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Windows App SDK API Reference version 0.8

Microsoft.ApplicationModel.Resources NamespaceProvides simplified access to app resources, such as strings, that are defined using basic naming conventions. Note In Windows App SDK 1.0 Preview 1 and later releases, this namespace has been renamed to Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.
Microsoft.Graphics.DirectX NamespaceSpecifies pixel formats, and other enumerated constants, for use with Windows Runtime Direct3D 11 interop surfaces.
Microsoft.UI NamespaceProvides an app with access to core system functionality and run-time information about its UI.
Microsoft.UI.Composition NamespaceProvides APIs for user interface composition.
Microsoft.UI.Composition.Core NamespaceProvides core APIs for user interface composition.
Microsoft.UI.Composition.Diagnostics NamespaceProvides APIs for user interface composition diagnostics and debugging.
Microsoft.UI.Composition.Effects NamespaceContains classes that are specific to creating effects for User Interactions. These effects are specific to composition.
Microsoft.UI.Composition.Experimental Namespace
Microsoft.UI.Composition.Interactions NamespaceProvides functionality that enables input driven animations in the visual layer.
Microsoft.UI.Composition.Scenes NamespaceProvides APIs for loading 3D models and composing 3D scenes.
Microsoft.UI.Dispatching NamespaceEnables a queue for tasks to execute in a serial fashion on a thread.
Microsoft.UI.Hosting.Experimental Namespace
Microsoft.UI.Input NamespaceProvides support for the Windows input system. This includes: Touch, pen/stylus, mouse, and keyboard device input. Gesture and manipulation detection, recognition, and handling. Inertia configuration, detection, and handling. Input pointer management.
Microsoft.UI.Input.Experimental Namespace
Microsoft.UI.Text NamespaceProvides support for working with textual content.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml NamespaceProvides general framework APIs for the Windows UI Library (WinUI).
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Automation NamespaceDefines the support types for Microsoft UI Automation infrastructure. These support types are for implementing Microsoft UI Automation support for a custom control. Also, AutomationProperties provides accessibility info as part of a XAML UI definition.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers NamespaceDefines support types for the Microsoft UI Automation infrastructure.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Automation.Provider NamespaceDefines provider patterns that are implemented by automation peers and recognized by automation clients.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Automation.Text NamespaceContains enumerations that report specifics about text automation patterns.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls NamespaceProvides UI controls and classes for creating custom controls.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives NamespaceDefines the components that comprise WinUI controls, or otherwise support the control composition model.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Data NamespaceDefines the data binding infrastructure for apps.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Documents NamespaceProvides basic text and document model classes.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Hosting NamespaceProvides services relevant to XAML design surfaces hosted in a larger application.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Input NamespaceDefines the input and input event infrastructure for apps and UI elements.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Interop NamespaceProvides basic types for cross-framework integration and interoperation. Notably, this includes interfaces and support types that enable binding patterns.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Markup NamespaceProvides XAML language support API for UWP app and the Windows Runtime.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media NamespaceProvides brushes, basic media support, and graphics primitives.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation NamespaceProvides animation and storyboard API for transition animations, visual states, or animated UI components.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging NamespaceProvides types related to imaging and obtaining resources and source files for bitmap images.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Media3D NamespaceContains types that support matrix/perspective transformation.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Navigation NamespaceProvides types that support navigation events as initiated by the Page and Frame classes. For navigation guidelines for UWP apps, see navigation design basics.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Printing NamespaceProvides a basic printing support framework for applications.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Resources NamespaceContains CustomXamlResourceLoader, which enables loading of custom resource dictionaries as sources.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Shapes NamespaceDefines basic shapes that are intended for decorative rendering or for compositing non-interactive parts of controls.
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.XamlTypeInfo NamespaceProvides support for the XAML schema.