Custom Logs.

Apurva Tiwari 40 Reputation points

I have a CSV file (say "empfile.csv") in my data lake which is then loaded into Azure Synapse's dedicated SQL pool. Now, My data exists at both Data Lake and SQL pool.

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Suppose, I update some field values in this data (say "Manager" to "Se. Manager" for emp_id:101) and upload it again. It will update the table in synapse with updated values.

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Task: I want to create custom logs that provide output as below and store it in my warehouse:

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Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Lake Storage
An Azure service that provides an enterprise-wide hyper-scale repository for big data analytic workloads and is integrated with Azure Blob Storage.
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Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics
An Azure analytics service that brings together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics. Previously known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
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  1. Amira Bedhiafi 24,181 Reputation points

    Azure Synapse does not natively provide a comprehensive change tracking or auditing solution, so you can use the dedicated SQL pool with triggers

    Start by creating a table in your SQL pool to store the audit logs.

     CREATE TABLE audit_logs (
         Audit_Id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
         TableName NVARCHAR(50),
         ChangedBy NVARCHAR(50),
         emp_id INT,
         ChangedFromValues NVARCHAR(MAX),
         ChangedToValues NVARCHAR(MAX),
         DateTime DATETIME

    Then create a staging table where you can load the new data before merging it with the existing data.

    CREATE TABLE empfile_staging ( emp_id INT,
    emp_name NVARCHAR(50),
     emp_design NVARCHAR(50),
      dept_id INT)

    Load the updated data in your staging table :

    COPY INTO empfile_staging FROM 'path_to_your_csv_file' WITH ( FILE_TYPE = 'CSV', FIRSTROW = 2, -- Assuming the first row is a header FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' );	

    Then create a trigger that fires before an update operation on your main table :

    CREATE TRIGGER trg_empfile_update
    ON empfile
        DECLARE @emp_id INT, @old_emp_design NVARCHAR(50), @new_emp_design NVARCHAR(50), @changed_by NVARCHAR(50), @current_time DATETIME;
        SELECT @emp_id = INSERTED.emp_id,
               @old_emp_design = DELETED.emp_design,
               @new_emp_design = INSERTED.emp_design,
               @changed_by = 'abc person', -- You can change this to get the actual user
               @current_time = GETDATE()
        JOIN DELETED ON INSERTED.emp_id = DELETED.emp_id;
        IF @old_emp_design <> @new_emp_design
            INSERT INTO audit_logs (TableName, ChangedBy, emp_id, ChangedFromValues, ChangedToValues, DateTime)
            VALUES ('empfile', @changed_by, @emp_id, @old_emp_design, @new_emp_design, @current_time);

    Merge the data from the staging table to the main table. This will trigger the above trigger for any updates.

    MERGE INTO empfile AS target
    USING empfile_staging AS source
    ON target.emp_id = source.emp_id
    WHEN MATCHED AND (target.emp_design <> source.emp_design OR target.emp_name <> source.emp_name OR target.dept_id <> source.dept_id)
        UPDATE SET target.emp_name = source.emp_name,
                   target.emp_design = source.emp_design,
                   target.dept_id = source.dept_id
        INSERT (emp_id, emp_name, emp_design, dept_id)
        VALUES (source.emp_id, source.emp_name, source.emp_design, source.dept_id)

    Optionally, truncate the staging table after the merge operation to keep it clean for future use.

    TRUNCATE TABLE empfile_staging
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