TechNet Magazine: February 2011

gg558118(v=msdn.10).md Editor's Note: Go Virtual

By Lafe Low

Virtualization is one technology that, by and large, lives up to its hype and promise. You can save money, simplify management, consolidate physical systems and secure virtual desktops with virtualization technology. Whether you’re virtualizing servers, desktops, applications or some combination thereof, virtualization is rapidly becoming a fully accepted—if not expected—arrow in the quiver of the contemporary IT manager.

It’s neither a magic bullet nor without its challenges, though. Read more…


The Business of IT: IT is the Real Breakthrough
By Romi Mahajan

While the Internet has led to sweeping changes in how we deal with information, who do we really have to thank for that?

Utility Spotlight: Remote Control
By Lance Whitney

You can’t be in two places at once, so the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 let you remotely manage your servers.

Geek of All Trades: No MED-V? P2V XP to W7 with MDT
By Greg Shields

Running an IT shop has always come with a side order of alphabet soup. That’s not likely to change any time soon.

Exchange Q&A: Upgrade Issues
By Henrik Walther

There can be a number of unanticipated issues when upgrading to Exchange 2010, including address list segregation, relocating security groups and hosted messaging.

Windows PowerShell: Package and Distribute Custom Windows PowerShell Tools
By Don Jones

You can accomplish some interesting things with dot-sourcing, but that can also lead to certain limitations if you’re not careful.

Toolbox: New Products for IT Professionals
By Greg Steen

This month’s tools help you streamline Windows PowerShell operations and use drag-and-drop functions to build extensions for Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services.

Windows Confidential: The Legend of Uninstall
By Raymond Chen

Even doing something as simple as installing or uninstalling a program requires Windows to dig up information such as application size and date.