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Cube Properties - Multidimensional Model Programming

Applies to: SQL Server Analysis Services Azure Analysis Services Fabric/Power BI Premium

Cubes have a number of properties that you can set to affect cube-wide behavior. These properties are summarized in the following table.


Some properties are set automatically when the cube is created and cannot be changed.

For more information about how to set cube properties, see Cube Designer (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data).

Property Description
AggregationPrefix Specifies the common prefix that is used for aggregation names.
Collation Specifies the locale identifier (LCID) and the comparison flag, separated by an underscore: for example, Latin1_General_C1_AS.
DefaultMeasure Contains a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that defines the default measure for the cube.
Description Provides a description of the cube, which may be exposed in client applications.
ErrorConfiguration Contains configurable error handling settings for handling of duplicate keys, unknown keys, error limits, action upon error detection, error log file, and null key handling.
EstimatedRows Specifies the number of estimated rows in the cube.
ID Contains the unique identifier (ID) of the cube.
Language Specifies the default language identifier of the cube.
Name Specifies the user-friendly name of the cube.
ProactiveCaching Defines proactive cache settings for the cube.
ProcessingMode Indicates whether indexing and aggregating should occur during or after processing. Options are regular or lazy.
ProcessingPriority Determines the processing priority of the cube during background operations, such as lazy aggregations and indexing. The default value is 0.
ScriptCacheProcessingMode Indicates whether the script cache should be built during or after processing. Options are regular and lazy.
ScriptErrorHandlingMode Determines error handling. Options are IgnoreNone or IgnoreAll
Source Displays the data source view used for the cube.
StorageLocation Specifies the file system storage location for the cube. If none is specified, the location is inherited from the database that contains the cube object.
StorageMode Specifies the storage mode for the cube. Values are MOLAP, ROLAP, or HOLAP.
Visible Determines the visibility of the cube.


For more information about setting values for the ErrorConfiguration property when working with null values and other data integrity issues, see Handling Data Integrity Issues in Analysis Services 2005.

See Also

Proactive Caching (Partitions)