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Security Element (XMLA)

Specifies how to back up or restore security definitions, such as roles and permissions, during a Backup or Restore command.


<Backup> <!-- or Restore -->  

Element characteristics

Characteristic Description
Data type and length String (enumeration)
Default value SkipMembership
Cardinality 0-1: Optional element that can occur once and only once.

Element relationships

Relationship Element
Parent elements Backup, Restore
Child elements None


The Security element determines whether the security definitions, such as roles and permissions, defined on a Analysis Services database are backed up or restored during, respectively, a Backup or Restore command. This element also determines if the Windows user accounts and groups defined as members of the security definitions are included as part of the Backup or Restore command.

The value of this element is limited to one of the strings listed in the following table.

Value Description
SkipMembership Include security definitions, but exclude membership information, during Backup or Restore commands.
CopyAll Include security definitions and membership information during Backup or Restore commands.
IgnoreSecurity Exclude security definitions during Backup or Restore commands.