_ENTRY structure describes the properties of a single message-signaled interrupt. |
IO_REPORT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE_STATE_PARAMETERS The IO_REPORT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE_STATE_PARAMETERS structure contains the connection context for a registered interrupt service routine (ISR) that was connected to an interrupt or interrupts by a previous call to the IoConnectInterruptEx routine. |
IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR The _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure (wdm.h) describes a range of raw hardware resources, of one type, that can be used by a device. |
IO_RESOURCE_LIST The _IO_RESOURCE_LIST structure (wdm.h) describes a range of raw hardware resources, of various types, that can be used by a device. |
IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST The _IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST structure (wdm.h) describes sets of resource configurations representing raw resource types used by a device. |
IO_SECURITY_CONTEXT The IO_SECURITY_CONTEXT structure represents the security context of an IRP_MJ_CREATE request. |
IO_SESSION_CONNECT_INFO The IO_SESSION_CONNECT_INFO structure provides information about a user session. |
IO_SESSION_STATE_INFORMATION The IO_SESSION_STATE_INFORMATION structure contains information about the state of a user session. |
IO_SESSION_STATE_NOTIFICATION The IO_SESSION_STATE_NOTIFICATION structure contains information that a kernel-mode driver supplies to the IoRegisterContainerNotification routine when the driver registers to receive notifications of session events. |
IO_STACK_LOCATION The IO_STACK_LOCATION structure defines an I/O stack location, which is an entry in the I/O stack that is associated with each IRP. |
IO_STATUS_BLOCK A driver sets an IRP's I/O status block to indicate the final status of an I/O request, before calling IoCompleteRequest for the IRP. |
IO_STATUS_BLOCK64 The IO_STATUS_BLOCK64 structure... |
IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION describes a configuration or list of configurations to be used as part of creation and initialization of an IOMMU_DMA_DEVICE. |
IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_ACPI IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_ACPI provides the ACPI-specific configuration parameters of a IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION structure, which is provided for creation of an ACPI-type IOMMU_DMA_DEVICE. |
IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ADDRESS_TOKEN The IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ADDRESS_TOKEN represents a reserved contiguous logical address range created by IOMMU_RESERVE_LOGICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE. |
IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_CONFIG The IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_CONFIG structure contains information required to configure a logical allocator. |
IOMMU_DMA_RESERVED_REGION The IOMMU_DMA_RESERVED_REGION structure describes a region of memory that needs to be marked as reserved during domain creation. |
IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS The IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS represents a physical address that is to be mapped to a logical address. |
IRP The IRP structure is a partially opaque structure that represents an I/O request packet. |
KBUGCHECK_ADD_PAGES The KBUGCHECK_ADD_PAGES structure describes one or more pages of driver-supplied data to be written by a KbCallbackAddPages callback routine to the crash dump file. |
KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO The KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO structure describes an I/O operation on the crash dump file. |
KBUGCHECK_SECONDARY_DUMP_DATA The KBUGCHECK_SECONDARY_DUMP_DATA structure describes a section of driver-supplied data to be written by KbCallbackSecondaryDumpData routine to the crash dump file. |
KDPC_WATCHDOG_INFORMATION The KDPC_WATCHDOG_INFORMATION structure holds time-out information about the current deferred procedure call (DPC). |
KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_CONTEXT The KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_CONTEXT structure describes the notification context that is passed to a registered callback function when a new processor is dynamically added to a hardware partition. |
KERNEL_CET_CONTEXT Reserved for system use only. Do not use. |
KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION The KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION structure defines a subset of the full information that is available for a registry key. |
KEY_FULL_INFORMATION The KEY_FULL_INFORMATION structure defines the information available for a registry key, including information about its subkeys and the maximum length for their names and value entries. |
KEY_NODE_INFORMATION The KEY_NODE_INFORMATION structure defines the basic information available for a registry (sub)key. |
KEY_VALUE_BASIC_INFORMATION The KEY_VALUE_BASIC_INFORMATION structure defines a subset of the full information available for a value entry of a registry key. |
KEY_VALUE_ENTRY The KEY_VALUE_ENTRY structure is used by the REG_QUERY_MULTIPLE_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION structure to describe a single value entry for a registry key. |
KEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION The KEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION structure defines information available for a value entry of a registry key. |
KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION The KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION structure defines a subset of the value information available for a value entry of a registry key. |
KEY_WRITE_TIME_INFORMATION The KEY_WRITE_TIME_INFORMATION structure is used by the system to set the last write time for a registry key. |
KMUTANT Learn more about: KMUTANT structure |
KTMOBJECT_CURSOR The KTMOBJECT_CURSOR structure receives enumeration information about KTM objects when a component calls ZwEnumerateTransactionObject. |
LINK_SHARE_ACCESS The share access structure used by file systems for only link files. |
LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES represents a locally unique identifier (LUID) and its attributes. |
MAILSLOT_CREATE_PARAMETERS The MAILSLOT_CREATE_PARAMETERS is used by the Windows subsystem to create a mailslot. |
MDL An MDL structure is a partially opaque structure that represents a memory descriptor list (MDL). |
MM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_LIST The MM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_LIST structure specifies a range of physical addresses. |
NAMED_PIPE_CREATE_PARAMETERS The NAMED_PIPE_CREATE_PARAMETERS structure is used by the Windows subsystem to create a named pipe. |
OB_CALLBACK_REGISTRATION The OB_CALLBACK_REGISTRATION structure specifies the parameters when the ObRegisterCallbacks routine registers ObjectPreCallback and ObjectPostCallback callback routines. |
OB_OPERATION_REGISTRATION The OB_OPERATION_REGISTRATION structure specifies ObjectPreCallback and ObjectPostCallback callback routines and the types of operations that the routines are called for. |
OB_POST_CREATE_HANDLE_INFORMATION The OB_POST_CREATE_HANDLE_INFORMATION structure provides information to a ObjectPostCallback routine about a thread or process handle that has been opened. |
OB_POST_DUPLICATE_HANDLE_INFORMATION The OB_POST_DUPLICATE_HANDLE_INFORMATION structure provides information to an ObjectPostCallback routine about a thread or process handle that has been duplicated. |
OB_POST_OPERATION_INFORMATION The OB_POST_OPERATION_INFORMATION structure provides information about a process or thread handle operation to an ObjectPostCallback routine. |
OB_POST_OPERATION_PARAMETERS The OB_POST_OPERATION_PARAMETERS union describes the operation-specific parameters for an ObjectPostCallback routine. |
OB_PRE_CREATE_HANDLE_INFORMATION The OB_PRE_CREATE_HANDLE_INFORMATION structure provides information to an ObjectPreCallback routine about a thread or process handle that is being opened. |
OB_PRE_DUPLICATE_HANDLE_INFORMATION The OB_PRE_DUPLICATE_HANDLE_INFORMATION structure provides information to an ObjectPreCallback routine about a thread or process handle that is being duplicated. |
OB_PRE_OPERATION_INFORMATION The OB_PRE_OPERATION_INFORMATION structure provides information about a process or thread handle operation to an ObjectPreCallback routine. |
OB_PRE_OPERATION_PARAMETERS The OB_PRE_OPERATION_PARAMETERS union describes the operation-specific parameters for an ObjectPreCallback routine. |
OSVERSIONINFOEXW The RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW structure contains operating system version information. |
OSVERSIONINFOW The RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW structure contains operating system version information. |
PCI_CAPABILITIES_HEADER The _PCI_CAPABILITIES_HEADER structure (wdm.h) defines a header that is present in every PCI capability structure. |
PCI_COMMON_CONFIG The _PCI_COMMON_CONFIG structure (wdm.h) defines standard PCI configuration information. |
PCI_EXPRESS_AER_CAPABILITIES The _PCI_EXPRESS_AER_CAPABILITIES structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) advanced error capabilities and control register. |
PCI_EXPRESS_AER_CAPABILITY The _PCI_EXPRESS_AER_CAPABILITY structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) advanced error reporting capability structure. |
PCI_EXPRESS_BRIDGE_AER_CAPABILITY The _PCI_EXPRESS_BRIDGE_AER_CAPABILITY structure (wdm.h) defines the PCI Express (PCIe) advanced error reporting capabilities for a PCIe bridge device. |
PCI_EXPRESS_CORRECTABLE_ERROR_MASK The _PCI_EXPRESS_CORRECTABLE_ERROR_MASK structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) correctable error mask register used in advanced error reporting. |
PCI_EXPRESS_CORRECTABLE_ERROR_STATUS The _PCI_EXPRESS_CORRECTABLE_ERROR_STATUS structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) correctable error status register for advanced error reporting. |
PCI_EXPRESS_ENHANCED_CAPABILITY_HEADER The _PCI_EXPRESS_ENHANCED_CAPABILITY_HEADER structure (wdm.h) describes the header for a PCI Express (PCIe) extended capability structure. |
PCI_EXPRESS_ERROR_SOURCE_ID The _PCI_EXPRESS_ERROR_SOURCE_ID structure (wdm.h) describes the IDs of the first correctable and first uncorrectable error in the error status register. |
PCI_EXPRESS_ROOT_ERROR_COMMAND The _PCI_EXPRESS_ROOT_ERROR_COMMAND structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) root error command register for advanced error reporting. |
PCI_EXPRESS_ROOT_ERROR_STATUS The _PCI_EXPRESS_ROOT_ERROR_STATUS structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) root error status register for advanced error reporting. |
PCI_EXPRESS_ROOTPORT_AER_CAPABILITY The _PCI_EXPRESS_ROOTPORT_AER_CAPABILITY structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) advanced error reporting capability structure. |
PCI_EXPRESS_SEC_AER_CAPABILITIES The _PCI_EXPRESS_SEC_AER_CAPABILITIES structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) secondary error capabilities and control register. |
PCI_EXPRESS_SEC_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_MASK The _PCI_EXPRESS_SEC_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_MASK structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) secondary uncorrectable error mask register. |
PCI_EXPRESS_SEC_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_SEVERITY The _PCI_EXPRESS_SEC_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_SEVERITY structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) secondary uncorrectable error severity register. |
PCI_EXPRESS_SEC_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_STATUS The _PCI_EXPRESS_SEC_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_STATUS structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) secondary uncorrectable error status register. |
PCI_EXPRESS_SERIAL_NUMBER_CAPABILITY The _PCI_EXPRESS_SERIAL_NUMBER_CAPABILITY structure (wdm.h) describes a serial number for a PCI Express (PCIe) device. |
PCI_EXPRESS_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_MASK The _PCI_EXPRESS_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_MASK structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) uncorrectable error mask register. |
PCI_EXPRESS_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_SEVERITY The _PCI_EXPRESS_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_SEVERITY structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) uncorrectable error severity register. |
PCI_EXPRESS_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_STATUS The _PCI_EXPRESS_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR_STATUS structure (wdm.h) describes a PCI Express (PCIe) uncorrectable error status register. |
PCI_MSIX_TABLE_CONFIG_INTERFACE The PCI_MSIX_TABLE_CONFIG_INTERFACE structure enables device drivers to modify their MSI-X interrupt settings. This structure describes the GUID_MSIX_TABLE_CONFIG_INTERFACE interface. |
PCI_PM_CAPABILITY The _PCI_PM_CAPABILITY structure (wdm.h) contains fields that describe the power management capabilities of the device. |
PCI_PMC The _PCI_PMC structure (wdm.h) describes the contents of the power management capabilities register. |
PCI_PMCSR The _PCI_PMCSR structure (wdm.h) describes the contents of the device's power management control status register. |
PCI_PMCSR_BSE The _PCI_PMCSR_BSE structure (wdm.h) describes the contents of the power management control status register for PCI bridge support extensions. |
PCI_SEGMENT_BUS_NUMBER Microsoft reserves the PCI_SEGMENT_BUS_NUMBER structure for internal use only. Don't use this structure in your code. |
PCI_SLOT_NUMBER The _PCI_SLOT_NUMBER structure (wdm.h) is obsolete. It defines the format of the Slot parameter to the obsolete HalXxxBusData routines. |
PCI_X_CAPABILITY The PCI_X_CAPABILITY structure (wdm.h) reports the contents of the command and status registers of a device that is compliant with the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification. |
PCW_CALLBACK_INFORMATION The PCW_CALLBACK_INFORMATION union supplies details about the notification to send. A provider passes a pointer to this union as a parameter to the PcwCallback function. |
PCW_COUNTER_DESCRIPTOR The PCW_COUNTER_DESCRIPTOR structure supplies details about the notification to send. |
PCW_COUNTER_INFORMATION The PCW_COUNTER_INFORMATION structure describes attributes that identify a specific instance of a counterset. |
PCW_DATA The PCW_DATA structure describes the array of data blocks that are associated with an instance. |
PCW_MASK_INFORMATION The PCW_MASK_INFORMATION structure supplies details about the notification to send to the provider. This information is passed as part of the Info parameter to the PcwCallback function. This mask information is included in PCW_CALLBACK_INFORMATION. |
PCW_REGISTRATION_INFORMATION The PCW_REGISTRATION_INFORMATION structure supplies details about the provider and the counterset. |
PLUGPLAY_NOTIFICATION_HEADER A PLUGPLAY_NOTIFICATION_HEADER structure is included at the beginning of each PnP notification structure, such as a DEVICE_INTERFACE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION structure. |
PNP_BUS_INFORMATION The PNP_BUS_INFORMATION structure describes a bus. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_IDLE_STATE The PO_FX_COMPONENT_IDLE_STATE structure specifies the attributes of an Fx power state of a component in a device. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_PERF_INFO The PO_FX_COMPONENT_PERF_INFO structure describes all the sets of performance states for a single component within a device. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_PERF_SET The PO_FX_COMPONENT_PERF_SET structure represents a set of performance states for a single component within a device. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_V1 The PO_FX_COMPONENT structure describes the power state attributes of a component in a device. |
PO_FX_COMPONENT_V2 Learn how the PO_FX_COMPONENT structure describes the power state attributes of a component in a device. |
PO_FX_DEVICE_V1 The PO_FX_DEVICE structure describes the power attributes of a device to the power management framework (PoFx). |
PO_FX_DEVICE_V2 Learn how the PO_FX_DEVICE structure describes the power attributes of a device to the power management framework (PoFx). |
PO_FX_DEVICE_V3 Learn more about: PO_FX_DEVICE_V3 structure |
PO_FX_PERF_STATE The PO_FX_PERF_STATE structure represents a performance state for a single component within a device. |
PO_FX_PERF_STATE_CHANGE The PO_FX_PERF_STATE_CHANGE structure contains information about a change to a performance state that is being requested by calling the PoFxIssueComponentPerfStateChange or PoFxIssueComponentPerfStateChangeMultiple routine. |
POWER_PLATFORM_INFORMATION Learn how the POWER_PLATFORM_INFORMATION structure contains information about the power capabilities of the system. |
POWER_STATE Learn how the POWER_STATE union specifies a system power state value or a device power state value. |
PRIVILEGE_SET The PRIVILEGE_SET structure specifies a set of security privileges. |
REENUMERATE_SELF_INTERFACE_STANDARD The REENUMERATE_SELF_INTERFACE_STANDARD interface structure enables a driver to request that its parent bus driver reenumerate the driver's device. This structure defines the GUID_REENUMERATE_SELF_INTERFACE_STANDARD interface. |
REG_CALLBACK_CONTEXT_CLEANUP_INFORMATION The REG_CALLBACK_CONTEXT_CLEANUP_INFORMATION structure contains information that a driver's RegistryCallback routine can use to free resources that the driver previously allocated for the context that is associated with a registry object. |
REG_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION Obsolete, use REG_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION_V1 instead. The REG_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains information that a driver's RegistryCallback routine can use when a registry key that is being created. |
REG_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION_V1 The REG_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION_V1 structure contains information that a filter driver's RegistryCallback routine can use when a registry key is being created. |
REG_DELETE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_DELETE_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains information that a driver's RegistryCallback routine can use when a registry key is being deleted. |
REG_DELETE_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_DELETE_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains information that a driver's RegistryCallback routine can use when a registry key's value is being deleted. |
REG_ENUMERATE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_ENUMERATE_KEY_INFORMATION structure describes one subkey of a key whose subkeys are being enumerated. |
REG_ENUMERATE_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_ENUMERATE_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION structure describes one value entry of a key whose value entries are being enumerated. |
REG_KEY_HANDLE_CLOSE_INFORMATION The REG_KEY_HANDLE_CLOSE_INFORMATION structure contains information about a registry key whose handle is about to be closed. |
REG_LOAD_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_LOAD_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains information about a registry hive that is being loaded. |
REG_LOAD_KEY_INFORMATION_V2 The REG_LOAD_KEY_INFORMATION_V2 structure contains information about a registry hive that is being loaded. |
REG_POST_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_POST_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains the result of an attempt to create a registry key. |
REG_POST_OPERATION_INFORMATION The REG_POST_OPERATION_INFORMATION structure contains information about a completed registry operation that a RegistryCallback routine can use. |
REG_PRE_CREATE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_PRE_OPEN_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains the name of a registry key that is about to be opened. |
REG_QUERY_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_QUERY_KEY_INFORMATION structure describes the metadata that is about to be queried for a key. |
REG_QUERY_KEY_NAME The REG_QUERY_KEY_NAME structure describes the full registry key name of an object being queried. |
REG_QUERY_KEY_SECURITY_INFORMATION The REG_QUERY_KEY_SECURITY_INFORMATION structure receives security information for a registry key object. |
REG_QUERY_MULTIPLE_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_QUERY_MULTIPLE_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION structure describes the multiple value entries that are being retrieved for a key. |
REG_QUERY_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_QUERY_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains information about a registry key's value entry that is being queried. |
REG_RENAME_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_RENAME_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains the new name for a registry key whose name is about to be changed. |
REG_REPLACE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_REPLACE_KEY_INFORMATION structure describes the metadata that is about to be replaced for a key. |
REG_RESTORE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_RESTORE_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains the information for a registry key that is about to be restored. |
REG_SAVE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_SAVE_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains the information for a registry key that is about to be saved. |
REG_SET_INFORMATION_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_SET_INFORMATION_KEY_INFORMATION structure describes a new setting for a key's metadata. |
REG_SET_KEY_SECURITY_INFORMATION The REG_SET_KEY_SECURITY_INFORMATION structure specifies security information for a registry key object. |
REG_SET_VALUE_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_SET_VALUE_INFORMATION structure describes a new setting for a registry key's value entry. |
REG_UNLOAD_KEY_INFORMATION The REG_UNLOAD_KEY_INFORMATION structure contains information that a driver's RegistryCallback routine can use when a registry hive is unloaded. |
RESOURCEMANAGER_BASIC_INFORMATION The RESOURCEMANAGER_BASIC INFORMATION structure contains information about a resource manager object. |
SCATTER_GATHER_LIST The SCATTER_GATHER_LIST structure describes the scatter/gather list for a DMA operation. |
SDEV_IDENTIFIER_INTERFACE This placeholder topic is provided as an example of documentation that may be included in a later release. This material is not yet available. |
SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS The SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS structure, allocated by a file system or a redirector driver, is used by the memory manager and cache manager to store file-mapping and cache-related information for a file stream. |
SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT The SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT structure is used to capture subject security context for access validation and auditing. |
SET_POWER_SETTING_VALUE This topic describes the SET_POWER_SETTING_VALUE structure. |
SLIST_ENTRY An SLIST_ENTRY structure describes an entry in a sequenced singly linked list. |
SYSTEM_POOL_ZEROING_INFORMATION Microsoft reserves the SYSTEM_POOL_ZEROING_INFORMATION structure for internal use only. Don't use this structure in your code. |
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE_CONTEXT Learn how the SYSTEM_POWER_STATE_CONTEXT structure is a partially opaque system structure that contains information about the previous system power states of a computer. |
TARGET_DEVICE_REMOVAL_NOTIFICATION The TARGET_DEVICE_REMOVAL_NOTIFICATION structure describes a device-removal event. The PnP manager sends this structure to a driver that registered a callback routine for notification of EventCategoryTargetDeviceChange events. |
TIME_FIELDS The TIME_FIELDS structure describes time information for time conversion routines. |
TRANSACTION_BASIC_INFORMATION The TRANSACTION_BASIC_INFORMATION structure contains information about a transaction object. |
TRANSACTION_ENLISTMENT_PAIR The TRANSACTION_ENLISTMENT_PAIR structure contains information about an enlistment that is associated with a transaction object. |
TRANSACTION_ENLISTMENTS_INFORMATION The TRANSACTION_ENLISTMENTS_INFORMATION structure contains information about the enlistments that are associated with a transaction object. |
TRANSACTIONMANAGER_BASIC_INFORMATION The TRANSACTIONMANAGER_BASIC_INFORMATION structure contains information about a transaction manager object. |
TRANSACTIONMANAGER_LOG_INFORMATION The TRANSACTIONMANAGER_LOG_INFORMATION structure contains information about a transaction manager object. |
TRANSACTIONMANAGER_LOGPATH_INFORMATION The TRANSACTIONMANAGER_LOGPATH_INFORMATION structure contains information about a transaction manager object. |
TRANSACTIONMANAGER_RECOVERY_INFORMATION The TRANSACTIONMANAGER_RECOVERY_INFORMATION structure contains information about a transaction manager object. |
VPB The volume parameter block (VPB) structure is used to map a device object that represents a mounted file system volume to a device object that represents a physical or virtual disk device. |
WORK_QUEUE_ITEM The WORK_QUEUE_ITEM structure is used to post a work items to a system work queue. |
XSAVE_CET_U_FORMAT Format for CET_U XSTATE component. |
BOUND_CALLBACK_STATUS The BOUND_CALLBACK_STATUS enumeration indicates how a user-mode bounds exception was processed by the BoundCallback function. |
BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE This topic describes the BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE enumeration. |
CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE The CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE enumeration indicates the type of sequence that the Common Log File System (CLFS) driver follows when it reads a set of records from a stream. |
CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE The CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE enumeration type identifies the type of a CLFS management policy. |
CLS_LOG_INFORMATION_CLASS The CLFS_LOG_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration indicates the type of information that is requested by a call to ClfsQueryLogFileInformation. |
D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS The D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS enumeration indicates whether the most recent transition to the D3hot device power state was followed by a transition to the D3cold device power state. |
DEVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE The directory from which the driver is loaded. |
DEVICE_INSTALL_STATE The DEVICE_INSTALL_STATE enumeration describes a device's installation state. |
DEVICE_POWER_STATE Learn how the DEVICE_POWER_STATE enumeration type indicates a device power state. |
DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY The DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY enumeration identifies device properties that are stored in the registry. |
DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY The DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY enumeration describes a device's removal policy. |
DEVICE_RESET_TYPE The DEVICE_RESET_TYPE enumeration specifies the type of device reset that is being requested by a call to the DeviceReset routine of the GUID_DEVICE_RESET_INTERFACE_STANDARD interface. |
DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE This topic describes the DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE enumeration. |
DEVICE_WAKE_DEPTH The DEVICE_WAKE_DEPTH enumeration specifies the deepest device power state from which a device can trigger a wake signal. |
DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_TYPE Provides the types of optional configurations that can be provided when creating a common buffer from an MDL. The configuration values corresponding to the types are held in the DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION structure. |
DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS The DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS enumeration describes the completion status of a DMA transfer. |
DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ARCH Defines values for type of system architecture specified. |
DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE Learn more about: DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE enumeration |
ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS The ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration identifies the type of information that the ZwSetInformationEnlistment routine can set and that the ZwQueryInformationEnlistment routine can retrieve for an enlistment object. |
FAULT_INFORMATION_ARCH Defines values for type of system architecture. |
FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64_TYPE Defines values for the type of fault. |
FS_INFORMATION_CLASS The FS_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration contains the information class constants that specify what type of information structure is present for a set or a query operation. |
IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY_TYPE The _IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY_TYPE enumeration is not supported. |
IMAGE_POLICY_ID The _IMAGE_POLICY_ID enumeration is not supported. |
INTERFACE_TYPE The _INTERFACE_TYPE enumeration (wdm.h) defines values that indicate the type of bus driver that published the interface. |
IO_ACCESS_MODE _IO_ACCESS_MODE defines the types of access mode for Scheduled File I/O (SFIO). |
IO_ACCESS_TYPE _IO_ACCESS_TYPE defines the access rights for Scheduled File I/O (SFIO). |
IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION The IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION enumerated type is used to specify return values for AdapterControl and ControllerControl routines. |
IO_CONTAINER_INFORMATION_CLASS The IO_CONTAINER_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration contains constants that indicate the classes of system information that a kernel-mode driver can request. |
IO_CONTAINER_NOTIFICATION_CLASS The IO_CONTAINER_NOTIFICATION_CLASS enumeration contains constants that indicate the classes of events for which a kernel-mode driver can register to receive notifications. |
IO_PAGING_PRIORITY The IO_PAGING_PRIORITY enumeration describes the priority value for a paging I/O IRP. |
IO_PRIORITY_HINT The IO_PRIORITY_HINT enumeration type specifies the priority hint for an IRP. |
IO_SESSION_EVENT The IO_SESSION_EVENT enumeration indicates the type of session event for which a driver is receiving notification. |
IO_SESSION_STATE The IO_SESSION_STATE enumeration contains constants that indicate the current state of a user session. |
IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_TYPE Describes the configuration types that are used upon IOMMU_DMA_DEVICE creation depending on the device type and the system. |
IOMMU_DMA_DOMAIN_TYPE Describes the domain types that can be created and interacted with via the DMA_IOMMU_INTERFACE_EX. |
IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_TYPE The IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_TYPE enum indicates the type of logical allocator described in an IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_CONFIG structure. |
IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE The IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE enum indicates the format of the physical address described in an IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS structure. |
IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY The _IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY enumeration (wdm.h) type indicates the operating system policy used to assign interrupts from a device to different processors. |
IRQ_PRIORITY The _IRQ_PRIORITY enumeration (wdm.h) type indicates the priority the system should give to servicing a device's interrupts. |
KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON The KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON enumeration type specifies the situations in which a bug-check callback executes. |
KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO_TYPE The KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO_TYPE enumeration type identifies the type of a section of data within a crash dump file. |
KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS The KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration type represents the type of information to supply about a registry key. |
KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS The KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration type represents the type of information to set for a registry key. |
KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS The KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration type specifies the type of information to supply about the value of a registry key. |
KINTERRUPT_MODE The _KINTERRUPT_MODE enumeration (wdm.h) type indicates whether an interrupt is level-triggered or edge-triggered. |
KINTERRUPT_POLARITY The _KINTERRUPT_POLARITY enumeration (wdm.h) contains values that indicate how a device signals an interrupt request on an interrupt line. |
KTMOBJECT_TYPE The KTMOBJECT_TYPE enumeration identifies the types of objects that KTM supports. |
LATENCY_TIME This topic describes the LATENCY_TIME enumeration. |
LOCK_OPERATION The LOCK_OPERATION enumeration specifies the type of access that is appropriate for a type of I/O operation. |
MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE Defines values for extended parameters are used for file mapping into an address space. |
MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE The _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE enumeration (wdm.h) type specifies the permitted caching behavior when allocating or mapping memory. |
MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE Learn how this method indicates the power state of the monitor being displayed on. |
PCW_CALLBACK_TYPE The PCW_CALLBACK_TYPE enumeration defines the notification type to send to the registered provider of the counterset. A provider passes a pointer to this enumeration as a parameter to the PcwCallback function. |
PO_EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE The PO_EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE enumeration constants indicates the effective power mode the system is running. |
PO_FX_PERF_STATE_TYPE The PO_FX_PERF_STATE_TYPE enumeration contains values that describe the type of performance states in a PO_FX_COMPONENT_PERF_SET. |
PO_FX_PERF_STATE_UNIT The PO_FX_PERF_STATE_UNIT enumeration contains values that describe the type of unit that is controlled by the performance states in a PO_FX_COMPONENT_PERF_SET. |
POOL_TYPE The POOL_TYPE enumeration type specifies the type of system memory to allocate. |
POWER_ACTION Learn how the POWER_ACTION enumeration (wdm.h) identifies the system power actions that can occur on a computer. |
POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL enumerates power level information indicators. |
POWER_REQUEST_TYPE Learn how the POWER_REQUEST_TYPE enumeration indicates the power request type. |
POWER_STATE_TYPE Learn how the POWER_STATE_TYPE enumeration type indicates that a power state value is a system power state or a device power state. |
POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE This topic describes the POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE enumeration. |
REG_NOTIFY_CLASS The REG_NOTIFY_CLASS enumeration type specifies the type of registry operation that the configuration manager is passing to a RegistryCallback routine. |
RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS The RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration identifies the type of information that the ZwQueryInformationResourceManager routine can retrieve for a resource manager object. |
SE_IMAGE_TYPE Learn more about: _SE_IMAGE_TYPE enumeration |
SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL The SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enumeration type contains values that specify security impersonation levels. Security impersonation levels govern the degree to which a server process can act on behalf of a client process. |
SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION This topic describes the SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION enumeration. |
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE Learn how the SYSTEM_POWER_STATE enumeration type is used to indicate a system power state. |
TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS The TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration type is used to indicate types of information associated with a WMI event tracing session. |
TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS The TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration specifies the type of information that ZwSetInformationTransaction can set and ZwQueryInformationTransaction can retrieve for a transaction manager object. |
TRANSACTION_OUTCOME The TRANSACTION_OUTCOME enumeration defines the outcomes (results) that KTM can assign to a transaction. |
TRANSACTION_STATE The TRANSACTION_STATE enumeration defines the states that KTM can assign to a transaction. |
TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS The TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration specifies the type of information that the ZwQueryInformationTransactionManager routine can retrieve for a transaction manager object. |
WORK_QUEUE_TYPE The WORK_QUEUE_TYPE enumeration type indicates the type of system worker thread that handles a work item. |