Ratings and reviews are available for products in the commercial marketplace. Reviews include marketplace ratings and reviews, and, for some solutions, reviews from G2 (an external review provider). To view ratings and reviews for a product, select on the Ratings and review tab within the Product detail page.
Ratings and reviews for a solution on Azure Marketplace
Ratings and reviews for a solution on Microsoft AppSource
You can view marketplace ratings and ratings provided by G2. Scroll down on the product detail page to read reviews by marketplace customers and user comments sourced from G2 for that solution. Use the filter options to narrow down reviews from marketplace users, reviews sourced from G2, your reviews, and your comments. You can also filter by rating, most recent review, highest/lowest rating and most helpful.
Once you have purchased a solution, you can select Write a Review to leave a rating and review comment. Reviews can be posted publicly or anonymously.
As a Microsoft Azure solutions architect, you advise stakeholders and translate business requirements into designs for Azure solutions that align with the Azure Well-Architected Framework and Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure.