CoreStrings Class


String resources used in EF exceptions, etc.

These strings are exposed publicly for use by database providers and extensions. It is unusual for application code to need these strings.

public static class CoreStrings



The current database provider has not implemented the 'CanConnect' method.


Unable to convert a queryable method to an enumerable method. This is likely an issue in Entity Framework, please file an issue at


A second operation was started on this context instance before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads concurrently using the same instance of DbContext. For more information on how to avoid threading issues with DbContext, see


Cannot access a disposed context instance. A common cause of this error is disposing a context instance that was resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your application. This may occur if you are calling 'Dispose' on the context instance, or wrapping it in a using statement. If you are using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection container take care of disposing context instances.


The convention invocations have reached the recursion limit. This is likely an issue in Entity Framework, please file an issue at


Data binding directly to 'DbSet.Local' is not supported since it does not provide a stable ordering. For WPF, bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToObservableCollection'. For WinForms, bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToBindingList'. For ASP.NET WebForms, bind to 'DbSet.ToList' or use Model Binding.


Data binding directly to a store query is not supported. Instead populate a DbSet with data, for example by calling 'Load' on the DbSet, and then bind to local data to avoid sending a query to the database each time the databound control iterates the data. For WPF, bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToObservableCollection'. For WinForms, bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToBindingList'. For ASP.NET WebForms, bind to 'DbSet.ToList' or use Model Binding.


The EF.Default<T> property may only be used within Entity Framework ExecuteUpdate method.


The [DeleteBehavior] attribute may only be specified on navigation properties, and is not supported not on properties making up the foreign key.


The [DeleteBehavior] attribute may only be specified on dependent side of the relationship.


The EF.Constant<T> method may only be used within Entity Framework LINQ queries.


'EF.Constant()' isn't supported your by provider.


The EF.Constant<T> method is not supported when using precompiled queries.


The EF.Constant<T> method may only be used with an argument that can be evaluated client-side and does not contain any reference to database-side entities.


The EF.Parameter<T> method may only be used within Entity Framework LINQ queries.


The EF.Parameter<T> method may only be used with an argument that can be evaluated client-side and does not contain any reference to database-side entities.


The empty string is not valid JSON.


This enumerator cannot be reset.


Cannot use multiple context instances within a single query execution. Ensure the query uses a single context instance.


An exception occurred while reading a database value. See the inner exception for more information.


An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate a LINQ query parameter expression. See the inner exception for more information. To show additional information call 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging'.


The block size used for Hi-Lo value generation is not positive. The Hi-Lo generator is usually backed by a SQL sequence and this means that the sequence increment must be positive.


Immediate convention scope cannot be run again.


Incompatible sources used for set operation.


A previous error has left the DbContext in an invalid state. Applications should not continue to use a DbContext instance after an InvalidOperationException has been thrown.


Unhandled operation: MemberInitExpression binding is not a MemberAssignment


The specified poolSize must be greater than 0.


The provider for the source 'IQueryable' doesn't implement 'IAsyncQueryProvider'. Only providers that implement 'IAsyncQueryProvider' can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations.


EF Core does not support MemberListBinding: 'new Blog { Posts = { new Post(), new Post() } }'.


EF Core does not support MemberMemberBinding: 'new Blog { Data = { Name = "hello world" } }'.


An asynchronous store managment operation was performed and no asynchronous seed delegate has been provided, however a synchronous seed delegate was. Set 'UseAsyncSeeding' option with a delegate equivalent to the one supplied in 'UseSeeding'.


A synchronous store managment operation was performed and no synchronous seed delegate has been provided, however an asynchronous seed delegate was. Set 'UseSeeding' option with a delegate equivalent to the one supplied in 'UseAsyncSeeding'.


Runtime metadata changes are not allowed when the model hasn't been marked as read-only.


Metadata changes are not allowed when the model has been marked as read-only.


Design-time DbContext operations are not supported when publishing with NativeAOT.


Model building is not supported when publishing with NativeAOT. Use a compiled model.


Entity Framework services have not been added to the internal service provider. Either remove the call to 'UseInternalServiceProvider' so that Entity Framework will manage its own internal services, or use the method from your database provider to add the required services to the service provider (e.g. 'AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer').


Sequence contains no elements.


'InterceptionResult.Result' was called when 'InterceptionResult.HasResult' is false.


No database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the 'DbContext.OnConfiguring' method or by using 'AddDbContext' on the application service provider. If 'AddDbContext' is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext.


The given 'IQueryable' does not support generation of query strings.


The object has been removed from the model.


A tracking query is attempting to project an owned entity without a corresponding owner in its result, but owned entities cannot be tracked without their owner. Either include the owner entity in the result or make the query non-tracking using 'AsNoTracking'.


'OnConfiguring' cannot be used to modify DbContextOptions when DbContext pooling is enabled.


Precompiled queries aren't supported by the current provider.


The EF.Property<T> method may only be used within Entity Framework LINQ queries.


The 'InitializeStateManager' method has been called multiple times on the current query context. This method is intended to be called only once before query enumeration starts.


Translation of 'Select' which contains grouping parameter without composition is not supported.


Translation of the 'string.Equals' overload with a 'StringComparison' parameter is not supported. See for more information.


An attempt was made to use the context instance while it is being configured. A DbContext instance cannot be used inside 'OnConfiguring' since it is still being configured at this point. This can happen if a second operation is started on this context instance before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


An attempt was made to use the model while it was being created. A DbContext instance cannot be used inside 'OnModelCreating' in any way that makes use of the model that is being created.


The principal and dependent ends of the relationship cannot be changed once foreign key or principal key properties have been specified. Remove the conflicting configuration.


'ObservableCollection<T>.Clear' is not supported because it uses the 'INotifyCollectionChanged' 'Reset' operation, which does not supply the items removed. Either use multiple calls to 'Remove', or use a notifying collection that supports 'Clear', such as 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.ObservableHashSet<T>'.


The requested configuration is not stored in the read-optimized model, please use 'DbContext.GetService<IDesignTimeModel>().Model'.


While registering a runtime parameter, the lambda expression must have only one parameter which must be same as 'QueryCompilationContext.QueryContextParameter' expression.


Savepoints are not supported by the database provider in use.


To show additional information call 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging'.


Sequence contains more than one element.


Sequence contains no elements.


Unable to translate set operation since both operands have different 'Include' operations. Consider having same 'Include' applied on both sides.


The SetProperty<TProperty> method can only be used within 'ExecuteUpdate' method.


The current provider doesn't support System.Transaction.



The corresponding CLR type for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be instantiated, and there is no derived entity type in the model that corresponds to a concrete CLR type.


Cannot add type '{typeName}' to the model as it is a dynamically-generated proxy type.

AmbiguousDependentEntity(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' uses a shared type and the supplied entity is currently referenced from several owner entities. To access the entry for a particular reference, call '{targetEntryCall}' on the owner entry.

AmbiguousEndRequiredDependent(Object, Object)

The foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be configured as having a required dependent since the dependent side cannot be determined. To identify the dependent side of the relationship, configure the foreign key property in 'OnModelCreating'. See for more details.

AmbiguousEndRequiredDependentNavigation(Object, Object, Object)

The navigation '{entityType}.{navigation}' cannot be configured as required since the dependent side of the underlying foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} cannot be determined. To identify the dependent side of the relationship, configure the foreign key property in 'OnModelCreating'. See for more details.

AmbiguousEndRequiredInverted(Object, Object, Object)

The foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be inverted to entity type '{principalEntityType}' since it was configured as required before the dependent side was configured. Configure the foreign key property or the principal key before configuring the foreign key as required. See for more details.

AmbiguousForeignKeyPropertyCandidates(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

Both relationships between '{firstDependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{firstPrincipalToDependentNavigationSpecification}' and between '{secondDependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{secondPrincipalToDependentNavigationSpecification}' could use {foreignKeyProperties} as the foreign key. To resolve this, configure the foreign key properties explicitly in 'OnModelCreating' on at least one of the relationships.

AmbiguousOneToOneRelationship(Object, Object)

The dependent side could not be determined for the one-to-one relationship between '{dependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{principalToDependentNavigationSpecification}'. To identify the dependent side of the relationship, configure the foreign key property. If these navigations should not be part of the same relationship, configure them independently via separate method chains in 'OnModelCreating'. See for more details.

AmbiguousOwnedNavigation(Object, Object)

Unable to determine the owner for the relationship between '{entityTypeNavigationSpecification}' and '{otherEntityType}' as both types have been marked as owned. Either manually configure the ownership, or ignore the corresponding navigations using the [NotMapped] attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. See for more information and examples.

AmbiguousServiceProperty(Object, Object, Object)

The service property '{property}' of type '{serviceType}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because there is another property of the same type. Ignore one of the properties using the [NotMapped] attribute or 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.


The shared type entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because its name is the same as the CLR type name. This usually indicates an error, either add it as a non-shared entity type or choose a different name.

AnnotationNotFound(Object, Object)

The annotation '{annotation}' was not found. Ensure that the annotation has been added to the object {annotatable}


The annotation '{annotation}' was not found. Ensure that the annotation has been added.

ArgumentNotConstant(Object, Object)

The '{parameter}' value passed to '{methodName}' must be a constant.

ArgumentPropertyNull(Object, Object)

The property '{property}' of the argument '{argument}' cannot be null.

AttributeNotOnEntityTypeProperty(Object, Object, Object)

The [{attribute}] attribute may only be specified on entity type properties. Remove the attribute from '{type}.{propertyName}'.


Cycle detected while auto-including navigations: {cycleNavigations}. To fix this issue, either don't configure at least one navigation in the cycle as auto included in 'OnModelCreating' or call 'IgnoreAutoInclude' method on the query.

BackingFieldOnIndexer(Object, Object, Object)

Cannot set backing field '{field}' for the indexer property '{entityType}.{property}'. Ensure no backing fields are specified for indexer properties.

BadBackingFieldType(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The specified field '{field}' of type '{fieldType}' cannot be used for the property '{entityType}.{property}' of type '{propertyType}'. Only backing fields of types that are compatible with the property type can be used.


The service dependencies type '{dependenciesType}' has been registered incorrectly in the service collection. Service dependencies types must only be registered by Entity Framework or database providers.

BadEnumValue(Object, Object)

The value '{enumValue}' could not be parsed as a value of enum {enumType}.

BadFilterDerivedType(Object, Object, Object)

The filter expression '{filter}' cannot be specified for entity type '{entityType}'. A filter may only be applied to the root entity type '{rootType}'.

BadFilterDerivedType(Object, Object)

The filter expression '{filter}' cannot be specified for entity type '{entityType}'. A filter may only be applied to the root entity type in a hierarchy.

BadFilterExpression(Object, Object, Object)

The filter expression '{filter}' specified for entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. The expression must accept a single parameter of type '{clrType}' and return bool.

BadFilterOwnedType(Object, Object)

The filter expression '{filter}' cannot be specified for owned entity type '{entityType}'. A filter may only be applied to an entity type that is not owned. See for more information and examples.


The type '{givenType}' cannot be used as a 'JsonValueReaderWriter' because it does not inherit from the generic 'JsonValueReaderWriter<TValue>'. Make sure to inherit json reader/writers from 'JsonValueReaderWriter<TValue>'.

BadListType(Object, Object)

The type '{givenType}' cannot be used as a primitive collection because it is not an array and does not implement '{listType}'. Collections of primitive types must be arrays or ordered lists.

BadValueComparerType(Object, Object)

The type '{givenType}' cannot be used as a value comparer because it does not inherit from '{expectedType}'. Make sure to inherit value comparers from '{expectedType}'.

BadValueConverterType(Object, Object)

The type '{givenType}' cannot be used as a value converter because it does not inherit from '{expectedType}'. Make sure to inherit value converters from '{expectedType}'.

BadValueGeneratorType(Object, Object)

The type '{givenType}' cannot be used as a value generator because it does not inherit from '{expectedType}'. Make sure to inherit value generators from '{expectedType}'.

CannotBeNullable(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the type of the property is '{propertyType}' which is not a nullable type. Any property can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only properties of nullable types can be marked as nullable/optional.

CannotBeNullableElement(Object, Object, Object)

The element type of property '{entityType}.{property}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the type of the element is '{elementType}' which is not a nullable type. Any element type can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only elements of nullable types can be marked as nullable/optional.

CannotBeNullablePK(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the property is a part of a key. Any property can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only properties of nullable types and which are not part of a key can be marked as nullable/optional.

CannotConvertEnumValue(Object, Object)

Cannot convert string value '{value}' from the database to any value in the mapped '{enumType}' enum.


Cannot create an instance of reade/writer type '{readerWriterType}'. Ensure that the type can be instantiated and has a public parameterless constructor, or has a public static 'Instance' field returning the singleton instance to use.

CannotCreateValueComparer(Object, Object)

Cannot create an instance of value comparer type '{generatorType}'. Ensure that the type can be instantiated and has a parameterless constructor, or use the overload of '{method}' that accepts a delegate.

CannotCreateValueConverter(Object, Object)

Cannot create an instance of value converter type '{generatorType}'. Ensure that the type can be instantiated and has a parameterless constructor, or use the overload of '{method}' that accepts a delegate.

CannotCreateValueGenerator(Object, Object)

Cannot create an instance of value generator type '{generatorType}'. Ensure that the type can be instantiated and has a parameterless constructor, or use the overload of '{method}' that accepts a delegate.


Cannot create an instance of value generator type '{generatorType}'. Ensure that the type can be instantiated and has a parameterless constructor, or use the overload of 'HasValueGenerator' that accepts a delegate.

CannotLoadDetached(Object, Object)

The navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' cannot be loaded because the entity is not being tracked. Navigations can only be loaded for tracked entities.

CannotLoadDetachedShadow(Object, Object)

The navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' cannot be loaded because one or more of the key or foreign key properties are shadow properties and the entity is not being tracked. Relationships using shadow values can only be loaded for tracked entities.


The type '{type}' cannot be marked as a non-shared type since a shared type entity type with this CLR type exists in the model.


The type '{type}' cannot be marked as a shared type since an entity type with the same CLR type already exists in the model.


Unable to create an instance of entity type '{entityType}' because it is abstract. Consider making make it non-abstract or mapping at least one derived type.

CanOnlyConfigureExistingNavigations(Object, Object)

Navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigationName}' was not found. Please add the navigation to the entity type before configuring it.

ChangeTrackingInterfaceMissing(Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' is configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy, but does not implement the required '{notificationInterface}' interface. Implement '{notificationInterface}' on '{entityType}' or use a different change tracking strategy.


Unable to save changes because a circular dependency was detected in the data to be saved: '{cycle}'.

CircularInheritance(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{baseEntityType}' is a descendant of '{entityType}'. Review your model configuration.

ClashingMismatchedSharedType(Object, Object)

The shared-type entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the model already contains an entity type with the same name, but with a different CLR type '{otherClrType}'. Ensure all entity type names are unique.

ClashingNamedOwnedType(Object, Object, Object)

An entity type named '{ownedTypeName}' has already been added to the model. Use a different name when configuring the ownership '{ownerEntityType}.{navigation}' in 'OnModelCreating'. See for more information and examples.

ClashingNonOwnedDerivedEntityType(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as owned because the derived entity type '{derivedType}' has been configured as non-owned. Either don't configure '{derivedType}' as non-owned, or call 'HasBaseType(null)' for it in 'OnModelCreating'. See for more information and examples.


The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be configured as owned because it has already been configured as a non-owned. If the entity type should be owned remove the 'Entity<{entityType}>()' call if possible, or otherwise remove the entity type from the model by calling 'Ignore'. See for more information and examples.

ClashingNonSharedType(Object, Object)

The shared-type entity type '{entityType}' with CLR type '{type}' cannot be added to the model because a non-shared entity type with the same CLR type already exists.


The entity type '{entityType}' with a defining navigation cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists.

ClashingOwnedDerivedEntityType(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as non-owned because the derived entity type '{derivedType}' has been configured as owned. Either don't configure '{derivedType}' as owned, or call 'HasBaseType(null)' for it in 'OnModelCreating'. See for more information and examples.


The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be configured as non-owned because it has already been configured as a owned. Use the nested builder in 'OwnsOne' or 'OwnsMany' on the owner entity type builder to further configure this type. If the entity type shouldn't be owned and you are unable to remove the 'OwnsOne' or 'OwnsMany' call you can remove the entity type from the model by calling 'Ignore'. See for more information and examples.


The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because its CLR type has been configured as a shared type.


The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with a defining navigation with the same name already exists.

ClientProjectionCapturingConstantInMethodArgument(Object, Object)

The client projection contains a reference to a constant expression of '{constantType}' which is being passed as an argument to the method '{methodName}'. This could potentially cause a memory leak; consider assigning this constant to a local variable and using the variable in the query instead. See for more information and examples.

ClientProjectionCapturingConstantInMethodInstance(Object, Object)

The client projection contains a reference to a constant expression of '{constantType}' through the instance method '{methodName}'. This could potentially cause a memory leak; consider making the method static so that it does not capture constant in the instance. See for more information and examples.


The client projection contains a reference to a constant expression of '{constantType}'. This could potentially cause a memory leak; consider assigning this constant to a local variable and using the variable in the query instead. See for more information and examples.

ClrPropertyOnShadowEntity(Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot exist on type '{entityType}' because the type is marked as shadow state while the property is not. Shadow state types can only contain shadow state properties.

CollectionIsReference(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is being accessed using '{collectionMethod}', but is defined in the model as a non-collection, reference navigation. Use '{referenceMethod}' to access reference navigations.

ComparerPropertyMismatch(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The comparer for type '{type}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its type is '{propertyType}'.

ComparerPropertyMismatchElement(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The comparer for element type '{type}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its element type is '{elementType}'.

CompiledModelDuplicateAttribute(Object, Object)

More than a single DbContextModelAttribute was found in the assembly '{assemblyName}' corresponding to the context type '{contextType}'


The type mapping used is incompatible with a compiled model. The mapping type must have a 'public static readonly {typeMapping} {typeMapping}.Default' property.


'{modelType}' must declare a static property named 'Instance' that returns 'IModel'.


The compiled query '{queryExpression}' was executed with a different model than it was compiled against. Compiled queries can only be used with a single model.

ComplexCollectionWrongClrType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The collection complex property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{type}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not implement 'IEnumerable<{targetType}>'. Collection complex property must implement IEnumerable<> of the complex type.

ComplexPropertyCollection(Object, Object)

Adding the collection complex property '{type}.{property}' isn't supported. See for more information.

ComplexPropertyIndexer(Object, Object)

Adding the complex property '{type}.{property}' as an indexer property isn't supported. See for more information.

ComplexPropertyNotFound(Object, Object)

The complex property '{type}.{property}' could not be found. Ensure that the property exists and has been included in the model as a complex property.

ComplexPropertyOptional(Object, Object)

Configuring the complex property '{type}.{property}' as optional is not supported, call 'IsRequired()'. See for more information.

ComplexPropertyShadow(Object, Object)

Configuring the complex property '{type}.{property}' in shadow state isn't supported. See for more information.

ComplexPropertyWrongClrType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The complex property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{type}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not match the expected CLR type '{targetType}'.


'{service}' doesn't currently support complex types.

CompositeFkOnProperty(Object, Object)

There are multiple properties with the [ForeignKey] attribute pointing to navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}'. To define a composite foreign key using data annotations, use the [ForeignKey] attribute on the navigation.


The entity type '{entityType}' has multiple properties with the [Key] attribute. Composite primary keys configured by placing the [PrimaryKey] attribute on the entity type class, or by using 'HasKey' in 'OnModelCreating'.

ConflictingBackingFields(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' matches both '{field1}' and '{field2}' by convention. Explicitly specify the backing field to use with 'HasField' in 'OnModelCreating'.

ConflictingFieldProperty(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The member '{type}.{property}' cannot use field '{field}' because it is already used by '{conflictingType}.{conflictingProperty}'.

ConflictingForeignKeyAttributes(Object, Object, Object)

There are multiple [ForeignKey] attributes which are pointing to same set of properties '{propertyList}' on entity type '{entityType}' and targeting the principal entity type '{principalEntityType}'.

ConflictingForeignKeyAttributes(Object, Object)

There are multiple ForeignKeyAttributes which are pointing to same set of properties - '{propertyList}' on entity type '{entityType}'.


The entity type '{entity}' has both [Keyless] and [PrimaryKey] attributes; one must be removed.

ConflictingPropertyOrNavigation(Object, Object, Object)

The property or navigation '{member}' cannot be added to the '{type}' type because a property or navigation with the same name already exists on the '{conflictingType}' type.

ConflictingRelationshipConversions(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{entityType}.{property}' participates in several relationship chains that have conflicting conversions: '{valueConversion}' and '{conflictingValueConversion}'.

ConflictingRelationshipNavigation(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

Cannot create a relationship between '{newPrincipalEntityType}.{newPrincipalNavigation}' and '{newDependentEntityType}.{newDependentNavigation}', because there already is a relationship between '{existingPrincipalEntityType}.{existingPrincipalNavigation}' and '{existingDependentEntityType}.{existingDependentNavigation}'. Navigation properties can only participate in a single relationship.

ConflictingRelationshipNavigation(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Cannot create a relationship between '{newPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{newDependentNavigationSpecification}' because a relationship already exists between '{existingPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{existingDependentNavigationSpecification}'. Navigations can only participate in a single relationship. If you want to override an existing relationship call 'Ignore' on the navigation '{newDependentNavigationSpecification}' first in 'OnModelCreating'.

ConstructorBindingFailed(Object, Object)

Cannot bind '{failedBinds}' in '{parameters}'

ConstructorConflict(Object, Object)

The constructors '{firstConstructor}' and '{secondConstructor}' have the same number of parameters, and can both be used by Entity Framework. The constructor to be used must be configured in 'OnModelCreating'.

ConstructorNotFound(Object, Object)

No suitable constructor was found for entity type '{entityType}'. The following constructors had parameters that could not be bound to properties of the entity type: {constructors}Note that only mapped properties can be bound to constructor parameters. Navigations to related entities, including references to owned types, cannot be bound.

ConverterBadType(Object, Object, Object)

The value converter '{converter}' cannot be used with type '{type}'. This converter can only be used with {allowed}.

ConverterPropertyMismatch(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Converter for model type '{converterType}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its type is '{propertyType}'.

ConverterPropertyMismatchElement(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Converter for element type '{converterType}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its element type is '{elementType}'.

ConvertersCannotBeComposed(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Cannot compose converter from '{typeOneIn}' to '{typeOneOut}' with converter from '{typeTwoIn}' to '{typeTwoOut}' because the output type of the first converter doesn't match the input type of the second converter.

CustomMetadata(Object, Object, Object)

The extension method '{method}' is being used with a custom implementation of '{interfaceType}'. Use of custom implementations of the Entity Framework metadata interfaces is not supported, consider deriving from '{concreteType}' instead. Please contact the Entity Framework team if you have a compelling case for a custom implementation of the metadata interfaces so that we can consider ways to achieve this.


'AddDbContext' was called with configuration, but the context type '{contextType}' only declares a parameterless constructor. This means that the configuration passed to 'AddDbContext' will never be used. If configuration is passed to 'AddDbContext', then '{contextType}' should declare a constructor that accepts a DbContextOptions<{contextType}> and must pass it to the base constructor for DbContext.

DbSetIncorrectGenericType(Object, Object, Object)

Cannot create DbSet for entity type '{entityType}' since it is of type '{entityClrType}' but the generic type provided is of type '{genericType}'.


Debug view threw {message}. Please report this at


Error creating query expression: {message}.


Error creating query string: {message}.


The entity type '{entityType}' cannot use 'ToQuery' to create a defining query because it also defines a primary key. Defining queries can only be used to back entity types without keys.

DeleteBehaviorAttributeNotOnNavigationProperty(Object, Object)

The [DeleteBehavior] attribute may only be specified on navigation properties, and is not supported on properties making up the foreign key. Remove the attribute from '{type}.{propertyName}'.

DeleteBehaviorAttributeOnPrincipalProperty(Object, Object)

The [DeleteBehavior] attribute may only be specified on the dependent side of the relationship. Remove the attribute from '{entityType}.{navigationName}'.

DependentEntityTypeNotInRelationship(Object, Object, Object)

You are configuring a relationship between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' but have specified a foreign key on '{entityType}'. The foreign key must be defined on a type that is part of the relationship.


Unable to set a base type for entity type '{entityType}' because it has been configured as keyless. For more information on keyless entity types, see


Unable to set a base type for entity type '{entityType}' because it has one or more keys defined. Only root types can have keys.

DerivedEntityOwnershipMismatch(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Unable to set '{baseEntityType}' as the base type for entity type '{derivedEntityType}' because '{ownedEntityType}' is configured as owned, while '{nonOwnedEntityType}' is non-owned. All entity types in a hierarchy need to have the same ownership status. See for more information and examples.

DerivedEntityTypeHasNoKey(Object, Object)

'{derivedType}' cannot be configured as keyless because it is a derived type; the root type '{rootType}' must be configured as keyless instead. If you did not intend for '{rootType}' to be included in the model, ensure that it is not referenced by a DbSet property on your context, referenced in a configuration call to ModelBuilder in 'OnModelCreating', or referenced from a navigation on a type that is included in the model. For more information on keyless entity types, see

DerivedEntityTypeKey(Object, Object)

A key cannot be configured on '{derivedType}' because it is a derived type. The key must be configured on the root type '{rootType}'. If you did not intend for '{rootType}' to be included in the model, ensure that it is not referenced by a DbSet property on your context, referenced in a configuration call to ModelBuilder, or referenced from a navigation on a type that is included in the model.

DerivedTypeDefiningQuery(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a defining query because it is derived from '{baseType}'. Only base entity types can have a defining query.

DiscriminatorEntityTypeNotDerived(Object, Object)

Cannot configure the discriminator value for entity type '{entityType}' because it doesn't derive from '{rootEntityType}'.


A discriminator property cannot be set for the entity type '{entityType}' because it is not the root of an inheritance hierarchy.

DiscriminatorPropertyNotFound(Object, Object)

Unable to set property '{property}' as a discriminator for entity type '{entityType}' because it is not a property of '{entityType}'.

DiscriminatorValueIncompatible(Object, Object, Object)

The discriminator value '{value}' for the entity type '{entityType}' cannot be set because it is not assignable to the discriminator property of type '{discriminatorType}'.

DuplicateAnnotation(Object, Object)

The annotation '{annotation}' cannot be added because an annotation with the same name already exists on the object {annotatable}


The annotation '{annotation}' cannot be added because an annotation with the same name already exists.


The complex type '{complexType}' cannot be added to the model because a complex type with the same name already exists.

DuplicateDiscriminatorValue(Object, Object, Object)

The discriminator value for '{entityType1}' is '{discriminatorValue}' which is the same for '{entityType2}'. Every concrete entity type in the hierarchy must have a unique discriminator value.


The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists.

DuplicateForeignKey(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a foreign key on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}' and also targets the key {keyProperties} on '{principalType}'.

DuplicateIndex(Object, Object, Object)

The index {indexProperties} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because an unnamed index on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. Consider adding a name for one of the indexes in 'OnModelCreating'.

DuplicateKey(Object, Object, Object)

The key {keyProperties} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a key on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'.

DuplicateNamedIndex(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The index named '{indexName}' defined on properties {indexProperties} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because an index with the same name already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'.

DuplicateNavigationsOnBase(Object, Object, Object)

The type '{entityType}' cannot have base type '{baseType}' because both types include the navigations: {navigations}.

DuplicatePropertiesOnBase(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The type '{entityType}' cannot have base type '{baseType}' because the properties '{derivedPropertyType}.{derivedProperty}' and '{basePropertyType}.{baseProperty}' are in conflict.

DuplicatePropertyInForeignKey(Object, Object)

The properties {propertyList} cannot be used for a foreign key, because they contain a duplicate: '{property}'.

DuplicatePropertyInIndex(Object, Object)

The properties {propertyList} cannot be used for an index, because they contain a duplicate: '{property}'.

DuplicatePropertyInKey(Object, Object)

The properties {propertyList} cannot be used for a key, because they contain a duplicate: '{property}'.

DuplicatePropertyInList(Object, Object)

The property list {propertyList} cannot be used, because it contains a duplicate - '{property}'.

DuplicateServicePropertyType(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The service property '{property}' of type '{serviceType}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because service property '{duplicateName}' of the same type already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'.

DuplicateTrigger(Object, Object, Object)

The trigger '{trigger}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because another trigger with the same name already exists on entity type '{conflictingEntityType}'.


Complex type '{complexType}' has no properties defines. Configure at least one property or don't include this type in the model.


Cannot translate a Contains() operator on entity '{entityType}' because it has a composite key.

EntityEqualityOnCompositeKeyEntitySubqueryNotSupported(Object, Object)

Cannot translate '{comparisonOperator}' on a subquery expression of entity type '{entityType}' because it has a composite primary key. See for information on how to rewrite your query.

EntityEqualityOnKeylessEntityNotSupported(Object, Object)

Cannot translate the '{comparisonOperator}' on an expression of entity type '{entityType}' because it is a keyless entity. Consider using entity properties instead. For more information on keyless entity types, see


Comparison on entity type '{entityType}' is not supported because it is a keyless entity.


This query would cause multiple evaluation of a subquery because entity '{entityType}' has a composite key. Rewrite your query avoiding the subquery.


The entity type '{entityType}' requires a primary key to be defined. If you intended to use a keyless entity type, call 'HasNoKey' in 'OnModelCreating'. For more information on keyless entity types, see

EntityTypeInUseByDerived(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because '{derivedEntityType}' is derived from it. Before the entity type can be removed, all derived entity types must be removed or configured to use a different base entity type.

EntityTypeInUseByForeignKey(Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is referencing '{referencedEntityType}' by foreign key {foreignKey}. All foreign keys must be removed before the entity type can be removed.

EntityTypeInUseByReferencingForeignKey(Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is being referenced by foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} on '{referencingEntityType}'. Before the entity type can be removed, all referencing foreign keys must be removed.

EntityTypeInUseByReferencingSkipNavigation(Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is being referenced by the skip navigation '{skipNavigation}' on '{referencingEntityType}'. Before the entity type can be removed, all referencing skip navigations must be removed.

EntityTypeModelMismatch(Object, Object)

The entity types '{firstEntityType}' and '{secondEntityType}' do not belong to the same model.


The entity type '{entityType}' was not found. Ensure that the entity type has been added to the model.

EntityTypeNotInRelationship(Object, Object, Object)

The specified entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. It must be the dependent entity type '{dependentType}', the principal entity type '{principalType}' or an entity type derived from one of them.

EntityTypeNotInRelationshipStrict(Object, Object, Object)

The specified entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. It must be either the dependent entity type '{dependentType}' or the principal entity type '{principalType}'.

EntityTypesNotInRelationship(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The provided entity types '{invalidDependentType}' and '{invalidPrincipalType}' are invalid. Specify '{dependentType}' and '{principalType}', or entity types in the same hierarchy.

ErrorMaterializingProperty(Object, Object)

An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. See the inner exception for more information.

ErrorMaterializingPropertyInvalidCast(Object, Object, Object, Object)

An error occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was of type '{actualType}'.

ErrorMaterializingPropertyNullReference(Object, Object, Object)

An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was null.

ErrorMaterializingValueInvalidCast(Object, Object)

An exception occurred while reading a database value. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was of type '{actualType}'.


An exception occurred while reading a database value. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was null.

ExecuteQueriesNotSupported(Object, Object)

The methods '{methodName}' and '{asyncMethodName}' are not supported by the current database provider. Please contact the publisher of the database provider for more information.

ExecutionStrategyExistingTransaction(Object, Object)

The configured execution strategy '{strategy}' does not support user-initiated transactions. Use the execution strategy returned by '{getExecutionStrategyMethod}' to execute all the operations in the transaction as a retriable unit.


An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate the LINQ query parameter expression '{expression}'. See the inner exception for more information.

FieldNameMismatch(Object, Object, Object)

The specified field '{field}' cannot be used for the property '{entityType}.{property}' because it does not match the property name. Entity type properties that aren't associated with a CLR property must match the field name exactly.

FindNotCompositeKey(Object, Object)

Entity type '{entityType}' is defined with a single key property, but {valuesCount} values were passed to the 'Find' method.

FindValueCountMismatch(Object, Object, Object)

Entity type '{entityType}' is defined with a {propertiesCount}-part composite key, but {valuesCount} values were passed to the 'Find' method.

FindValueTypeMismatch(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The key value at position {index} of the call to 'DbSet<{entityType}>.Find' was of type '{valueType}', which does not match the property type of '{propertyType}'.

FindWrongCount(Object, Object)

{values} value(s) were passed to the 'FindEntry' or 'GetEntries' method for {properties} properties. The number of values must match the number of properties.

FindWrongType(Object, Object, Object)

The 'FindEntry' or 'GetEntries' method was passed a '{valueType}' value for the '{propertyName}' property, when a '{propertyType}' value was expected.

FkAttributeOnNonUniquePrincipal(Object, Object, Object)

The [ForeignKey] attribute for the navigation '{navigation}' cannot be specified on the entity type '{principalType}' since it represents a one-to-many relationship. Move the [ForeignKey] attribute to a property on '{dependentType}'.

FkAttributeOnPropertyNavigationMismatch(Object, Object, Object)

The [ForeignKey] attributes on property '{property}' and navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' do not point at each other. Make sure the value of the [ForeignKey] attribute on the property matches the navigation name, and the value of the [ForeignKey] attribute on the navigation matches the foreign key property name or remove one of them.

FkAttributeOnSkipNavigation(Object, Object)

The [ForeignKey] attribute cannot be specified on the skip navigation '{entityType}'.'{navigation}'. Configure the foreign key properties in 'OnModelCreating' instead.

ForeignKeyCountMismatch(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The number of properties specified for the foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} on entity type '{dependentType}' does not match the number of properties in the principal key {principalKeyProperties} on entity type '{principalType}'.

ForeignKeyInUseSkipNavigation(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Cannot remove the foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} from entity type '{entityType}' because it is referenced by a skip navigation '{navigation}' on entity type '{navigationEntityType}'. All referencing skip navigations must be removed before the referenced foreign key can be removed.

ForeignKeyPropertiesWrongEntity(Object, Object)

The specified foreign key properties {foreignKeyProperties} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure that foreign key properties are declared on the target entity type.

ForeignKeyPropertyInKey(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be part of a foreign key on '{entityType}' because it has a store-generated value and is contained in the key {keyProperties} defined on a base entity type '{baseEntityType}'. Configure '{property}' with 'ValueGeneratedNever' or define the foreign key on '{entityType}' instead.

ForeignKeyReferencedEntityKeyMismatch(Object, Object)

The provided principal key {principalKeyProperties} is not a key on the entity type '{principalEntityType}'. Provide a key that's defined on the principal entity type.


The foreign keys on entity type '{dependentType}' cannot target the same entity type because it has a defining navigation.

ForeignKeyTypeMismatch(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The types of the properties specified for the foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} on entity type '{dependentType}' do not match the types of the properties in the principal key {principalKeyProperties} on entity type '{principalType}'. Provide properties that use the same types in the same order.

ForeignKeyWrongType(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} targeting the key {keyProperties} on '{principalType}' cannot be removed from the entity type '{entityType}' because it is defined on the entity type '{otherEntityType}'.

FullChangeTrackingRequired(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' is configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy when full change tracking notifications are required. Use 'ModelBuilder.HasChangeTrackingStrategy' in 'OnModelCreating' to configure all entity types in the model to use the '{fullStrategy}' or '{fullPlusStrategy}' strategy.


The '{methodName}' method is not supported because the query has switched to client-evaluation. This usually happens when the arguments to the method cannot be translated to server. Rewrite the query to avoid client evaluation of arguments so that method can be translated to server.


The provided edge cannot be added because the graph does not contain the vertex '{vertex}'.


A relationship cycle involving the primary keys of the following entity types was detected: '{entityType}'. This would prevent any entity to be inserted without violating the store constraints. Review the foreign keys defined on the primary keys and either remove or use other properties for at least one of them.

IdentityConflict(Object, Object)

The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {keyProperties} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values.

IdentityConflictOwned(Object, Object)

The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {keyProperties} is already being tracked. When replacing owned entities, modify the properties without changing the instance or detach the previous owned entity entry first. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values.

IdentityConflictOwnedSensitive(Object, Object)

The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the key value '{keyValue}' is already being tracked. When replacing owned entities, modify the properties without changing the instance or detach the previous owned entity entry first.

IdentityConflictSensitive(Object, Object)

The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the key value '{keyValue}' is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached.


The implementation type for the registration of the '{service}' service could not be determined. Specific implementation types must be used for services that expect multiple registrations so as to avoid duplicates.

IncludeBadNavigation(Object, Object)

The property '{property}' is not a navigation property of entity type '{entityType}'. The 'Include(string)' method can only be used with a '.' separated list of navigation property names.

IncludeNotSpecifiedDirectlyOnEntityType(Object, Object)

The Include operation '{include}' is not supported. '{invalidNavigation}' must be a navigation property defined on an entity type.

IncludeOnEntityWithDefiningQueryNotSupported(Object, Object)

The 'Include' operation with argument '{expression}' is not supported on entity type '{entityType}' because it has a defining query.


Include is not supported for entities with defining query. Entity type: '{entityType}'


Cannot apply the 'Include' operation with argument '{expression}'. Either the source is not a queryable of a known entity type or 'Include' has been applied after 'Select' method which projects a different entity type through navigation. Consider applying 'Include' before 'Select' method call.

IncludeWithCycle(Object, Object)

The Include path '{navigationName}->{inverseNavigationName}' results in a cycle. Cycles are not allowed in no-tracking queries; either use a tracking query or remove the cycle.

IncompatibleSentinelValue(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The sentinel value '{sentinel}' is not assignable to the property '{entityType}.{property}' of type '{type}'.

InconsistentInheritance(Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' is configured as derived from '{baseEntityType}', however according to the hierarchy of the corresponding CLR types it should derive from '{clrBaseEntityType}'. Configure '{entityType}' having either '{baseEntityType}' or 'null' as the base type.

InconsistentInheritance(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' should derive from '{baseEntityType}' to reflect the hierarchy of the corresponding CLR types.

InconsistentOwnership(Object, Object)

The entity type '{ownedEntityType}' is configured as owned, but the entity type '{nonOwnedEntityType}' is not. Configure all entity types with defining navigations sharing a CLR type as owned in 'OnModelCreating'.

IncorrectNumberOfArguments(Object, Object, Object)

'{method}' was invoked with {argumentCount} arguments, but has {parameterCount} parameters.

IndexPropertiesWrongEntity(Object, Object)

The specified index properties {indexProperties} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure that index properties are declared on the target entity type.

IndexWrongType(Object, Object, Object)

The index {index} cannot be removed from the entity type '{entityType}' because it is defined on the entity type '{otherEntityType}'.

InheritedPropertyCannotBeIgnored(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be ignored on type '{type}' because it's declared on the base type '{baseType}'. To exclude this property from your model, use the [NotMapped] attribute or 'Ignore' on the base type in 'OnModelCreating'.

InterfacePropertyNotAdded(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{entityType}.{navigation}' is of an interface type ('{propertyType}'). If it is a navigation, manually configure the relationship for this property by casting it to a mapped entity type. Otherwise, ignore the property using the [NotMapped] attribute or 'Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.

IntraHierarchicalAmbiguousTargetEntityType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The entity type related to '{entityType}' cannot be determined because the specified foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} references entity type '{principalEntityType}', which is in the same hierarchy as the entity type which is declared on '{dependentEntityType}'.

InvalidAlternateKeyValue(Object, Object)

Unable to track an entity of type '{entityType}' because alternate key property '{keyProperty}' is null. If the alternate key is not used in a relationship, then consider using a unique index instead. Unique indexes may contain nulls, while alternate keys may not.


The specified type '{type}' must be a non-interface type with a public constructor to be used as a complex type.


The specified type '{type}' must be a non-interface reference type to be used as an entity type.

InvalidEntityTypeConfigurationAttribute(Object, Object)

The entity type configuration of type '{entityTypeConfigurationType}' is invalid. The configuration specified using EntityTypeConfigurationAttribute has to implement 'IEntityTypeConfiguration<{entityType}>'.

InvalidEnumValue(Object, Object, Object)

The value '{value}' provided for argument '{argumentName}' must be a valid value of enum type '{enumType}'.

InvalidEnumValue(Object, Object)

The value provided for argument '{argumentName}' must be a valid value of enum type '{enumType}'.


The expression '{expression}' is invalid inside an 'Include' operation, since it does not represent a property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. To target navigations declared on derived types, use casting ('t => ((Derived)t).MyProperty') or the 'as' operator ('t => (t as Derived).MyProperty'). Collection navigation access can be filtered by composing Where, OrderBy(Descending), ThenBy(Descending), Skip or Take operations. For more information on including related data, see

InvalidIncludeLambdaExpression(Object, Object)

The {methodName} property lambda expression '{includeLambdaExpression}' is invalid. The expression should represent a property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. To target navigations declared on derived types, specify an explicitly typed lambda parameter of the target type, E.g. '(Derived d) => d.MyProperty'. For more information on including related data, see

InvalidKeyValue(Object, Object)

Unable to track an entity of type '{entityType}' because its primary key property '{keyProperty}' is null.


The expression '{expression}' is not a valid member access expression. The expression should represent a simple property or field access: 't => t.MyProperty'.


The expression '{expression}' is not a valid member access expression. The expression should represent a simple property or field access: 't => t.MyProperty'. When specifying multiple properties or fields, use an anonymous type: 't => new {{ t.MyProperty, t.MyField }}'.

InvalidNavigationWithInverseProperty(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The [InverseProperty] attribute on property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is not valid. The property '{referencedProperty}' is not a valid navigation on the related type '{referencedEntityType}'. Ensure that the property exists and is a valid reference or collection navigation.

InvalidNumberOfIndexSortOrderValues(Object, Object, Object)

Invalid number of index sort order values provided for {indexProperties}: {numValues} values were provided, but the index has {numProperties} properties.


The properties expression '{expression}' is invalid. The expression should represent a simple property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. When specifying multiple properties, use an anonymous type: 't => new {{ t.MyProperty1, t.MyProperty2 }}'.


The expression '{expression}' is not a valid property expression. The expression should represent a simple property access: 't => t.MyProperty'.

InvalidPropertyListOnNavigation(Object, Object, Object)

The property list specified using [ForeignKey("{2_properties}")] attribute on navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' is incorrect. Provide a comma-separated list of property names.

InvalidPropertyListOnNavigation(Object, Object)

The property list specified using [ForeignKey] attribute on navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' is incorrect. The attribute value should be comma-separated list of property names.

InvalidRelationshipUsingDataAnnotations(Object, Object, Object, Object)

An invalid relationship has been specified using the [InverseProperty] and [ForeignKey] attributes. The navigations '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' and '{3_referencedEntityType}.{2_referencedNavigation}' are related by the [InverseProperty] attribute, but the [ForeignKey] attributes specified for both navigations have different values. Either specify the same properties or remove one of the attributes.

InvalidReplaceService(Object, Object)

A call was made to '{replaceService}', but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow Entity Framework to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or build replacement services into the service provider before passing it to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'.


The invoked method cannot be used for the entity type '{entityType}' because it does not have a primary key. For more information on keyless entity types, see

InvalidSetSameTypeWithDifferentNamespace(Object, Object)

Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because this type is not included in the model for the context. However the model contains an entity type with the same name in a different namespace: '{entityTypeName}'.


Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is configured as an shared-type entity type. Access the entity type via the 'Set' method overload that accepts an entity type name.


Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because this type is not included in the model for the context.

InvalidSetTypeOwned(Object, Object)

Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is configured as an owned entity type and must be accessed through its owning entity type '{ownerType}'. See for more information.


Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is configured as an owned entity type and must be accessed through its owning entity type.


Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is mapped to multiple entity types with defining navigations and should be accessed through the owning entities.

InvalidSwitch(Object, Object)

Invalid {name}: {value}

InvalidType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The value for property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' cannot be set to a value of type '{valueType}' because its type is '{propertyType}'.

InvalidTypeConversationWithInclude(Object, Object)

Unable to include navigation chain '{includeExpression}' specified by 'Include' operation as the converted type '{type}' is not part of model.

InvalidUseService(Object, Object, Object)

A call was made to '{useService}', but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow Entity Framework to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or build the '{service}' services to use into the service provider before passing it to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'.

InvalidValueGeneratorFactoryProperty(Object, Object, Object)

The '{factory}' cannot create a value generator for property '{2_entityType}.{1_property}'. Only integer properties are supported.

InversePropertyMismatch(Object, Object, Object, Object)

[InverseProperty] attributes on navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' and on navigation '{3_referencedEntityType}.{2_referencedNavigation}' are not pointing to each other. Change the attributes to use the corresponding names or remove one of them.

InverseToOwnedType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The navigation '{principalEntityType}.{navigation}' is not supported because it is pointing to an owned entity type '{ownedType}'. Only the ownership navigation from the entity type '{ownerType}' can point to the owned entity type. See for more information.


The source 'IQueryable' doesn't implement 'IAsyncEnumerable<{genericParameter}>'. Only sources that implement 'IAsyncEnumerable' can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations.


Invalid token type: '{tokenType}'.

KeyAttributeOnDerivedEntity(Object, Object, Object)

The derived type '{derivedType}' cannot have the [Key] attribute on property '{property}' since primary keys may only be declared on the root type. Move the property '{property}' to '{rootType}' or remove '{rootType}' from the model by using [NotMapped] attribute or calling 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' on the base type in 'OnModelCreating'.

KeyAttributeOnDerivedEntity(Object, Object)

The derived type '{derivedType}' cannot have the [Key] attribute on property '{property}' since primary keys may only be declared on the root type.

KeyInUse(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Cannot remove key {keyProperties} from entity type '{entityType}' because it is referenced by a foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} defined on entity type '{dependentType}'. Remove or change the principal key for all referencing foreign keys before removing the key.

KeyInUse(Object, Object, Object)

Cannot remove key {key} from entity type '{entityType}' because it is referenced by a foreign key in entity type '{dependentType}'. All foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the referenced key can be removed.

KeylessTypeExistingKey(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as keyless because it contains a key {keyProperties}.


The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as keyless because it contains a key.


Unable to track an instance of type '{type}' because it does not have a primary key. Only entity types with a primary key may be tracked.

KeylessTypeWithKey(Object, Object)

The key {keyProperties} cannot be added to keyless type '{entityType}'.

KeyPropertiesWrongEntity(Object, Object)

The specified key properties {keyProperties} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure key properties are declared on the target entity type.

KeyPropertyCannotBeNullable(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because it has been included in the key {keyProperties}.

KeyPropertyInForeignKey(Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be part of a key on '{entityType}' because it has value generation enabled and is contained in a foreign key defined on a derived entity type.

KeyPropertyMustBeReadOnly(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' must be marked as read-only after it has been saved because it is part of a key. Key properties are always read-only once an entity has been saved for the first time.

KeyReadOnly(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is part of a key and so cannot be modified or marked as modified. To change the principal of an existing entity with an identifying foreign key, first delete the dependent and invoke 'SaveChanges', and then associate the dependent with the new principal.

KeyWrongType(Object, Object, Object)

The key {keyProperties} cannot be removed from the entity type '{entityType}' because it is defined on the entity type '{otherEntityType}'.


The type mapping for '{type}' has not implemented code literal generation.

ManyToManyOneNav(Object, Object)

The navigation '{entityType}.{navigation}' cannot be used for both sides of a many-to-many relationship. Many-to-many relationships must use two distinct navigation properties.

MissingBackingField(Object, Object, Object)

The specified field '{field}' could not be found for property '{2_entityType}.{1_property}'.

MissingInverseManyToManyNavigation(Object, Object)

Unable to set up a many-to-many relationship between the entity types '{principalEntityType}' and '{declaringEntityType}' because one of the navigations was not specified. Provide a navigation in the 'HasMany' call in 'OnModelCreating'. Consider adding a private property for this.


The model must be finalized and its runtime dependencies must be initialized before '{method}' can be used. Ensure that either 'OnModelCreating' has completed or, if using a stand-alone 'ModelBuilder', that 'IModelRuntimeInitializer.Initialize(model.FinalizeModel())' was called.


Cannot start tracking InternalEntityEntry for entity type '{entityType}' because another InternalEntityEntry is already tracking the same entity.

MultipleFilteredIncludesOnSameNavigation(Object, Object)

The filters '{filter1}' and '{filter2}' have both been configured on the same included navigation. Only one unique filter per navigation is allowed. For more information on including related data, see

MultipleNavigationsSameFk(Object, Object, Object)

There are multiple navigations in entity type '{entityType}' which are pointing to same set of properties '{properties}' using a [ForeignKey] attribute: {navigations}.

MultipleNavigationsSameFk(Object, Object)

There are multiple navigations in entity type '{entityType}' which are pointing to same set of properties using a [ForeignKey] attribute: '{propertyList}'

MultipleOwnerships(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' is the target of multiple ownership relationships: {navigations}.


The entity type '{entityType}' is the target of multiple ownership relationships.


Services for database providers {storeNames} have been registered in the service provider. Only a single database provider can be registered in a service provider. If possible, ensure that Entity Framework is managing its service provider by removing the call to 'UseInternalServiceProvider'. Otherwise, consider conditionally registering the database provider, or maintaining one service provider per database provider.

MustRewriteToSameNode(Object, Object)

When called from '{caller}', rewriting a node of type '{type}' must return a non-null value of the same type. Alternatively, override '{caller}' and change it to not visit children of this type.


The property '{keyProperty}' cannot be configured as 'ValueGeneratedOnUpdate' or 'ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate' because it's part of a key and its value cannot be changed after the entity has been added to the store.

NamedIndexDefinedOnIgnoredProperty(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The index '{indexName}' specified via [Index] attribute on the entity type '{entityType}' with properties {indexProperties} is invalid. The property '{propertyName}' has been marked as unmapped via the [NotMapped] attribute or the 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' fluent API. An index cannot use unmapped properties.

NamedIndexDefinedOnNonExistentProperty(Object, Object, Object, Object)

An index '{indexName}' specified via [Index] attribute on the entity type '{entityType}' references properties {indexProperties}, but no property with name '{propertyName}' exists on that entity type or any of its base types.

NamedIndexWrongType(Object, Object)

The index with name {indexName} cannot be removed from the entity type '{entityType}' because no such index exists on that entity type.

NavigationArray(Object, Object, Object)

The type of navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' is '{foundType}' which is an array type. Collection navigations cannot be arrays.

NavigationBadType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The type of navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' is '{foundType}' which does not implement 'ICollection<{targetType}>'. Collection navigations must implement 'ICollection<>' of the target type.

NavigationCannotCreateType(Object, Object, Object)

The type of navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' is '{foundType}' for which it was not possible to create a concrete instance. Either initialize the property before use, add a public parameterless constructor to the type, or use a type which can be assigned a 'HashSet<>' or 'List<>'.

NavigationCollectionWrongClrType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The collection navigation '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not implement 'IEnumerable<{targetType}>'. Collection navigations must implement IEnumerable<> of the related entity.

NavigationForWrongForeignKey(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' cannot be associated with foreign key {targetForeignKeyProperties} because it was created for foreign key {actualForeignKeyProperties}.

NavigationFromShadowEntity(Object, Object)

The navigation '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because it is defined in shadow state, and navigations properties cannot originate from shadow state entities.

NavigationIsProperty(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is being accessed using the '{referenceMethod}' or '{collectionMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a non-navigation. Use the '{propertyMethod}' method to access non-navigation properties.

NavigationlessOwnership(Object, Object)

The relationship between '{principalEntityType}' and '{dependentEntityType}' cannot be configured as an ownership as there is no associated navigation to the owned type. An ownership must always have an associated navigation. See for more information.

NavigationNoSetter(Object, Object)

The navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' does not have a setter and no writable backing field was found or specified. Read-only collection navigations must be initialized before use.

NavigationNotAdded(Object, Object, Object)

Unable to determine the relationship represented by navigation '{entityType}.{navigation}' of type '{propertyType}'. Either manually configure the relationship, or ignore this property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.

NavigationNotAddedAdHoc(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{entityType}.{navigation}' of type '{propertyType}' appears to be a navigation to another entity type. Navigations are not supported when using 'SqlQuery". Either include this type in the model and use 'FromSql' for the query, or ignore this property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute.

NavigationNotAddedComplexType(Object, Object, Object)

Unable to configure navigation '{complexType}.{navigation}' of type '{propertyType}' as complex types don't support navigations. Ignore this property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.

NavigationSingleWrongClrType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The navigation '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not match the expected CLR type '{targetType}'.

NavigationToKeylessType(Object, Object)

The navigation '{navigation}' cannot be added because it targets the keyless entity type '{entityType}'. Navigations can only target entity types with keys. For more information on keyless entity types, see

NavigationToShadowEntity(Object, Object, Object)

The navigation '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because the target entity type '{targetType}' is defined in shadow state, and navigations properties cannot point to shadow state entities.

NoBackingField(Object, Object, Object)

No backing field was found for property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}'. Name the backing field so that it is discovered by convention, configure the backing field to use, or use a different '{propertyAccessMode}'.

NoBackingFieldLazyLoading(Object, Object)

No backing field was found for property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}'. Lazy-loaded navigations must have backing fields. Either name the backing field so that it is discovered by convention or configure the backing field to use.

NoClrNavigation(Object, Object)

The navigation '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because there is no corresponding CLR property on the underlying type and navigations properties cannot be added in shadow state.


The CLR entity materializer cannot be used for entity type '{entityType}' because it is a shadow state entity type. Materialization to a CLR type is only possible for entity types that have a corresponding CLR type.

NoDefiningNavigation(Object, Object, Object)

The navigation '{navigation}' used to define the entity type '{entityType}' is not present on '{definingEntityType}'.

NoDiscriminatorForValue(Object, Object)

Cannot set the discriminator value for entity type '{entityType}' because the root entity type '{rootEntityType}' doesn't have a discriminator property configured.


The entity type '{entityType}' is part of a hierarchy, but does not have a discriminator property configured.


The entity type '{entityType}' has a discriminator property, but does not have a discriminator value configured.

NoFieldOrGetter(Object, Object)

No backing field could be found for property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' and the property does not have a getter.

NoFieldOrSetter(Object, Object)

No backing field could be found for property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' and the property does not have a setter.

NoGetter(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' does not have a getter. Either make the property readable or use a different '{propertyAccessMode}'.


An indexed property was added to entity type '{entity}'. But there is no public indexer on '{entity}' taking a single argument of type 'string' and returning type 'object'.

NoNavigation(Object, Object)

There is no navigation on entity type '{entityType}' associated with the foreign key {foreignKeyProperties}.

NonClrBaseType(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{baseEntityType}' is a shadow state entity type while '{entityType}' is not.

NonComparableKeyType(Object, Object, Object)

Property '{entityType}.{property}' cannot be used as a key because it has type '{providerType}' which does not implement 'IComparable<T>', 'IComparable' or 'IStructuralComparable'. Use 'HasConversion' in 'OnModelCreating' to wrap '{providerType}' with a type that can be compared.

NonComparableKeyTypes(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Property '{entityType}.{property}' cannot be used as a key because it has type '{modelType}' and provider type '{providerType}', neither of which implement 'IComparable<T>', 'IComparable' or 'IStructuralComparable'. Make '{modelType}' implement one of these interfaces to use it as a key.

NonConfiguredNavigationToSharedType(Object, Object)

The navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' must be configured in 'OnModelCreating' with an explicit name for the target shared-type entity type, or excluded by calling 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore'.

NonDefiningOwnership(Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{2_entityType}' owned by '{0_ownershipNavigation}' should use defining navigation '{1_definingNavigation}' for .


The DbContextOptions passed to the {contextType} constructor must be a DbContextOptions<{contextType}>. When registering multiple DbContext types, make sure that the constructor for each context type has a DbContextOptions<TContext> parameter rather than a non-generic DbContextOptions parameter.

NonIndexerEntityType(Object, Object, Object)

Cannot add indexer property '{property}' since there is no indexer on '{entityType}' taking a single argument of type assignable from '{type}'.

NonNotifyingCollection(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The collection type '{2_collectionType}' being used for navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' does not implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Any entity type configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy must use collections that implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Consider using 'ObservableCollection<T>' for this.

NonNotifyingCollection(Object, Object, Object)

The collection type being used for navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' does not implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Any entity type configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy must use collections that implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Consider using 'ObservableCollection<T>' for this.

NonQueryTranslationFailedWithDetails(Object, Object)

The LINQ expression '{expression}' could not be translated. Additional information: {details} See for more information.

NonShadowBaseType(Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{entityType}' is a shadow state entity type while '{baseEntityType}' is not.

NonUniqueRequiredDependentForeignKey(Object, Object)

The foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} on the entity type '{declaringEntityType}' cannot have a required dependent end since it is not unique.

NonUniqueRequiredDependentNavigation(Object, Object)

'{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' cannot be configured as required since it was configured as a collection.


A parameterless constructor was not found on entity type '{entityType}'. In order to create an instance of '{entityType}', Entity Framework requires that a parameterless constructor be declared.

NoProperty(Object, Object, Object)

No property was associated with field '{field}' of entity type '{entity}'. Either configure a property or use a different '{propertyAccessMode}'.

NoPropertyType(Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{type}' because no property type was specified and there is no corresponding CLR property or field. To add a shadow state property, the property type must be specified.


Unable to resolve service for type '{service}'. This is often because no database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the 'DbContext.OnConfiguring' method or by using 'AddDbContext' on the application service provider. If 'AddDbContext' is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext.

NoSetter(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' does not have a setter. Either make the property writable or use a different '{propertyAccessMode}'.


The database provider attempted to register an implementation of the '{service}' service. This is not a service defined by Entity Framework and as such must be registered as a provider-specific service using the 'TryAddProviderSpecificServices' method.


The database provider attempted to register an implementation of the '{service}' service. This is a service defined by Entity Framework and as such must not be registered using the 'TryAddProviderSpecificServices' method.

NotAssignableClrBaseType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{clrType}' is not a descendant of '{baseClrType}'.

NotCollection(Object, Object)

The property '{entityType}.{property}' cannot be mapped as a collection since it does not implement 'IEnumerable<T>'.

NotParameterizedAttributeWithNonConstantNotSupportedInPrecompiledQueries(Object, Object)

When precompiling queries, the '{parameter}' parameter of method '{method}' cannot be parameterized.

NoValueGenerator(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' does not have a value set and no value generator is available for properties of type '{propertyType}'. Either set a value for the property before adding the entity or configure a value generator for properties of type '{propertyType}' in 'OnModelCreating'.

NullableKey(Object, Object)

A key on entity type '{entityType}' cannot contain the property '{property}' because it is nullable/optional. All properties on which a key is declared must be marked as non-nullable/required.

NullRequiredComplexProperty(Object, Object)

The complex type property '{type}.{property}' is configured as required (non-nullable) but has a null value when saving changes. Only non-null complex properties are supported by EF Core 8.

NullRequiredPrimitiveCollection(Object, Object)

The primitive collection property '{type}.{property}' is configured as required (non-nullable) but has a null value when saving changes. Either mark the property as optional (nullable) or set a non-null value.


The object '{name}' has been removed from the model.


Options extension of type '{optionsExtension}' not found.

OriginalValueNotTracked(Object, Object)

The original value for property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' cannot be accessed because it is not being tracked. Original values are not recorded for most properties of entities when the 'ChangingAndChangedNotifications' strategy is used. To access all original values, use a different change tracking strategy such as 'ChangingAndChangedNotificationsWithOriginalValues'.


The owned entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type. See for more information.


The entity type '{ownedType}' has been marked as owned and must be referenced from another entity type via a navigation. Add a navigation to an entity type that points at '{ownedType}' or don't configure it as owned.

OwnershipToDependent(Object, Object, Object)

The navigation '{navigation}' cannot be changed, because the foreign key between '{principalEntityType}' and '{dependentEntityType}' is an ownership. To change the navigation to the owned entity type remove the ownership.


The DbContext of type '{contextType}' cannot be pooled because it does not have a public constructor accepting a single parameter of type DbContextOptions or has more than one constructor.

PrimaryKeyAttributeOnDerivedEntity(Object, Object)

The derived type '{derivedType}' cannot have the [PrimaryKey] attribute since primary keys may only be declared on the root type. Move the attribute to '{rootType}', or remove '{rootType}' from the model by using [NotMapped] attribute or calling 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' on the base type in 'OnModelCreating'.

PrimaryKeyDefinedOnIgnoredProperty(Object, Object)

The [PrimaryKey] attribute on the entity type '{entityType}' is invalid because the property '{propertyName}' was marked as unmapped by [NotMapped] attribute or 'Ignore()' in 'OnModelCreating'. A primary key cannot use unmapped properties.

PrimaryKeyDefinedOnNonExistentProperty(Object, Object, Object)

The [PrimaryKey] attribute on the entity type '{entityType}' references properties {properties}, but no property with name '{propertyName}' exists on that entity type or any of its base types.

PrincipalEndIncompatibleNavigations(Object, Object, Object)

When creating the relationship between '{navigationSpecification1}' and '{navigationSpecification2}' the entity type '{targetEntityType}' cannot be set as principal.

PrincipalEntityTypeNotInRelationship(Object, Object, Object)

You are configuring a relationship between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}', but have specified a principal key on '{entityType}'. The foreign key must target a type that is part of the relationship.

PrincipalKeylessType(Object, Object, Object)

The keyless entity type '{entityType}' cannot be on the principal end of the relationship between '{firstNavigationSpecification}' and '{secondNavigationSpecification}'. The principal entity type must have a key. For more information on keyless entity types, see

PrincipalOwnedType(Object, Object, Object)

The relationship from '{referencingEntityTypeOrNavigation}' to '{referencedEntityTypeOrNavigation}' is not supported because the owned entity type '{ownedType}' cannot be on the principal side of a non-ownership relationship. Remove the relationship or configure the foreign key to be on '{ownedType}'.

PropertyCalledOnNavigation(Object, Object)

'{property}' cannot be used as a property on entity type '{entityType}' because it is configured as a navigation.

PropertyClashingNonIndexer(Object, Object)

The indexer property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{type}' because the CLR type contains a member with the same name. Specify a different name or configure '{property}' as a non-indexer property.

PropertyConceptualNull(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' contains null, but the property is marked as required. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values.

PropertyConceptualNullSensitive(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' contains null on entity '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}', but the property is marked as required.

PropertyDoesNotBelong(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' belongs to the type '{expectedType}', but is being used with an instance of type '{actualType}'.

PropertyInUseForeignKey(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be removed from the type '{type}' because it is being used in the foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} on '{foreignKeyType}'. All containing foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed.

PropertyInUseIndex(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be removed from the type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the index {index} on '{indexType}'. All containing indexes must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed.

PropertyInUseKey(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be removed from the type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the key {keyProperties}. All containing keys must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed.

PropertyIsNavigation(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is being accessed using the '{propertyMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a navigation. Use either the '{referenceMethod}' or '{collectionMethod}' method to access navigations.

PropertyNotAdded(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{entityType}.{property}' could not be mapped because it is of type '{propertyType}', which is not a supported primitive type or a valid entity type. Either explicitly map this property, or ignore it using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.

PropertyNotAddedAdHoc(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{entityType}.{property}' could not be mapped because it is of type '{propertyType}', which is not a supported primitive type or a valid entity type. The property can be ignored using the '[NotMapped]' attribute.

PropertyNotFound(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' could not be found. Ensure that the property exists and has been included in the model.

PropertyNotMapped(Object, Object, Object)

The '{propertyType}' property '{entityType}.{property}' could not be mapped because the database provider does not support this type. Consider converting the property value to a type supported by the database using a value converter. See for more information. Alternately, exclude the property from the model using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.

PropertyReadOnlyAfterSave(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is defined as read-only after it has been saved, but its value has been modified or marked as modified.

PropertyReadOnlyBeforeSave(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is defined as read-only before it has been saved, but its value has been set to something other than a temporary or default value.

PropertyWrongClrType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{type}' because the type of the corresponding CLR property or field '{clrType}' does not match the specified type '{propertyType}'.

PropertyWrongEntityClrType(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{type}' because it is declared on the CLR type '{clrType}'.

PropertyWrongName(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{type}' because it doesn't match the name of the provided CLR property or field '{clrName}'. Use the same name or specify a different CLR member.

PropertyWrongType(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{property}' cannot be removed from the type '{type}' because it is declared on the '{otherType}' type.


The materialization condition passed for entity shaper of entity type '{entityType}' is not of the correct shape. A materialization condition must be a 'LambdaExpression' of 'Func<ValueBuffer, IEntityType>'.

QueryFailed(Object, Object)

Processing of the LINQ expression '{expression}' by '{visitor}' failed. This may indicate either a bug or a limitation in Entity Framework. See for more detailed information.

QueryInvalidMaterializationType(Object, Object)

The query contains a projection '{projection}' of type '{queryableType}'. Collections in the final projection must be an 'IEnumerable<T>' type such as 'List<T>'. Consider using 'ToList' or some other mechanism to convert the 'IQueryable<T>' or 'IOrderedEnumerable<T>' into an 'IEnumerable<T>'.


The replacement entity type: {entityType} does not have same name and CLR type as entity type this query root represents.


Translation of '{expression}' failed. Either the query source is not an entity type, or the specified property does not exist on the entity type.

QueryUnableToTranslateMember(Object, Object)

Translation of member '{member}' on entity type '{entityType}' failed. This commonly occurs when the specified member is unmapped.

QueryUnableToTranslateMethod(Object, Object)

Translation of method '{declaringTypeName}.{methodName}' failed. If this method can be mapped to your custom function, see for more information.


Query root of type '{type}' wasn't handled by provider code. This issue happens when using a provider specific method on a different provider where it is not supported.


The type '{givenType}' cannot be used as a primitive collection because it is read-only. Read-only collections of primitive types are not supported.

ReferencedShadowKey(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The relationship from '{referencingEntityTypeOrNavigation}' to '{referencedEntityTypeOrNavigation}' with foreign key properties {foreignKeyPropertiesWithTypes} cannot target the primary key {primaryKeyPropertiesWithTypes} because it is not compatible. Configure a principal key or a set of foreign key properties with compatible types for this relationship.

ReferenceIsCollection(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is being accessed using the '{referenceMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a collection navigation. Use the '{collectionMethod}' method to access collection navigations.

ReferenceMustBeLoaded(Object, Object)

The navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' cannot have 'IsLoaded' set to false because the referenced entity is non-null and is therefore loaded.

RelationshipConceptualNull(Object, Object)

The association between entity types '{firstType}' and '{secondType}' has been severed, but the relationship is either marked as required or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, configure the relationship to use cascade deletes. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values.

RelationshipConceptualNullSensitive(Object, Object, Object)

The association between entities '{firstType}' and '{secondType}' with the key value '{secondKeyValue}' has been severed, but the relationship is either marked as required or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, configure the relationship to use cascade deletes.

RelationshipCycle(Object, Object, Object)

A relationship cycle involving the property '{entityType}.{property}' was detected. This prevents Entity Framework from determining the correct configuration. Review the foreign keys defined on the property and the corresponding principal property and either remove one of them or specify '{configuration}' explicitly on one of the properties.

RequiredSkipNavigation(Object, Object)

'{entityType}.{navigation}' cannot be configured as required since it represents a skip navigation.

RetryLimitExceeded(Object, Object)

The maximum number of retries ({retryLimit}) was exceeded while executing database operations with '{strategy}'. See the inner exception for the most recent failure.


The same parameter instance with name '{parameterName}' was used in multiple lambdas in the query tree. Each lambda must have its own parameter instances.


Cannot save instance of '{entityType}' because it is an owned entity without any reference to its owner. Owned entities can only be saved as part of an aggregate also including the owner entity.

SeedDatumComplexProperty(Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because it has the complex property '{property}' set. Complex properties are currently not supported in seeding. See for more information. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property values.

SeedDatumComplexPropertySensitive(Object, Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}' cannot be added because it has the complex property '{property}' set. Complex properties are currently not supported in seeding. See for more information.

SeedDatumDefaultValue(Object, Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because a default value was provided for the required property '{property}'. Please provide a value different from '{defaultValue}'.

SeedDatumDerivedType(Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value provided is of a derived type '{derivedType}'. Add the derived seed entities to the corresponding entity type.

SeedDatumDuplicate(Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because another seed entity with the same key value for {keyProperties} has already been added. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values.

SeedDatumDuplicateSensitive(Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because another seed entity with the key value '{keyValue}' has already been added.

SeedDatumIncompatibleValue(Object, Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value provided for the property '{property}' is not compatible with the property type '{type}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property value.

SeedDatumIncompatibleValueSensitive(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value '{value}' provided for the property '{property}' is not compatible with the property type '{type}'.

SeedDatumMissingValue(Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because no value was provided for the required property '{property}'.

SeedDatumNavigation(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because it has the navigation '{navigation}' set. To seed relationships, add the entity seed to '{relatedEntityType}' and specify the foreign key values {foreignKeyProperties}. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property values.

SeedDatumNavigationSensitive(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}' cannot be added because it has the navigation '{navigation}' set. To seed relationships, add the entity seed to '{relatedEntityType}' and specify the foreign key values {foreignKeyProperties}.

SeedDatumSignedNumericValue(Object, Object)

The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because a non-zero value is required for property '{property}'. Consider providing a negative value to avoid collisions with non-seed data.


The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because keyless entity types are not supported. Consider providing a key or removing the seed data.

SelfReferencingNavigationWithInverseProperty(Object, Object, Object, Object)

A relationship cannot be established from property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' to property '{3_referencedEntityType}.{2_referencedProperty}'. Check the values in the [InverseProperty] attribute to ensure relationship definitions are unique and reference from one navigation to its corresponding inverse navigation.

SelfReferencingNavigationWithInverseProperty(Object, Object)

The inverse for the navigation '{entityType}.{property}' cannot be the same navigation. Change the value in the [InverseProperty] attribute to a different navigation.


configuration added for '{key}'


configuration changed for '{key}'


configuration removed for '{key}'


The entity type '{entityType}' is in shadow state. A valid model requires all entity types to have a corresponding CLR type.

ShadowManyToManyNavigation(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Unable to set up a many-to-many relationship between '{leftEntityType}.{leftNavigation}' and '{rightEntityType}.{rightNavigation}' because one or both of the navigations don't have a corresponding CLR property. Consider adding a corresponding private property to the entity CLR type.


The shared-type entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type.

SingletonOptionChanged(Object, Object)

A call was made to '{optionCall}' that changed an option that must be constant within a service provider, but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow Entity Framework to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or ensure that the configuration for '{optionCall}' does not change for all uses of a given service provider passed to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'.

SingletonRequired(Object, Object)

An attempt was made to register an instance for the '{scope}' service '{service}'. Instances can only be registered for 'Singleton' services.

SkipInverseMismatchedForeignKey(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)

The foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} cannot be set for the skip navigation '{navigation}' as it uses the join entity type '{joinType}' while the inverse skip navigation '{inverse}' is associated with a foreign key using the join entity type '{inverseJoinType}'. The inverse navigation must use the same join entity type.

SkipInverseMismatchedJoinType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The skip navigation '{inverse}' using the join entity type '{inverseJoinType}' cannot be set as the inverse of '{navigation}', which uses the join entity type '{joinType}'. The inverse navigation must use the same join entity type.

SkipNavigationForeignKeyWrongDependentType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} cannot be used for the skip navigation '{entityType}.{navigation}' because it is declared on the entity type '{dependentEntityType}', but a foreign key on '{entityType}' is expected.

SkipNavigationForeignKeyWrongPrincipalType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The foreign key {foreignKeyProperties} cannot be used for the skip navigation '{entityType}.{navigation}' because it is declared on the entity type '{entityType}', but a foreign key on '{principalEntityType}' is expected.

SkipNavigationInUseBySkipNavigation(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The skip navigation '{entityType}.{skipNavigation}' cannot be removed because it is configured as the inverse of the skip navigation '{referencingEntityType}.{inverseSkipNavigation}'. All referencing skip navigations must be removed before this skip navigation can be removed.

SkipNavigationInUseBySkipNavigation(Object, Object, Object)

The skip navigation '{skipNavigation}' cannot be removed because it is set as the inverse of the skip navigation '{inverseSkipNavigation}' on '{referencingEntityType}'. All referencing skip navigations must be removed before this skip navigation can be removed.

SkipNavigationNoForeignKey(Object, Object)

The skip navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' doesn't have a foreign key associated with it. Every skip navigation must have a configured foreign key.

SkipNavigationNoInverse(Object, Object)

The skip navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' doesn't have an inverse navigation configured. Every skip navigation should have an inverse skip navigation.

SkipNavigationNonCollection(Object, Object)

The skip navigation '{1_entityType}.{0_navigation}' is not a collection. Only collection skip navigations are currently supported.

SkipNavigationWrongInverse(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The skip navigation '{inverse}' declared on the entity type '{inverseEntityType}' cannot be set as the inverse of '{navigation}', which targets '{targetEntityType}'. The inverse navigation should be declared on the target entity type.

SkipNavigationWrongType(Object, Object, Object)

The skip navigation '{navigation}' cannot be removed from the entity type '{entityType}' because it is defined on the entity type '{otherEntityType}'.

StoreGenValue(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' cannot be assigned a value generated by the database. Store-generated values can only be assigned to properties configured to use store-generated values.

TempValue(Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' cannot be assigned a temporary value. Temporary values can only be assigned to properties configured to use store-generated values.

TempValuePersists(Object, Object, Object)

The property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' has a temporary value while attempting to change the entity's state to '{state}'. Either set a permanent value explicitly, or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property.

TrackingTypeMismatch(Object, Object)

The instance of entity type '{runtimeEntityType}' cannot be tracked as the entity type '{entityType}' because the two types are not in the same hierarchy.


The LINQ expression '{expression}' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See for more information.

TranslationFailedWithDetails(Object, Object)

The LINQ expression '{expression}' could not be translated. Additional information: {details} Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See for more information.

TypeConfigurationConflict(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The type '{type}' has been configured as '{typeConfiguration}', this conflicts with type '{otherType}' configured as '{otherTypeConfiguration}'. All base types and implemented interfaces must have the same configuration type.


The type '{type}' has not been configured as a shared type in the model. Before calling 'UsingEntity' add the entity type in the model as a shared entity.

UnableToDiscriminate(Object, Object)

Unable to materialize entity instance of type '{entityType}'. No discriminators matched the discriminator value '{discriminator}'.

UnableToSetIsUnique(Object, Object, Object)

Unable to set 'IsUnique' to '{isUnique}' on the relationship associated with the navigation '{2_entityType}.{1_navigationName}' because the navigation has the opposite multiplicity.

UnconfigurableType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

The type '{type}' cannot be configured as '{configuration}' since model building assumes that it is configured as '{expectedConfiguration}'. Remove the unsupported configuration for '{configurationType}'.


Default type mapping cannot be configured for the type '{type}' since it's not a valid scalar type. Remove the unsupported configuration.


Unhandled expression node type '{nodeType}'.


Unhandled member binding type '{bindingType}'.


Unhandled 'INavigationBase' of type '{type}'.


Unhandled {entity} encountered.

UnknownKeyValue(Object, Object)

The value of '{entityType}.{property}' is unknown when attempting to save changes. This is because the property is also part of a foreign key for which the principal entity in the relationship is not known.

UnknownShadowKeyValue(Object, Object)

The value of shadow key property '{entityType}.{property}' is unknown when attempting to save changes. This is because shadow property values cannot be preserved when the entity is not being tracked. Consider adding the property to the entity's .NET type. See for more information.

UnnamedIndexDefinedOnIgnoredProperty(Object, Object, Object)

The unnamed index specified via [Index] attribute on the entity type '{entityType}' with properties {indexProperties} is invalid. The property '{propertyName}' was marked as unmapped by [NotMapped] attribute or 'Ignore()' in 'OnModelCreating'. An index cannot use unmapped properties.

UnnamedIndexDefinedOnNonExistentProperty(Object, Object, Object)

An unnamed index specified via [Index] attribute on the entity type '{entityType}' references properties {indexProperties}, but no property with name '{propertyName}' exists on that entity type or any of its base types.

UntrackedDependentEntity(Object, Object, Object)

The entity type '{entityType}' uses a shared type and the supplied entity is currently not being tracked. To start tracking this entity, call '{referenceCall}' or '{collectionCall}' on the owner entry.

ValueCannotBeNull(Object, Object, Object)

The value for property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' cannot be set to null because its type is '{propertyType}' which is not a nullable type.

ValueGenWithConversion(Object, Object, Object)

Value generation is not supported for property '{entityType}.{property}' because it has a '{converter}' converter configured. Configure the property to not use value generation using 'ValueGenerated.Never' or 'DatabaseGeneratedOption.None' and specify explicit values instead.


Calling '{visitMethodName}' is not allowed. Visit the expression manually for the relevant part in the visitor.

WarningAsErrorTemplate(Object, Object, Object)

An error was generated for warning '{eventName}': {message} This exception can be suppressed or logged by passing event ID '{eventId}' to the 'ConfigureWarnings' method in 'DbContext.OnConfiguring' or 'AddDbContext'.

WeakBaseType(Object, Object)

The type '{entityType}' cannot have entity type '{baseType}' as the base type because the latter has a defining navigation.


The entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type because it has a defining navigation.

WrongGenericPropertyType(Object, Object, Object, Object)

Property '{1_entityType}.{0_property}' is of type '{actualType}' but the generic type provided is of type '{genericType}'.


Cannot start tracking the entry for entity type '{entityType}' because it was created by a different StateManager instance.

Applies to

Product Versions
Entity Framework Core 3.0, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0