I can't seem to use Xamarin.Essentials in my net6.0-ios project. I'm only attempting to use Share (share a link) and Browser (open a link), but both fire "Not implemented ... pleast install NuGet package" errors. I have Xamarain.Essentials v1.7.3 installed via NuGet in this project, as well as a net6.0-android project where everything works without issue. I have disabled Linker.
I was able to get Share to work by cobbling together portions of Xamarin.Essentials.Share directly into the project, but this is obviously a very undesirable solution. I couldn't get Browser (OpenAsync) to work at all, even using this method.
Maybe I'm just missing some directive or something in my .csproj to tell Xamarin.Essentials that this is for ios? The project compiles and runs fine, but as soon as it tries to do anything platform-specific it crashes with the "Not implemented in this portable assembly" error, as if the ios-specific code just isn't compiled in my Xamarin.Essentials reference.
Using Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 10.