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Discovering data using datamarts (preview)

You can discover data through the data hub, and create reusable and autogenerated semantic models to create reports in various ways in Power BI. This article describes the various ways you can discover datamarts.

Discover datamarts in the data hub

You can see datamarts and their associated autogenerated semantic model in the data hub, which makes it easy to find, explore, and use the data.

In the data hub, when you select a datamart, you're taken to its information page where you can see the datamart’s metadata, supported actions, lineage, and impact analysis along with related reports on that datamart.

The autogenerated semantic model from a datamart behaves the same as other semantic models in Power BI. For more information, see data discovery using the data hub

For more information about a datamart, to explore reports, to view lineage, or to create a new report based on the semantic model, select a datamart from the recommended datamarts or from datamarts in the data list.

A page displays the information about the datamart, provides a button to create a new report, share datamart, pull data into Excel or view lineage. Related reports for the selected datamart are also displayed, if any exist. You can also navigate to the datamart editor, its settings, or manage permissions.

The page also shows the workspace where the datamart is located, its endorsement status, its last refresh time, and any sensitivity settings that are applied. It also displays the datamart's SQL endpoint connection string and the datamart's description.

The following image shows the datamarts information page.

Screenshot of datamarts information page.

You can view the lineage of the datamart by selecting Lineage > Open lineage from the ribbon menu. The window that appears displays the end-to-end lineage view describing the flow of data from the data source to the datamart, the underlying autogenerated semantic model, and all downstream items such as reports, dashboards, or apps.

The following image shows the lineage of a datamart.

Screenshot of datamart lineage view.

To view any dependent items of the selected datamart, select the Impact analysis menu, which is displayed along the right side of the screen.

Screenshot of datamart impact analysis pane.

Data hub in Power BI Desktop

The data hub in Power BI Desktop lets you discover datamarts and semantic models. Once the datamart filter is selected, the list shows the datamarts to which you have access.

The following image shows how to select datamarts from the data hub Home ribbon menu in Power BI Desktop.

Screenshot of selecting datamarts from the Power BI Desktop data hub.

The data hub appears in a window within Power BI Desktop, as the following screen shows.

Screenshot of selecting datamarts displayed in the Power BI Desktop data hub.

Selecting a datamart from the list enables the Connect button in the window. Selecting Connect with a datamart selected loads the datamart's underlying and autogenerated semantic model, from which you can begin to build reports. By selecting Connect to SQL endpoint, you're making a live connection to datamart’s SQL connection string to read data and build reports.

Screenshot of being connected to the underlying semantic model from a datamart selected from the Power BI Desktop data hub.

This article provided information about creating reports using datamarts.

The following articles provide more information about datamarts and Power BI:

For more information about dataflows and transforming data, see the following articles: