KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity2 function (wdm.h)
This routine returns the current multi-group processor affinity of the given NUMA node.
NTSTATUS KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity2(
[in] USHORT NodeNumber,
[out] PGROUP_AFFINITY GroupAffinities,
[in] USHORT GroupAffinitiesCount,
[out] PUSHORT GroupAffinitiesRequired
[in] NodeNumber
Supplies the node number of the node to query.
[out] GroupAffinities
Supplies a pointer to an array of GROUP_AFFINITY structures that upon success receive a group number and the affinity mask of the identified group.
[in] GroupAffinitiesCount
A value of type USHORT that specifies the number of elements in the group affinities array. If the array is too small to hold the node affinity then STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned and the number of elements required is returned in GroupAffinitiesRequired.
[out] GroupAffinitiesRequired
A pointer to a value of type USHORT that receives the number of group affinities required to represent the node affinity. In the case of a memory-only NUMA node, zero is returned.
STATUS_SUCCESS if the node affinity was queried successfully.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER if an invalid node number was specified.
STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the supplied array is too small.
Starting in Windows Server 2022, the operating system no longer splits large NUMA nodes; instead, Windows reports the true NUMA topology of the system. When a node contains more than 64 processors, a NUMA node spans across more than a single group. In this case, the system assigns a primary group for each NUMA node. The primary group is always the one containing the most processors. To determine the number of active processors in a given NUMA node (across all groups), call KeQueryNodeActiveProcessorCount. For more info about this change in behavior, see NUMA Support.
To re-enable the legacy node splitting behavior, make the following change to the registry and reboot the system:
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NUMA" /v SplitLargeNodes /t REG_DWORD /d 1
If your driver maps processors to NUMA nodes by calling KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity, and your code runs on systems with more than 64 processors per NUMA node, use one of the following workarounds:
Migrate to the multi-group node affinity APIs (user-mode and kernel-mode), such as KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity2.
Call KeQueryLogicalProcessorRelationship with RelationNumaNode to directly query the NUMA node associated with a given processor number.
The following example shows code that would be problematic on Windows Server 2022 and later, and then shows both workarounds.
// Problematic implementation using KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity.
USHORT CurrentNode;
USHORT HighestNodeNumber;
ULONG ProcessorIndex;
HighestNodeNumber = KeQueryHighestNodeNumber();
for (CurrentNode = 0; CurrentNode <= HighestNodeNumber; CurrentNode += 1) {
KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity(CurrentNode, &NodeAffinity, NULL);
while (NodeAffinity.Mask != 0) {
ProcessorNumber.Group = NodeAffinity.Group;
BitScanForward(&ProcessorNumber.Number, NodeAffinity.Mask);
ProcessorIndex = KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber(&ProcessorNumber);
ProcessorNodeContexts[ProcessorIndex] = NodeContexts[CurrentNode;]
NodeAffinity.Mask &= ~((KAFFINITY)1 << ProcessorNumber.Number);
// Resolution using KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity2.
USHORT CurrentIndex;
USHORT CurrentNode;
USHORT CurrentNodeAffinityCount;
USHORT HighestNodeNumber;
ULONG MaximumGroupCount;
PGROUP_AFFINITY NodeAffinityMasks;
ULONG ProcessorIndex;
MaximumGroupCount = KeQueryMaximumGroupCount();
NodeAffinityMasks = ExAllocatePool2(POOL_FLAG_PAGED,
sizeof(GROUP_AFFINITY) * MaximumGroupCount,
if (NodeAffinityMasks == NULL) {
HighestNodeNumber = KeQueryHighestNodeNumber();
for (CurrentNode = 0; CurrentNode <= HighestNodeNumber; CurrentNode += 1) {
Status = KeQueryNodeActiveAffinity2(CurrentNode,
for (CurrentIndex = 0; CurrentIndex < CurrentNodeAffinityCount; CurrentIndex += 1) {
CurrentAffinity = &NodeAffinityMasks[CurrentIndex];
while (CurrentAffinity->Mask != 0) {
ProcessorNumber.Group = CurrentAffinity.Group;
BitScanForward(&ProcessorNumber.Number, CurrentAffinity->Mask);
ProcessorIndex = KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber(&ProcessorNumber);
ProcessorNodeContexts[ProcessorIndex] = NodeContexts[CurrentNode];
CurrentAffinity->Mask &= ~((KAFFINITY)1 << ProcessorNumber.Number);
// Resolution using KeQueryLogicalProcessorRelationship.
ULONG ProcessorCount;
ULONG ProcessorIndex;
ULONG ProcessorInformationSize;
ProcessorCount = KeQueryActiveProcessorCountEx(ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS);
for (ProcessorIndex = 0; ProcessorIndex < ProcessorCount; ProcessorIndex += 1) {
Status = KeGetProcessorNumberFromIndex(ProcessorIndex, &ProcessorNumber);
ProcessorInformationSize = sizeof(ProcessorInformation);
Status = KeQueryLogicalProcessorRelationship(&ProcessorNumber,
NodeNumber = ProcessorInformation.NumaNode.NodeNumber;
ProcessorNodeContexts[ProcessorIndex] = NodeContexts[NodeNumber];
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2022 |
Header | wdm.h |
IRQL | Any level |