Getting started with 3D object interaction - Training
This course will provide steps and procedures to follow on how to manipulate and interact with 3D objects.
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BoundsControl is the new component for manipulation behaviour, previously found in BoundingBox. Bounds control makes a number of improvements and simplifications in setup and adds new features. This component is a replacement for the bounding box, which will be deprecated.
The BoundsControl.cs
script provides basic functionality for transforming objects in mixed reality. A bounds control will show a box around the hologram to indicate that it can be interacted with. Handles on the corners and edges of the box allow scaling, rotating or translating the object. The bounds control also reacts to user input. On HoloLens 2, for example, the bounds control responds to finger proximity, providing visual feedback to help perceive the distance from the object. All interactions and visuals can be easily customized.
You can find examples of bounds control configurations in the BoundsControlExamples
This property specifies which object will get transformed by the bounds control manipulation. If no object is set, it defaults to the owner object.
There are several options to activate the bounds control interface.
Sets a box collider from the object for bounds computation.
Adds a padding to the collider bounds used to calculate the extents of the control. This will influence not only interaction but also impact the visuals.
Indicates whether the control is flattened in one of the axes, making it 2 dimensional and disallowing manipulation along that axis. This feature can be used for thin objects like slates. If flatten axis is set to Flatten Auto the script will automatically pick the axis with the smallest extent as flatten axis.
The smoothing section allows to configure smoothing behavior for scale and rotate of the control.
The appearance of bounds control can be configured by modifying one of the corresponding visuals configurations. Visual configurations are either linked or inlined scriptable objects and are described in more detail in the configuration object section.
The control comes with a set of configuration objects that can be stored as scriptable objects and shared between different instances or prefabs. Configurations can be shared and linked either as individual scriptable asset files or nested scriptable assets inside of prefabs. Further configurations can also be defined directly on the instance without linking to an external or nested scriptable asset.
The bounds control inspector will indicate whether a configuration is shared or inlined as part of the current instance by showing a message in the property inspector. In addition shared instances won't be editable directly in the bounds control property window itself, but instead the asset it's linking to has to be directly modfied to avoid any accidental changes on shared configurations.
Currently bounds control offers configuration objects options for the following features:
The box configuration is responsible for rendering a solid box with bounds defined via collider size and box padding. The following properties can be set up:
This property drawer allows to modify behavior and visualization of scale handles of bounds control.
This configuration defines the rotation handle behavior.
Allows enabling and configuring translation handles for bounds control. Note that translation handles are disabled per default.
The links configuration enables the wireframe feature of bounds control. The following properties can be configured:
Show and hide the handles with animation based on the distance to the hands. It has two-step scaling animation. Defaults are set to HoloLens 2 style behavior.
Bounds control supports using the constraint manager to limit or modify translation, rotation or scaling behavior while using bounds control handles.
The property inspector will show all available constraint managers attached to the same game object in a dropdown with an option to scroll and highlight the selected constraint manager.
Bounds control provides the following events. This example uses these events to play audio feedback.
Elastics can be used when manipulating objects via bounds control. Note that the elastics system is still in experimental state. To enable elastics either link an existing elastics manager component or create and link a new elastics manager via the Add Elastics Manager
By default, when you just assign the BoundsControl.cs
script, it will show the handle of the HoloLens 1st gen style. To use HoloLens 2 style handles, you need to assign proper handle prefabs and materials.
Below are the prefabs, materials, and the scaling values for the HoloLens 2 style bounds control handles. You can find this example in the BoundsControlExamples
A bounds control can be used in combination with ObjectManipulator.cs
to allow for certain types of manipulation (eg. moving the object) without using handles. The manipulation handler supports both one and two-handed interactions. Hand tracking can be used to interact with an object up close.
In order for the bounds control edges to behave the same way when moving it using ObjectManipulator
's far interaction, it is advised to connect its events for On Manipulation Started / On Manipulation Ended to BoundsControl.HighlightWires
/ BoundsControl.UnhighlightWires
respectively, as shown in the screenshot above.
script to an objectNote
Use Target Object and Bounds Override field in the inspector to assign specific object and collider in the object with multiple child components.
Instantiate cube GameObject
GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
Assign BoundsControl
script to an object with collider, using AddComponent<>()
private BoundsControl boundsControl;
boundsControl = cube.AddComponent<BoundsControl>();
Configure options either directly on the control or via one of the scriptable configurations (see Inspector properties and Configurations section below)
// Change activation method
boundsControl.BoundsControlActivation = BoundsControlActivationType.ActivateByProximityAndPointer;
// Make the scale handles large
boundsControl.ScaleHandlesConfig.HandleSize = 0.1f;
// Hide rotation handles for x axis
boundsControl.RotationHandlesConfig.ShowRotationHandleForX = false;
(Optional) Assign prefabs and materials for a HoloLens 2 style bounds control. This still requires assignments through the inspector since the materials and prefabs should be dynamically loaded.
Using Unity's 'Resources' folder or Shader.Find for dynamically loading shaders is not recommended since shader permutations may be missing at runtime.
BoxDisplayConfiguration boxConfiguration = boundsControl.BoxDisplayConfig;
boxConfiguration.BoxMaterial = [Assign BoundingBox.mat]
boxConfiguration.BoxGrabbedMaterial = [Assign BoundingBoxGrabbed.mat]
ScaleHandlesConfiguration scaleHandleConfiguration = boundsControl.ScaleHandlesConfig;
scaleHandleConfiguration.HandleMaterial = [Assign BoundingBoxHandleWhite.mat]
scaleHandleConfiguration.HandleGrabbedMaterial = [Assign BoundingBoxHandleBlueGrabbed.mat]
scaleHandleConfiguration.HandlePrefab = [Assign MRTK_BoundingBox_ScaleHandle.prefab]
scaleHandleConfiguration.HandleSlatePrefab = [Assign MRTK_BoundingBox_ScaleHandle_Slate.prefab]
scaleHandleConfiguration.HandleSize = 0.016f;
scaleHandleConfiguration.ColliderPadding = 0.016f;
RotationHandlesConfiguration rotationHandleConfiguration = boundsControl.RotationHandlesConfig;
rotationHandleConfiguration.HandleMaterial = [Assign BoundingBoxHandleWhite.mat]
rotationHandleConfiguration.HandleGrabbedMaterial = [Assign BoundingBoxHandleBlueGrabbed.mat]
rotationHandleConfiguration.HandlePrefab = [Assign MRTK_BoundingBox_RotateHandle.prefab]
rotationHandleConfiguration.HandleSize = 0.016f;
rotationHandleConfiguration.ColliderPadding = 0.016f;
To set the minimum and maximum scale, attach a MinMaxScaleConstraint
to your control. As bounds control automatically attaches and activates constraint manager the MinMaxScaleConstraint will be automatically applied to the transformation changes once it's attached and configured.
You can also use MinMaxScaleConstraint to set minimum and maximum scale for ObjectManipulator
GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
bcontrol = cube.AddComponent<BoundsControl>();
// Important: BoundsControl creates a constraint manager on start if one does not exist.
// There's no need to manually attach a constraint manager.
MinMaxScaleConstraint scaleConstraint = bcontrol.gameObject.AddComponent<MinMaxScaleConstraint>();
scaleConstraint.ScaleMinimum = 1f;
scaleConstraint.ScaleMaximum = 2f;
To add a bounds control around an object, simply add a BoundsControl
component to it:
private void PutABoundsControlAroundIt(GameObject target)
Existing prefabs and instances using bounding box can be upgraded to the new bounds control via the migration window which is part of the MRTK tools package.
For upgrading individual instances of bounding box there's also an a migration option inside the property inspector of the component.
Getting started with 3D object interaction - Training
This course will provide steps and procedures to follow on how to manipulate and interact with 3D objects.