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RASPPPIP structure

The RASPPPIP structure contains the result of a PPP IP projection operation.

The RasGetProjectionInfo function returns a RASPPPIP data structure when its rasprojection parameter has the value RASP_PppIp.


typedef struct _RASPPPIP {
  DWORD dwSize;
  DWORD dwError;
  TCHAR szIpAddress[RAS_MaxIpAddress + 1];
  TCHAR szServerIpAddress[RAS_MaxIpAddress + 1];
#if (WINVER >= 0x500)
  DWORD dwOptions;
  DWORD dwServerOptions;


  • dwSize
    A value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the structure. This member must be set before it is used in a function call.

  • dwError
    A value that specifies the result of the PPP control protocol negotiation. A value of zero indicates success. A non-zero value indicates failure, and indicates the fatal error that occurred during the control protocol negotiation.

  • szIpAddress
    An array that contains a null-terminated string that is the client's IP address on the RAS connection. This address string has the form a.b.c.d.

  • szServerIpAddress
    An array that contains a null-terminated string that is the server's IP address on the RAS connection. This string is in a.b.c.d form. PPP does not require that servers provide this address, but servers will consistently return the address anyway. Other PPP vendors may not provide the address. If the address is not available, this member returns an empty string, "".

  • dwOptions
    A value that specifies IPCP options for the local client.

    Value Meaning

    Indicates that IP datagrams sent by the local client are compressed using Van Jacobson compression


  • dwServerOptions
    A value that specifies IPCP options for the remote server.

    Value Meaning

    Indicates that IP datagrams sent by the remote server (that is, received by the local client) are compressed using Van Jacobson compression.



The szServerIpAddress member was added to the RASPPPIP structure beginning with Windows NT 3.51 and the initial release of Windows 95. Beginning with these systems, RasGetProjectionInfo supports both the current form of the structure and the old form without the szServerIpAddress member. Use the dwSize member to indicate the version of the structure.

For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier versions, RasGetProjectionInfo returns ERROR_INVALID_SIZE if dwSize specifies the current structure size. To retrieve PPP IP information from older systems, dwSize must specify the size of the old structure without the szServerIpAddress member.


Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]



Unicode and ANSI names


See also

Remote Access Service (RAS) Overview

Remote Access Service Structures
