SceneKit Namespace
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The SceneKit namespace provides high-level, scene-graph-based 3D graphics.
_SCNShader |
A dictionary of shader snippets. |
SCNAcceleration |
SCNAction |
Performs actions on a SCNNode, including changes to appearance, geometry, animations, or arbitrary functions. |
SCNActionable |
Allows actions to be applied. |
SCNActionable_Extensions |
Extension methods to the ISCNActionable interface to support all the methods from the SCNActionable protocol. |
SCNAnimatable |
Allows animations to be applied. |
SCNAnimatable_Extensions |
Extension methods to the ISCNAnimatable interface to support all the methods from the SCNAnimatable protocol. |
SCNAnimatable |
Extension methods for ISCNAnimatable. |
SCNAnimation | |
SCNAnimation |
Performs a function at a specific time during an animation. |
SCNAnimation |
SCNAudio |
Holds a SCNAudioSource or AVAudioNode for use with positional audio. |
SCNAudio |
A reusable audio source for positional audio in SceneKit scenes. |
SCNAvoid |
SCNAvoid |
SCNAvoid |
Extension methods to the ISCNAvoidOccluderConstraintDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintDelegate protocol. |
SCNBillboard |
Automatically constrains a SCNNode so that it always points to the current rendering node. |
SCNBounding |
Functions that define a volume in 3D space. |
SCNBox |
An SCNGeometry whose faces are all rectangles. |
SCNCamera |
Specifies a camera, with attributes such as field-of-view and depth-of-view. |
SCNCamera |
SCNCamera |
SCNCamera |
Extension methods to the ISCNCameraControllerDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SCNCameraControllerDelegate protocol. |
SCNCapsule |
An SCNGeometry that is a cylinder with capped ends. |
SCNCone |
An SCNGeometry that is a circular frustum. Or, a party hat. |
SCNConstraint |
Automatically adjusts the transformation of a node. |
SCNCylinder |
An SCNGeometry that is a right circular cylinder. |
SCNDistance |
SCNError |
Extension methods for the SceneKit.SCNErrorCode enumeration. |
SCNFloor |
An SCNGeometry that is an infinite plane. |
SCNGeometry |
Base class for SceneKit geometry objects |
SCNGeometry |
Combines information about vertices and a drawing primitive. Maps to a single drawing command sent to the GPU. |
SCNGeometry |
Provides vertex data that, in conjunction with SCNGeometryElements, define a 3D object. |
SCNGeometry |
Enumerates vertex mode attributes. |
SCNGeometry |
SCNHit |
Constants for use with the |
SCNHit |
Configuration options for hit-testing in SCNNode and SCNSceneRenderer |
SCNHit |
Information about the SCNNode (if any) located at a specific point or along a ray. |
SCNIKConstraint |
An SCNConstraint that applies inverse kinematics. |
SCNJava |
Static class that contains a method to export JavaScript modules. |
SCNLayer | |
SCNLevel |
Controls alternate geometries rendered at thresholds in either world-space or screen-space. |
SCNLight |
A light source, used for all SCNLightTypes. |
SCNLight |
SCNLighting |
Constants for use with the P:SceneKit.SCNMaterial.LightingModel property, which defines the way lights and materials combine to produce a particular rendered color. |
SCNLight |
Enumerates the types of SCNLight. |
SCNLook |
An SCNConstraint that orients a node to point towards another node. |
SCNMaterial |
Specifies the lighting and shading characteristics of the surface of an SCNGeometry. |
SCNMaterial |
Configures the various properties (such as color and texture) of a SCNMaterial. |
SCNMorpher |
An animated transformation of an SCNGeometry into one or more target SCNGeometry objects. |
SCNNode |
A node in the scene graph. |
SCNNode |
Interface defining delegate object functions for adding custom OpenGL drawing code. |
SCNNode |
Extension methods to the ISCNNodeRendererDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SCNNodeRendererDelegate protocol. |
SCNParticle |
SCNParticle |
Animates a property of the particles emitted by a SCNParticleSystem. |
SCNParticle |
Emits small sprites whose behaviors are developer-specified. |
SCNPhysics |
An SCNPhysicsBehavior that allows two SCNPhysicsBody objects to pivot around each other. |
SCNPhysics |
Controls the behavior of one or more SCNPhysicsBody objects. |
SCNPhysics |
Adds physics simulation to an SCNNode. |
SCNPhysics |
SCNPhysics |
How two SCNPhysicsBody objects are in contact with each other. |
SCNPhysics |
Delegate object functions responding to touches between SCNPhysicsBody objects.. |
SCNPhysics |
Extension methods to the ISCNPhysicsContactDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SCNPhysicsContactDelegate protocol. |
SCNPhysics |
Provides data for the DidUpdateContact, E:SceneKit.SCNPhysicsContactEventArgs.DidEndContact and E:SceneKit.SCNPhysicsContactEventArgs.DidUpdateContact events. |
SCNPhysics |
Applies forces to all SCNPhysicsBody objects in a given volume. |
SCNPhysics |
An SCNPhysicsBehavior that attaches two SCNPhysicsBody objects along a single axis. |
SCNPhysics |
A solid volume for a SCNPhysicsBody. Used in collision detection. |
SCNPhysics |
Valid keys for the |
SCNPhysics |
Defines valid keys for use with the |
SCNPhysics |
Geometrical type associated with SCNPhysicsShapes. |
SCNPhysics |
An SCNPhysicsBehavior that connects two SCNPhysicsBody objects, allowing them to slide and rotate around their connecting points. |
SCNPhysics |
Valid options for use with M:SceneKit.SCNPhysicsWorld.ContactTest*. |
SCNPhysics |
Contains values that control searching, backface culling, and collision testing. |
SCNPhysics |
Enumerates values that control which collision search results are returned. |
SCNPhysics |
An SCNPhysicsBehavior that simulates the physics of a wheeled vehicle. |
SCNPhysics |
The appearance and physical characteristics of a wheel on a SCNPhysicsVehicle. |
SCNPhysics |
A physics simulation that models collisions and other physics-related properties in an SCNScene. |
SCNPlane |
An SCNGeometry that is a rectangular single-sided finite plane. |
SCNProgram |
Performs custom rendering using shaders written in OpenGL Shading Language. |
SCNProgram |
Delegate object for SCNProgram objects. |
SCNProgram |
Extension methods to the ISCNProgramDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SCNProgramDelegate protocol. |
SCNProgram |
Defines the MappingChannel for use with SetSemantic(NSString, String, SCNProgramSemanticOptions). |
SCNProperty |
SCNPyramid |
An SCNGeometry that is a right rectangular pyramid. |
SCNReference |
A SCNNode that loads its content from a scene file. |
SCNRenderer |
Renders an SCNScene into an OpenGL context. |
SCNRendering |
Defines keys for use with Render(SCNNode, SCNRenderer, NSDictionary) and SetSemantic(NSString, String, SCNProgramSemanticOptions). |
SCNRendering |
A DictionaryContainer that defines |
SCNReplicator |
SCNScene |
The highest-level description of a 3D scene. |
SCNScene |
Protocol that defines methods to handle exporting a scene to a file. |
SCNScene |
Extension methods to the ISCNSceneExportDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SCNSceneExportDelegate protocol. |
SCNScene |
Options for scene loading. |
SCNScene |
Implementation class of the ISCNSceneRenderer interface. |
SCNScene |
Extension methods to the ISCNSceneRenderer interface to support all the methods from the SCNSceneRenderer protocol. |
SCNScene |
Delegate object for the SCNRenderer class, defines methods reflects rendering events. |
SCNScene |
Extension methods to the ISCNSceneRendererDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SCNSceneRendererDelegate protocol. |
SCNScene |
Reads scene-defining data from a file or NSData object. |
SCNScene |
Enumerates error types that can occur while loading SCNSceneSources. |
SCNScene |
Options for creating and loading SCNScene objects. |
SCNScene |
Metadata keys associated with a scene file. Used with GetProperty(NSString). |
SCNShadable |
Implementation of ISCNShadable. |
SCNShadable_Extensions |
Extension methods to the ISCNShadable interface to support all the methods from the SCNShadable protocol. |
SCNShader |
A DictionaryContainer containing options for shaders. |
SCNShape |
An SCNGeometry created from a 2D path, optionally extruded into three dimensions. |
SCNSkinner |
Accesses the scene graph in support of skeletal animation. |
SCNSlider |
SCNSphere |
An SCNGeometry that is a sphere. |
SCNTechnique |
Provides additional drawing passes, each of which applies a shader. |
SCNTechnique |
Implementation of ISCNTechniqueSupport that simply holds a reference to the SCNTechnique. |
SCNText |
An SCNGeometry based on a string, optionally extruded into three dimensions. |
SCNTiming |
SCNTorus |
An SCNGeometry that is a ring-shaped solid. |
SCNTransaction |
Allows a set of modifications to be applied atomically. |
SCNTransform |
An SCNConstraint that executes a function specifying a change in transformation (position, rotation, and scale) to a node or nodes. |
SCNTube |
An SCNGeometry that is a cylinder with a hole along its central axis. |
SCNView | |
SCNView. |
Appearance class for objects of type SCNView. |
SCNMatrix4 |
A 4x4 matrix. |
SCNQuaternion |
Represents a quaternion and contains methods that operate on them. |
SCNVector3 |
A 3-component vector. |
SCNVector4 |
A 4-component vector. |
ISCNActionable |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNActionable. |
ISCNAnimatable |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNAnimatable. |
ISCNAnimation |
ISCNAvoid |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintDelegate. |
ISCNBounding |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNBoundingVolume. |
ISCNBuffer |
Interface for managing a custom shader's Metal buffer. |
ISCNCamera |
ISCNCamera |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNCameraControllerDelegate. |
ISCNNode |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNNodeRendererDelegate. |
ISCNPhysics |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNPhysicsContactDelegate. |
ISCNProgram |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNProgramDelegate. |
ISCNScene |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNSceneExportDelegate. |
ISCNScene |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNSceneRenderer. |
ISCNScene |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNSceneRendererDelegate. |
ISCNShadable |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNShadable. |
ISCNTechnique |
Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SCNTechniqueSupport. |
SCNAction |
Enumerates rate curves for use with SCNAction objects. |
SCNAnimation |
Enumerates animation import policies. |
SCNAntialiasing |
Enumerates values that control antialiasing behavior. |
SCNBillboard |
Enumeration of axes' locks available to nodes constrained by SCNBillboardConstraint. |
SCNBlend |
Enumeration of the ways SceneKit can blend colors from a material with colors that already exist in the render target. |
SCNBuffer |
Enumerates values that control whether handlers are invoked per frame, per node per frame, or per node per frame per shaded renderable. |
SCNCamera |
SCNChamfer |
Enumerates the ways a SCNShape can be chamfered; on its front, back, or both sides. |
SCNColor |
SCNCull |
Enumeration determining which faces of a surface SCNMaterial are rendered. |
SCNDebug |
Enumerates debug overlay options. |
SCNError |
SCNFill |
SCNFilter |
Enumeration of texture filtering modes. |
SCNGeometry |
Enumeration of 2D geometry primitives. |
SCNGeometry |
Enumerates semantics for geometry data. |
SCNHit |
SCNInteraction |
SCNMorpher |
Enumeration of valid interpolation formulae for CalculationMode. |
SCNMovability |
Enumerates values that tell SceneKit whether nodes are expected to move over time. |
SCNNode |
Enumerates the focusable states of a SCNNode. |
SCNParticle |
Enumerates the initial direction of particles emitted by a SCNParticleSystem. |
SCNParticle |
Enumeration of the initial location of particles emitted by a SCNParticleSystem. |
SCNParticle |
Enumeration of the ways in which overlapping particles emitted by a SCNParticleSystem will be rendered. |
SCNParticle |
Enumeration of lifecycle events for particles emitted by a SCNParticleSystem. Used with HandleEvent(SCNParticleEvent, NSString[], SCNParticleEventHandler). |
SCNParticle |
Enumeration of playing modes for SCNParticleSystem's whose particles are rendered as a sequence of images. |
SCNParticle |
Enumerates how a particle property is animated (over the lifetime of the particle, as the particle travels over a distance, or based on another property). Used with InputMode. |
SCNParticle |
Enumerates moments when the modifier specified in AddModifier(NSString[], SCNParticleModifierStage, SCNParticleModifierHandler) should be applied. |
SCNParticle |
Enumerates the alignment of particles emitted by a SCNParticleSystem. Used with OrientationMode. |
SCNParticle |
Enumeration specifying the order in which particles emitted by a T:SceneKit.SCNParticleScene are rendered. |
SCNPhysics |
An enumeration specifying whether the SCNPhysicsBody is dynamic, kinematic, or static. Used with CreateBody(SCNPhysicsBodyType, SCNPhysicsShape). |
SCNPhysics |
Defaults for the collision properties of a SCNPhysicsBody. |
SCNPhysics |
Enumerates values specifying whether an SCNPhysicsField affects objects inside or outside its border. |
SCNPhysics |
Enumerates values that control which physics search results are returned. |
SCNPhysics |
Enumeration of categories for SCNPhysicsShapes. |
SCNReference |
Enumerates possible loading policies for SCNReferenceNode objects. |
SCNRendering |
Enumerates values that signify the Metal or OpenGLES2 APIs. |
SCNScene |
Enumerates the states of an SCNSceneSource. |
SCNShadow |
Enumeration controlling when shadows are calculated. |
SCNTessellation |
SCNTransparency |
Enumerates techniques for calculating transparency. |
SCNWrap |
Enumerates texture-wrapping techniques. |
Scene Kit is a framework for 3D graphics, based on hierarchical scene-graphs.
The fundamental classes in Scene Kit are SCNScene, which holds all content, and T:CoreGraphics.SceneKit.SCNView, a UIView that renders an SCNScene.
An SCNScene has a RootNode property of type SCNNode. SCNNode's have P:SceneKit.SCNNode.ChildNodes and implement System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<class MonoTouch.SceneKit.SCNNode>
. Properties of SCNNode include Camera, of type SCNCamera, Geometry, of type SCNGeometry, and Light, of type SCNLight.
Additionally, every SCNNode has a Position property that defines a location in space relative to the SCNNode's ParentNode and P:SceneKit.SCNNode.FirstMaterial and P:SceneKit.SCNNode.Materials that create the SCNNode's appearance.
The following example shows a minimal Scene Kit view:
public MySceneView (RectangleF frame) : base(frame)
BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;
this.Scene = new SCNScene ();
var material = new SCNMaterial ();
material.Diffuse.Contents = UIImage.FromFile("textureX.png");
material.Specular.Contents = UIColor.Gray;
material.LocksAmbientWithDiffuse = true;
Scene.RootNode.Geometry = new SCNBox {
Width = 1,
Height = 1,
Length = 1,
ChamferRadius = 0.2f,
FirstMaterial = material
Scene.RootNode.Light = new SCNLight {
LightType = SCNLightType.Ambient,
Color = UIColor.Gray,
var camera = new SCNCamera ();
var cameraNode = new SCNNode () {
Camera = camera,
Position = new SCNVector3 (3, 3, 3),
Constraints = new SCNConstraint[] { SCNLookAtConstraint.Create(Scene.RootNode) }
Scene.RootNode.AddChildNode (cameraNode);
All geometry in SceneKit is described by subclasses of SCNGeometry:
SCNCapsule | A pill-shaped capsule with adjustable end caps | ![]() |
SCNCone | A cone whose top can be truncated | ![]() |
SCNBox | A rectangular box. | ![]() |
SCNCylinder | A cylinder. | ![]() |
SCNFloor | An infinite plane with the ability to reflect the geometry above it. | ![]() |
SCNPlane | A one-sided rectangle. | ![]() |
SCNPyramid | A tetrahedron. | ![]() |
SCNShape | A 2D shape that has been extruded into the 3rd dimension. | ![]() |
SCNSphere | A ball. | ![]() |
SCNText | Extruded text. | ![]() |
SCNTorus | A donut shape. | ![]() |
SCNTube | An uncapped cylinder. | ![]() |
In addition, SceneKit can load entire scenes from .DAE files with the FromFile method.
Finally, developers can create custom geometry using the M:SceneKit.SCNGeometry.Create(SceneKit.SCNGeometrySource[], SceneKit.SCNGeometryElement[]* method with arrays of appropriate SCNGeometrySource and SCNGeometryElement objects. The following shows the creation of a custom pyramid:
var a = new SCNVector3(-1, -1, 0);
var b = new SCNVector3(1, 1, 0);
var halfX = (c.X + a.X) / 2;
var halfY = (c.Y + a.Y) / 2;
var halfZ = (c.Z + a.Z) / 2;
var b = new SCNVector3(a.X, c.Y, halfZ);
var d = new SCNVector3(c.X, a.Y, halfZ);
//Elevate the midpoint so that it's clearly a pyramid
var midPoint = new SCNVector3(halfX, halfY, halfZ + 1.0);
//The vertices of the geometry
var locs = new [] {
a, b, c, d, midPoint
var locSource = SCNGeometrySource.FromVertices(locs);
//Note that this relies on the ordering of locs above
//and it defines triangles (could be triangle strips, etc.)
var indices = new [] {
//Triangles are defined counter-clockwise!
4, 1, 0,
1, 4, 2,
2, 4, 3,
3, 4, 0
var idxArray = new byte[indices.Length][];
for(int i = 0; i < idxArray.Length; i++)
idxArray[i] = BitConverter.GetBytes(indices[i]);
var idxData = NSData.FromArray(idxArray.SelectMany(id => id).ToArray());
//Note that this relies on indices defining triangles
var element = SCNGeometryElement.FromData(idxData, SCNGeometryPrimitiveType.Triangles, indices.Length / 3, sizeof(int));
//Normals are relative to geometry
var normals = new [] {
new SCNVector3(0, 0, 1),
new SCNVector3(0, 0, 1),
new SCNVector3(0, 0, 1),
new SCNVector3(0, 0, 1),
new SCNVector3(0, 0, 1),
var normSource = SCNGeometrySource.FromNormals(normals);
//These texture coords will cause the texture to wrap
var txCoords = new [] {
new CGPoint(-1, -1),
new CGPoint(-1, 1),
new CGPoint(1, 1),
new CGPoint(1, -1)
var txCoordsSource = SCNGeometrySource.FromTextureCoordinates(txCoords);
var geometry = SCNGeometry.Create(new [] { locSource, normSource, txCoordsSource }, new [] { element });