MRTK Core Definitions |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core |
Shared definitions, utilities and components. |
- com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit
MRTK Accessibility |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.accessibility |
Definitions, features and subsystem for building accessible mixed reality experiences. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.graphicstools.unity
- com.unity.textmeshpro
MRTK Audio Effects | |
Effects and features that enhance the audio in mixed reality experiences. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
MRTK Data Binding and Theming | |
Support for data binding and UI element theming. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
- com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json
- com.unity.textmeshpro
MRTK Diagnostics |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.diagnostics |
Diagnostics and performance monitoring subsystems and tools. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
MRTK Environment |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.environment |
Environmental features and subsystems, such as Spatial Awareness and boundaries. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
MRTK Extended Assets |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.extendedassets |
Additional audio, font, texture and other assets for use in applications. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.standardassets
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.graphicstools.unity
MRTK Graphics Tools |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.graphicstools.unity |
Shaders, textures, materials and models. |
- com.unity.render-pipelines.universal
MRTK Input |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.input |
Input components including support for articulated hands, offline speech recognition and in-editor input simulation. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.graphicstools.unity
- com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit
- com.unity.inputsystem
- com.unity.xr.openxr
- com.unity.xr.arfoundation
MRTK Spatial Manipulation |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.spatialmanipulation |
Spatial positioning and manipulation components and utilities, including solvers. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.uxcore
- com.unity.inputsystem
- com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.input
MRTK Standard Assets |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.standardassets |
Standard assets, including materials and textures, for use by applications. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.graphicstools.unity
MRTK Tools | |
Collection of Unity Editor tools used to extend and optimize MRTK3 applications. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
MRTK UX Components |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.uxcomponents |
MRTK UX component library, containing prefabs, visuals, pre-made controls, and everything to get started building 3D user interfaces for mixed reality. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.uxcore
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.spatialmanipulation
MRTK UX Components (Non-Canvas) |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.uxcomponents.noncanvas |
MRTK non-Canvas UX component library, for building 3D UX without Canvas layout. For most production-grade UI, we recommend the dynamic hybrid Canvas-based UX systems, located in org.mixedrealitytoolkit.uxcomponents. However, in some circumstances, static/non-Canvas UI may offer improved performance and batching, and may be desirable in resource-constrained scenarios. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.uxcore
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.spatialmanipulation
MRTK UX Core |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.uxcore |
Core interaction and visualization scripts for building MR user interface components.\n\nNote: this is intended to be consumed in order to build UX libraries. To build MR interfaces with a pre-existing library of components, see org.mixedrealitytoolkit.uxcomponents. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.graphicstools.unity
- com.unity.inputsystem
- com.unity.textmeshpro
- com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit
MRTK Windows Speech |
org.mixedrealitytoolkit.windowsspeech |
Speech subsystem implementation for native Windows speech APIs. Allows for the use of native Windows speech recognition to fire events and drive XRI interactions. |
- org.mixedrealitytoolkit.core