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Update your Microsoft 365 admin phone number and email address

This article explains how you, the admin, can change your business phone and email address in Microsoft 365.

If you're looking for how to change your company's profile information, such as company name and address, company phone number, and technical contact information, see Change your organization's address, technical contact email, and other information.

For more information about changing user contact information or removing former employees, see Related content.

Update your phone number

  1. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center.

  2. Go to Users > Active users.

  3. Select your admin account and choose Manage contact information under Contact information.

  4. Update your phone number and when you're finished, select Save changes.

Update your email address

  1. Browse to the Microsoft 365 admin center.

  2. Go to Users > Active users.

  3. Select your admin account and choose Manage username and email under Username and email.

  4. Update your email address and when you're finished, select Save changes.

For answers to billing questions, see:

Change a user name and email address (video)
Add a new employee (video)
Remove a former employee (video)
Access and back up a former user's data (article)