Azure Bicep - Deploy Mutliple Resource Groups in same Template

Son 316 Reputation points

Hi, I am new to Bicep and trying to use it to deploy a new environment I am configuring for one of our businesses. I'd like to get to the point where I can just deploy the file and away it goes and deploys as much of the environment as possible:

  • Multiple resources groups
  • VNet gateway
  • Public IP
  • x2 Virtual Machines


I am however falling over at the first hurdle, I am able to deploy a single resource group in the .bicep file but as soon as I try deploying two, VS code is complaining that I cannot deploy more than one. Is there a way round this?

targetScope = 'subscription'
@description('Name of the resource group to create.')
param rgName string = 'rg-vnetwork-01'
param rgName1 string ='rg-routetables-01'
@description('Azure Region the resource group will be created in.')
param rgLocation string = 'uksouth'
resource resourceGroup 'Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups@2022-09-01' = {
  name: rgName
  location: rgLocation
resource resourceGroup 'Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups@2022-09-01' = {
  name: rgName1
  location: rgLocation

When I try this VS Code is showing the following:

"Identifier "resourceGroup" is declared multiple times. Remove or rename the duplicates."

Hope someone can help.


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